Ben was afraid; with reason. Amana’s head came down fast, her forehead striking him in the nose. Ben grabbed his nose, he yelled out in pain. Amana then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up in the air. Ben was thrown inside the kitchen, and fell on the small table and toppled it over to the side, hurting himself on the fall. 


“Fuck, fuck!” cried the head researcher. 


He got up and quickly spotted in the counter the knife Amana was using before. He lunged for it and, now facing the raging woman, tried to use it against her. The knife was falling down with no hesitation, but suddenly she threw a powerful kick right into his stomach. Ben flew backwards. He fell on his ass, his back hit the wall. He looked up, Amana was approaching with giant steps. There was a moment of amazement where he realized her kick pushed him ten feet across the room.


Before he could get up another kick reached him in the shoulder, then the leg, then his side, as much as he tried covering himself she did not stop reaching his body. She suddenly stopped, Ben looked up, she was red, sweating all over. He tried to take the opportunity to speak:


“I-I-I’m sorry! P-Please! Stop!”


Roaring, Amana grabbed him by the hair, in single pull she slid him to the center of the room, where he lay belly up. 


“Now, listen!” Amana was gasping for air.


“I’m sorry! justlet me go! I‘m sorry i beg you!” He was so scared he didn't try to get up, he just curled up and covered himself.


“No, no, no, I told you to listen.” Amana kneeled down over Ben, stting on hiss chest, she  wrestled his arms away from his face and slapped him twice, palm, then backhand. “Listen!” Ben looked at her in slence, only whimppering. “Do not bite.”


“What?” And with the question Amana’s hand came down and slapped him loudly again.


“Do not bite!" She roared


“W-what are you talking about?”


“DO! NOT! BITE!” he slapped him after every word, stronger each time.


“OKAY! Okay! Please, I- - I won’t… bite.”


Amana suddenly calmed down. A tornado disssapearing right after decimating a city. The face of a demon went back to that calm demeanor, and after came a gentle smile She leaned over until their faces met.


“Good” She licked his face, Ben got startled and tried to move away but both her hands held his head still. She was still panting from earlier, her tongue was long, he couldn’t see clearly but he felt it on his skin. She started on his chin and went all over his face drenching him in saliva. She finally slid her tongue inside his mouth and reached the back of his throat. Then he had a sudden realization that almost made him cry. It was delicious. The flavor of that roasted ham still lingered in her mouth. A tear came out, and she licked it off. She whispered  on his ear “Now, rembember the rule. Or i kill you.”


She got on her knees again, over his chest. She pulled at her boxers in oppostte directions until they teared in half. Beneath those boxers, she had a monster. It wasn’t fully erect and already it was bigger than most, definetly bigger than Ben. A danglng sack with balls the size of tennis balls.


Before Ben could scream in horror she jumped forward and sat on his face, her balls covering his mouth an nose. She shuffled her hips, which made her balls drag around his face. He could barely breathe, only when the position was right. He tried pushing her away but his body was powerless against her weight.


Her hand went under her wifebeater, two fingers pinching the nipple on her big breast. He then noticed, with horror, right in front of his eyes, that massive thing was growing and growing until it reached it’s apex. She then started stroking it, slowly. 


“Gooood boy, good boy, yess, just like that... mh... You are doing fine too, Ben, you are a promising flesh toilet. Now i want you to open that mouth, and, remember our rule” 


But he wouldn’t. That was too much, this was one thing but… but then she got a hold of his crotch. 


“Open your mouth.”She aid, almost laughing. “Do you need motivation?”


His voice was muffled beneath her balls, she couldn’t hear him but she knew he agreed. Ben was at the verge of tears, but he opened his mouth, slowly. When he opened it whole, one of the balls slipped right inside. He panicked. The whole thing was inside, the taste from before was the polar opposite from this, sweat and musk. Ben started screaming, and Amana seemed to like this, she stroked harder and moaned more. 


“Oooh… yes, those sweet vibrations… ahh… keep going! And don’t... you… Bite!.”  


It was horrible. He could feel it, with his teeth, with his palate and tongue, her testicle shooting out the cum. There was a slight change on it's size, like it was beginning to shrink. Above him, he saw her cock, right above his terryfied eyes. She aimed it at his eyes while stroking it faster than before. He twisted his body like a wild animal, but Amana didn’t even seem to notice. She was smiling while pointing her cock at his eyes. It was her smile, the last thing he saw before her view became white. 

January 4
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