Chapters 1-20, of 22
Searched for: any text, tags include: (booty, femdom, nonconsensual), author NOT among: (RandomAnon).
"You stand in front of the door to Ningguang’s room, pondering the reason for your sudden invitation. You reread the letter addressed to you for the third time, hoping for an answer you know isn’t t..."
5.5K words · 277 views
"Joe was a good person. At least, he liked to think so. He almost always said please and thank you. He frequently thought about volunteering at soup kitchens. He practically never forgot to call hi..."
14.8K words · 628 views
"Your mouth opened and closed a few times, but nothing audible came out. How were you supposed to respond to a question like THAT with a view like THIS? Obviously you had been ‘experiencing’ Monique..."
1.14K words · 354 views
friends with benefits
"From your mother’s large rounded ass cheeks to all the way up her back her body was shuddering, trembling in response to your stimulation down there. Deep in the tender folds of her asshole the gar..."
1.45K words · 1.2K views