“Fucking nutjob.” The Norm woman said dismissively. “If you want it so badly…” The Norm woman began. She opened her mouth and showed you to Natasha tauntingly. “Natasha! Help… help…” You weakly yell. You are battered, bruised, and you think you’ve broken something though you’re too terrified to pay attention to what. The Norm slams her mouth closed and swallows you down. “You’ll have to find it in my shit!”

You wish you could see the look of horror on Natasha’s face for yourself, but from your point of view all you could feel was a violent shake as you slid down the Norm woman’s esophagus. You screamed in terror as the slimy tube delivered you to your death. The woman’s stomach welcomed it’s meal and you landed with a splash, but before you could really feel the effects of the stomach acid, you were sent flying.


The Norm woman on the other hand giggled and was completely caught off guard by Natasha’s fist to her face. “Fucking psycho bitch!” Natasha yelled. A punch to the stomach followed, then Natasha tackled the woman to the floor. Natasha didn’t let the woman have a chance to recover and slammed her knees into the woman’s stomach. “Throw her up! Throw her up now!”

“Hold on Susanne! I’ll get you out of there!” Natasha screamed hoping you could hear her. The other patrons watched the fight unfold stunned, this wasn’t the kind of establishment where fights broke out. Though to call it a “fight” would imply the woman could actually do something back. Natasha had the woman pinned to the ground and was beating the everloving hell out of her.

The woman could barely raise her head, she was helpless before Natasha’s blind rage. “I said…” Natasha grabbed a knife off of their table and placed it on the woman’s stomach. “Throw her up now. Or I’ll get Susanne out another way.” Natasha glared down at the woman and lightly jabbed it into the woman’s stomach until it drew blood.


You were thrown about repeatedly, so much motion was happening you couldn’t tell which way was up. “out…. ere…” You think you hear someone yelling, but it would be hard to make out from inside if you were sitting still in the stomach, it was barely audible as you were getting tossed around the stomach. Quickly the stomach settled, and you could feel a rumble, a brief stop, then a rumble again repeatedly before it finally stopped. You were so confused, beaten, and terrified you couldn’t make sense of what was happening.

You feel yourself hit the entrance to the stomach again along with some other bits of food and feel yourself being forced into it. You stop, move through and away from the stomach, then again. You were screaming and crying and surrounded by slimy flesh and food and… and…

“Huck… Huck Huck HUC!!!” The Norm woman hurled. “HUC!!!” She hurled again and again. Natasha had moved the woman onto her side so she could vomit without drowning in her own puke. Finally, you came flying out and splat onto the floor, hunched up in the fetal position. “Susanne!” Natasha snatches you up out of the puddle of vomit. You’re shivering in terror, filthy, and you’re so badly beaten you struggle to stay conscious.

“Susanne?” You don’t answer, you can barely hear her and you’re in too much shock to respond. You've had so many nightmares of being eaten over the years but the reality was even worse than your worst fears. “I’m dead.” You say hollowly. “…all right. You’re going to be all right.” Natasha tries to comfort you but you’re beyond comfort. “I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead…” You keep repeating over and over.


Natasha got to her feet with you in her hand. “I’m sorry about the trouble.” She passed a couple of hundreds over to the waiter. “I’m dead I’m dead…” You keep repeating. Natasha leaves the Norm woman lying on the floor, she’s passed out by now anyway. Natasha leaves the restaurant, petting you gently with a finger trying to ease you. She gets in her car and drives away with you in one hand and the other on the wheel.

“I’m so sorry Susanne this is all my fault… I should’ve known going out was a bad idea.” She can feel you shivering in her hand. “I’m dead I’m dead…” You say to yourself. “You’re going to be alright, I’ll take care of you.” Natasha had to focus on driving as she made her way back to her apartment. As she pulled up to her apartment building you were still babbling incoherently.

Natasha carries you inside, you too out of it to pay any attention to what’s happening around you. She takes you over to the kitchen sink and finally washes off all the now dried gunk off your body. Still no sign you noticed anything different. Natasha hugs you to her chest lovingly and protectively. “Oh Susanne… I’m so sorry.” She feels guilty and brings you up to give you a kiss.


You see a set of lips coming your direction. “NO!” You shriek and they stop getting closer. “Don’t eat me! PLEASE DON’T EAT ME!!! NO! NO!!!” You scream hysterically. “Natasha! Get her away from me! GET HER AWAY!!!” You cry out in terror. “….me…uan” You hear something, but it sounds all distorted and demonic to your ears. “Please help me… Natasha please… don’t let the monster eat me…” You babble in a panic and shriek wordlessly at the huge creature that was going to devour you.

Little did you know Natasha was sobbing as you yelled at the “monster” and begged Natasha to save you… from herself.


June 11, 2023
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