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You scrolled through the ads for a while. Most of them barely concealed their intention of keeping you as a living fuck toy, should you ever show up at their door step. But eventually you found some, that seemed trustworthy. Or at least, the money was worth the risk...

Dennis, a 28 year old banker, not living that far from you in a high-rise apartment block, was offering 10,000$ for "a close and intimate night with a woman of small stature..." He wasn't bad looking either, you thought - he had short but full black hair, friendly green eyes and just the hint of freckles on his otherwise pale nose. Also, he was looking pretty suave in a business suit.

Natasha hadn't written much about her personal life, at least not a job description, but from the load of pictures she had posted, you could assume, she was a model. She was certainly looking the part. She had tan skin, long wavy brown hair that reached past her shoulders towards her lower back, and her swimsuit pictures definitly kept your attention for multiple reasons... She was also offering 10,000$ and was asking for "Drinks at my place. Let's get to know each other a bit more, see where it takes us..."

After some time you decided to reach out to...
June 3, 2023
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