You paid off the landlord the next morning when the implications finally hit you. You can barely remember the last time you had been on an actual date, and it had certainly never been with a Norm. You realized you liked women after the third bad date with a Shrink man, but your dates with Shrink women hadn’t gone past some fun over at their place. As for dating a Norm… well, you avoided them whenever you could. From what you’d seen the women among them for some reason seemed particularly sadistic, using Shrinks as sex toys, torturing them, stepping on them, and loved eating them and so you hadn’t even thought of getting with one of them.

However, here you were, in your best blue dress, anxiously staring at the gigantic clock waiting for it to finally strike 6pm. Natasha had called and said she was on her way, but what if… *BUUZZZZT!!* and there was the doorbell. You took only a moment to check yourself in the mirror and made your way down through the Tinies path.

You opened the door and looked out to see… “Wow…” Natasha made you feel underdressed. She was wearing a red dress that shimmered a bit in the evening light, red lipstick, and eyeshadow and probably other makeup that was less obvious. Natasha for her part was similarly awestruck. “Um…” You both took a minute to compose yourselves. “You look beautiful.” You manage to say. “Yeah… thanks…” Natasha blushed. “You too.”

“Well, um… may I pick you up?” Natasha asks and you nod. The now familiar feeling of her soft and enveloping you made your heart skip a beat. “Let’s go then. I made a reservation for 2 at Brasserie Lyon.” Natasha said as she got inside and placed you down in your cupholder. “Sounds French.” You noted. “Yeah, it’s got a 5 star rating and everything. Not too expensive though.”

The two of you make chit chat as you drive to the restaurant, but it wasn’t about anything important. That you both saved for the actual dinner. You soon parked at the restaurant and Natasha carried you in one hand and her purse in the other. “Natasha, table for 2?” She asked the waiter. “Ah yes here you are. And when will we be expecting the fine gentleman?” He asked. “She” Natasha emphasizes. “is right here.”  Natasha holds you up and presents you to the waiter. “Um… I apologize madame.”

The waiter quickly led you to your table before he risked offending you both any more than he had. Natasha placed you across from her and picked up the menu. “So um… you seem very… observant.” You note. “Observant?” Natasha asked. “Well, I don’t get the feeling I’m going to be accidentally stepped on or anything.” You admit.

“I’m used to it.” Natasha said. “My mom, dad, and ‘big’ brother all got the virus when I was 8. My uncle and 2 aunts caught it too.” Natasha looked away and sighed. “I was the only one of my living family that didn’t get it. The doctors are pretty sure I’m immune.” She said wistfully. “And there I was, an 8-year-old being raised by people smaller than dolls.” Natasha shrugged. “I pretty much had to raise myself from there. They tried to support me but there wasn’t much they could do.”

“Are they…?” You asked. “Oh my no, they’re all fine, just called them to tell them I had a date last week in fact.” Natasha looked back at you and smiled. “We had our share of close calls of course. I had to watch my step all the time when I was growing up. I had to make my own food and had to check that they didn’t fall in when I was eating it.”

Natasha looked back at you. “It’s so horrible how people treat Shrinks.” Natasha began to cry. “I’d go to school and see other Norms just casually munching on Shrinks in the lunchroom, crushing them without a thought in the hallways… what kind of people treat other people like that?” Natasha growled. “It’s why I have to pay someone like you just to let me anywhere near them, not to mention let me date them.“

“Well, honest question, why don’t you date other Norms?” You ask. “I’ve tried but…” Natasha sighs. “Nobody understands. Men Norms, women Norms, I tried to find someone who cared but…” Natasha flinched. “It wouldn’t be long before they would eat people in front of me and I couldn’t be with someone like that.”

“I can’t say I understand.” You admit. “I was born a Shrink so… yeah, I don’t even know what it’s like to be a Norm.” The massive world where everybody normal sized around you wanted you for a snack is all you’ve ever known. “My luck with other Shrinks hasn’t been good either. They never went further than a trip to the bedroom to be frank.” You decide to lay all your cards on the table. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me…”

“No no Susanne, there’s nothing wrong with you. It’s me who has something wrong with them.” Natasha admitted. “None of the Tiny women I paid to show up wanted to do anything more than earn their money and leave.” Natasha admitted “I don’t know why. I did my best to make them feel welcome.”

“No you’re… you’re gentle, and kind, and you make me feel safe. And you’re really really good in bed too.” You added. Natasha blushed and giggled. A different waiter came by and took your orders. You would just eat from Natasha’s plate, a Pot-eu-feu, and Natasha would order wine for herself. They didn’t have glasses in your size.

June 11, 2023
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