Look into one of those craigslist advertisements
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With a heavy sigh, you decide to open the pages of ads that you didn't want to. The section devoted to looking for shrink women. Sifting through the multiple ads, most of them were filled with horny guys looking for tiny women to pleasure them.

But after about an hour, you managed to find several ads that seem decent. The first one was a company looking for a miniature model. The details were that they wanted someone to pose with with other models to advertise a new project. They offer a couple hundreds bucks outright, plus a possibility of further employment. You assume that its a "possibility" because there's a chance someone would take you for themselves.

The next ad doesn't offer much information besides the fact that its an adult film. Apparently they want to use a shrink as a prop. Normally, this kind of work would be entirely off the table for you. The chances of dying during sex were high. The chances of being made a permanent sex toy were even higher. But...they were offering a five thousand dollar contract for shooting three movies. It almost seemed too good to be true!

Lastly, was an ad for someone looking for intimate company. Basically, they wanted a prostitute. Actually, there were multiple ads for that type of thing, but this one was offering decent money. If you were willing to cross that line, there was a lot of gigs you could take. But that's the most dangerous. The people that are willing to put out ads like this would likely just keep you as a sex slave without paying you.

After another hour of debating, you finally work up enough courage to respond to an ad. You type up a quick email and send your picture to...
June 3, 2023
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