Mind full of Sunshine
· original author:
Celesita simply lay there, bathing in the afterglow of her orgasm. Her minuscule toy had crawled completely inside her, ever so softly twitching, massaging her inner walls even now. There was no way it could escape. Not only were her muscles stronger than it, making it completely impossible for it to escape. Not only were her panties sealing it into her crotch. But she had utterly obliterated its sense of self, overriding even its most basic instincts with one simple desire: serving her.

"Keep going, little human... I'm not done!"

Instantly, the minute thing inside her obeyed. As soon as she had spoken, it kicked back into action, squirming in her pussy, kicking, groping, licking, kissing her. With a blissful sigh she leaned back into her throne, letting her sentient vibrator do its work.
Only barely did she think about how weird this was. Wasn't she supposed to be the kind and magnanimous ruler of Equestria? A figure everyone could look up to, safe in the knowledge that she would protect them?
Maybe. But even a kind goddess like her sometimes needed to vent, and this alien being called a 'human' was just perfect for that. After all, only she and her sister knew about it, and both of them shared their interest in... smaller beings. When Breezies were discovered, it took all of their combined willpower to not simply seal them in their respective bedrooms. With this humans, though, their urges had finally boiled over.
Speaking of her sister, at some point she would have to thank her. After all, Luna could have just taken the human into her own dream and done whatever she wanted. Celestia would have never known. But instead, her sister had sent it to her, giving her the opportunity to break it in much more quickly.

A big grin spread over Celestia's face... she knew exactly how to thank her sister. While her toy was pleasuring her, she invaded its mind, draining it of its memories. For the first time, she saw the planet it hailed from. Futuristic, but... dirty, in a way. Nonetheless, seeing those billions of tiny beings simply going about their life filled Celestia with countless ideas. She searched deeper, probing her plaything's mind for everything, until finally she saw it: the portal it had come through.
It led directly into Celestia's bedroom. Perfect. Searching for it would be absolutely no problem, then.

"Oh..." Celestia moaned, both at her toy's ministrations within her crotch as well as the thought that she might soon have so many more than just the human between her legs right now. Imagining the countless, minuscule hands all over her body was intoxicating, and in no time she had reached her climax once more, squeezing her toy as she came. Still, she wasn't satisfied.

"What am I to you..." she asked, her voice on the verge of breaking. The answer made her giddy. Her toy had no more use for words, instead she could read its mind. The human saw her as its everything, a kind and powerful goddess worth serving. She had drained all its negative emotions, leaving only the joy of being her plaything. Did it even count as sentient anymore? Who knew. But she couldn't help but climax again at the thought of having transformed a living being into nothing more but a willing sex toy.

~~The Next Morning~~

Celestia wasn't surprised at the state of her bed. Her sheets were messy, and soaked with her sweat and other fluids. Her panties were completely drenched. At some point in the night, the mind altering magic she had used on her plaything in the dream had carried over to its body. It had crawled into her, pleasing her both in the waking world and in the dream world. And still, it weakly kicked and ground itself into her walls, having received no order to stop. It was adorable, in a way. Single mindedly, it tried to fulfill its purpose, even ignoring the stress to its own body.

"We will build up your stamina over time, my little plaything. For now, rest. You've done a great job!"
Celestia patted her crotch, feeling her little toy relax inside her. She smiled. For now, she would keep it exactly where it was, even if it could rest. She had other, even more exciting things planned for now.

A change of underwear later, Celestia let her magic scan her bedroom. Finding a closed portal wasn't easy, but definitely possible for someone of her power. And indeed, just over her bed, she found the minute hole in reality. It was as small as the eye of a needle, but Celestia still felt it. The best part was, it wasn't even really closed. It was just inactive. All it would take to open it again was a slight charge of magic...

A flash shot out of her horn and instantly, the portal reopened. Giddily, Celestia bent down. It was barely as wide as one of her eyes, but it granted her a first look onto the world of humanity.
The portal seemingly had repositioned. It wasn't in the apartment of her toy human anymore, but instead hung high in the sky. A flying machine went past her, down below was a massive metropolis. Well, massive to the humans, at least. It could have fit into Celestia's bedroom easily.

The princess had to restrain herself not to simply jump through right this second. She felt like a child in a toy store and wanted nothing more than to get her hands on as many humans as she could. But for now, she hesitated... after all, she still had someone to thank. And maybe, some of her subjects deserved a treat like this as well. It had been a while since she had spent some time with her student and her friends...
June 2, 2023