Celestia's Plaything
· original author:
Your body completely frozen by her will, you could do nothing but stare helplessly as the solar titan slowly reached down, hooking one thumb into the waistband of her panties, and pulled them forward, creating an at once terrifying and arousing opening towards her crotch. Of course, your rational mind wanted nothing more than to look away, however Celestia didn't let you. With merely a thought, she forced you to look down, directly at her pussy. Even from up here, you could see that she was insatiably horny. The other humans had all been forgotten. You were the main attraction, now.

"Don't be afraid, little human," Celestia giggled, obviously reading your mind, "if you just let go and give yourself to me, this will be the start of your new life. A life in paradise, as a goddess' plaything. Your only reason to exist will be to pleasure me, and I will reward you for that." The same motherly tone she had used before was working its charm on you. Try as you might, you couldn't ignore your ever hardening member. The most primal urges of your body screamed at you to simply accept Celestia's demands, to become her toy and live forever as her sex pet. However, you couldn't just give up on your humanity just like that. You were still a person, not some plaything... were you?
"Hmm..." Celestia mumbled, her expression becoming more devious, "I see you still have some doubts. That won't do. I will only accept you once you have completely given yourself to me. But since you still hang on to being a person, I might have to... break you in, first."
Her voice made every hair on your back stand up as if an electrical spark had run through you. Her giggle nearly blew you away.
"Now, I will be playing rough for a bit... but don't worry. As soon as you accept to be my toy, I will reward you. Now... get into my panties!"

Your mind screamed at you to run away, but your body obediently jumped off her palm, sending you flying directly into the waiting abyss below. It was as if you were watching someone else controlling your body. You still saw through your eyes, but the connection between you and your body was severed. Celestia was in charge, utterly and completely.
As soon as you hit the soft fabric of her panties, she let go of the waistband. Mercilessly, it snapped backwards, slamming you directly into her waiting pussy. It drenched you in its fluids as the panties around you seemingly became tighter by the second, leaving absolutely no room for you to escape.

"Climb inside..."

You did. Digging your hands into her lower lips, she sighed as you parted them the slightest bit. The soft, pink insides caressed your body as it climbed inside, ignoring your pleading for it to stop. But even you couldn't resist entirely. As soon as your erect cock brushed over her labia, your thoughts became fogged with pleasure. For a moment, you wanted nothing more than to throw yourself inside and serve her in every way she wanted. Thankfully, you collected yourself quickly enough to not give in. But it wasn't like you had a choice, anyway.

"Pleasure me..."

Without hesitation, your body sprung into action. Your hands groped her walls. Your legs kicked and struggled to stimulate her. Even your mouth betrayed you as it started to plant kisses all over the soft, fleshy insides. The only part of you that was denied touching her was - as if to taunt you - your penis. Your arousal became almost painful... and you knew she wanted you to beg her for release.

"Give in, human..."

All of your body begged you to follow her command. But you couldn't, could you? If you did, what would be left of you? A mindless doll, a plaything, a sex toy in human form? You wouldn't be you anymore, that was certain. And what about the rest of humanity? Celestia was obviously dreaming of getting more... and if you gave in to her now, who would stop her?

But at the same time, why was it your responsibility? You had simply gone through a strange portal and fallen into the lap of a literal goddess that wanted to make you her sex pet. There was no denying it, the way you felt right now... it was pure bliss. And it wasn't even real. You couldn't imagine what it would be like for her to use you like this in the waking world. So why should you turn down, living like this? Paradise awaited you...

All you had to do was to cease being a person and become a toy...
June 2, 2023