The Second Sun
· original author:
Try as she might, Celestia couldn't tear her eyes away from the portal hovering just slightly above her bed. She barely even registered the knocking of her servants, sending them away with a hastily muttered order. The court could wait. Her duties could wait. This new world, filled with humans... how could she not give it all her attention? And besides, when had been the last time she had a vacation from the often mind numbing task of ruling Equestria? Not that she did not love her subjects, but sometimes dealing with them became tiresome.

Celestia lay down on her bed, the portal just the right height for her to see through. With a little tug of her magic, she widened the tear in reality so that she didn't have to peek through with one eye. Instead, it was now as big as her head, granting her a much clearer view of the other side.
The city below would have been gigantic to any human. While it looked like a child's toy to her, it's skyscrapers towered over the minute denizens. Even from her vantage point, the muffled sound of thousands of engines and millions of people reached her ears. This city was definitely larger than any town in Equestria. Not even Manehatten came close, Celestia was sure of it. A fact that sent a giddy smile over her face. One single human had already brought her so much pleasure. The mere thought of simply having ten more made her shiver... and now this bustling hive of humanity was hers for the taking.

At once, she had made a decision. Celestia's smile grew even wider as she forced the portal even wider with her magic. Absentmindedly, she reached between her legs and fished her little plaything out of her pussy.
"Don't worry, darling," she whispered to it as she simply let it fall into the open drawer of her nightstand, "I'll come back for you soon. And I promise... I'll bring you a lot of company."
Celestia almost slammed the drawer shut, so giddy was she. At first, she had wanted to wait. Examine this 'Earth' a bit more. Maybe let her sister or one of her students be the first to visit it. But now she realized that rhere were more humans... no, more toys down there than she could ever claim for herself. No matter how wild she got, even if she took this entire city for herself, there would be more than enough for the others. And besides... didn't she deserve to visit this playground first? It was her who had discovered it, after all.

The aching between her loins had become almost unbearable. Her whole body tingled with excitement. She looked down at herself, smirking at her clothes. The thought of those humans seeing her in nothing but a bright orange bra and panties excited her greatly. Her pristine fur, her gently flowing, prismatic mane... to them, she would appear as an absolute goddess of beauty. Having her more private parts hidden would only enhance that effect. Not to mention certain other, more restrictive functions these garments could serve.

With one final tug of her magic, the portal was wide enough for her to climb through.
Celestia grinned.
Celestia shivered.
Celestia jumped through...

The change in atmosphere was electrifying. So much so that Celestia nearly forgot to unfurl her massive, sky darkening wings. This world was... different. Something about it, something she couldn't quite place made her feel... big. But it wasn't simply the fact that she was larger than any living being on this planet. No, something about herself felt strange. As if her power had just doubled...
Celestia shook her head - evaporating a few clouds - and instead focused her eyes on the city below. Who cared about this feeling? She had other plans, after all... and apparently, her newest playthings had already discovered her! Not that it was hard for them. Her enormous body bathed the town below her in shadow. The mere sight of it made her giddy. Thousands of humans on the streets had been paralyzed by her sudden appearance. Down there they were, pressed up against the windows of their little driving machines and glass towers, staring up at her in pure, unadulterated awe. Her divine appearance had stunned them utterly... at least, for a moment. As Celestia turned her head to look at them, the spell broke. Screams echoed up at her as panic gripped the little humans and they turned to run away, anywhere that was safe from the gargantuan goddess that had suddenly deemed them worthy of her attention.

Another shiver ran down Celestia's spine. Back in Equestria, she was the kind, magnanimous ruler that everyone loved. To her subjects she promised safety and friendship. The experience of being feared was unfamiliar... but not altogether bad. Seeing all those tiny dots desperately try to flee from her... she couldn't lie, it excited her more than anything else. And though she knew it was wrong, she wanted to enjoy that feeling a little bit. She wouldn't hurt any of them... but they didn't need to know that.

With an earthshaking crash, Celestia let herself fall down onto the rapidly emptying street. Abandoned cars were turned to metal pancakes as her feet slammed onto the asphalt, cracking the ground like a fragile eggshell. As her toes dug into the earth, the sheer force of her impact sent out a shock wave that blasted over many of the fleeing humans. Windows shattered. Cars were sent flying.
In this split second of utter chaos - people flying through the air, falling from their offices, being buried underneath asphalt and metal - Celestia tapped into her magic. Usually, a spell to protect from harm would take quite a lot of energy... but since she was an utter titan, she could easily make it so that this entire city would be impervious to any of her actions. Well, the living inhabitants, anyway. A predatory grin spread over Celestia's mouth. She was in the mood to play a bit wild... and she really didn't care about these buildings.

But as her horn glowed and her magic flowed out of her, Celestia couldn't help but gasp as something else flowed into her. As she cast her protective spell, it felt as if a hot tendril made of pure energy connected with her. And with a start, she realized two very important things that made her smile grow only wider.
First, this world was utterly devoid of its own magic. The force simply didn't exist within this universe. She had know as much from reading her little plaything's mind, but now she realized that this meant that not a single thing here - be it a living being or just the natural world - had been touched by magic. This made this entire world more like putty in her hands, able to be formed into anything she desired.
Second, this strange new energy wasn't alien to her at all. It was the energy of the sun she was using. Not hers, but the sun of this planet. By instinct, she had reached out to it and simply wrenched its power from it for her own use. But somehow the connection to her own sun was still there... meaning she was now fueled by twice as much energy as before.

Celestia's eyes widened with shock. In Equestria, she was revered as a goddess. Here on Earth, however, she was even more than that. Her power was... absolutely limitless!

And right now, there was nothing she wanted more than to test it out! Celestia's eyes wandered over the fleeing humans, than at herself. There were so many things she could do. Nothing was limiting her except for her own creativity. By simply arriving, she had made this world hers... and now she needed to decide how to play with it!
Did she want toys? She could easily collect as many humans for her pleasure as she wanted.
Did she want worshipers? A simple flick of magic would make the panicked humans into obedient servants.
Or did she want to further? There was nothing she couldn't do... she could grow herself a hundred times. She could transform this entire world to a shape of her pleasing. She could do... anything.

A grin spread over her face as she decided to...
June 2, 2023