Celestia decides that she's not going to Ea...
Celestia's mouth began filling with drool, at the possibilities and her hand began to reach out to the portal before she suddenly withdrew it as if she'd just been snakebit.
No, now was not the time for it. Any pleasure worth having is best taken in moderation, and besides, the portal wasn't going anywhere, her magic had seen to that. Now was the time to think, to plan, to scheme of the best way to proceed from here. The humans at large were unaware of her existence, and she wanted to keep it that way.

That meant no getting greedy and gathering up as many humans as she can just because she can. Celestia was content with her own loyal worshipper for now, as enthusiastic as he was, she was sure to be entertained for some time.
She opened her wardrobe and put on her usual court attire, her simple white dress, her golden shoes, and barding, and finally her golden tiara.
Celestia smoothed out the ruffles in her dress and smiled as she gazed into the mirror. Deep inside her core could she feel the human stir against her inner walls, and so she pressed a hand to her panties and giggled, "Worry not little one. for soon I will get my wish to enjoy more of your kind. All in good time. All in good time. "

Soon his body settled back into place, and Celestia sighed in contentment. Life was good.

Then what happened was...
June 2, 2023