Sticks the Milf
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Inside Stick’s womb. Vanilla was struggling inside trying to think if she can use any magic in order to free herself. It was then she felt something pinch against her stomach. She was barely able to see but it was an umbilical cord attached to her bellybutton linking her to Sticks. Vanilla’s womb tattoo began to glow and Vanilla felt strange. She can feel her magical essence being drained through her umbilical cord. Not only that she felt like her body was getting smaller as she was regressing in age with her breasts, ass, and curves disappearing while her belly remained huge. Once she became a couple of years old her body was covered in a ball of magical energy. When the energy faded away what was revealed where you and two bunny fetuses who all three were a few months old.

Few minutes earlier with Sticks, she was struggling to move as her huge belly containing Vanilla and her captives. “Man, I wish she wasn’t so big. I can barely move at all”. Her womb tattoo glowed some more and she just watched as her large belly was shrinking. Her belly became more of a manageable size and slowly started to get off the floor. She was curious with the glow from earlier so she went to the mirror and saw the tattoo. “What did she do to me?” Her worries didn’t end as she felt her body becoming more strange like some energy coming from her belly and traveling throughout her body. Her chest started to inflate growing twice in size causing her tube top to rip and her boobs broke free bouncing all over while she felt heavier from the back as both her butt cheeks inflated as well making it bounce with one little move she made. She started getting curves in all the right places and her hips getting wider ready to push newborns out easily later.

Sticks’ final change was hair locks becoming extended as her hair grew longer. “Ah! Cream’s mom has turned me into some kind of seductress. Or maybe she made my body to produce more children for her and Amy to perform more of this black magic”. Her theory making was interrupted when she felt kicks from inside her belly. They were more calm then when Vanilla was cooking so she assumed, “Cream? [Y/N]? Is that you?”. All she got was a few more kicks. “Maybe we should go somewhere else. Who knows if Amy might come here to visit. She placed on her skirt being covered by her belly but had no top anymore having to make one with her new size in mind later. She went out a window struggling a bit as she went...
June 2, 2023