Tells a lie saying she was pregnant for a while...
Before Cream could spill the beans, Vanilla immediately interjected "I've been pregnant for a while already. It just it's starting to show, I'm sorry for being deceptive about it but I wanted it to be a surprise."

"And what a surprise!"

"So, who was the lucky guy?" Amy's question made Vanilla uneasy as she doesn't know how to answer but Cream back her up but for the wrong reason.

"[N/Y]!" Cream says "And he is in reality-"

"He is a human." The girls gaped, staring at Vanilla with amazement and surprise but she continues "He came to us as a traveling man and things come to another and..." Vanilla giggled as she rubs her belly "He left but gave me a gift."

Cream was confused why her mother don't let her tell the truth, Vanilla glance her with a look that, the young rabbit then understood and decided to follow along.

"Wait, he left?" Amy asked "Why?"

"Yeah, doesn't feel like a gentleman leaving with a child." Blaze frowns, Tikal agreed. Vanilla for her part shock her head.

"... it's not that, is that... well, he.." Millie or Tails gasped then giggled.

"Oh! I know! You slept with him and made him to knock you up without his knowledge." Amy and Blaze's expression switched into one of realization then a sly grin.

Vanilla decided to follow that excuse and giggled and rubbed her lively belly "He didn't know but I gave him warm bed and a company before he set on his journey and in turn, he sow in me his precious seed."

"Awww! That's romantic!" Amy cooed as she imagine the scenario. Millie joins as well, mimicking Amy. Blaze however, smiles.

"Hope we could meet this guy."

"Hehe, maybe he let us have fun too~!" The Pink hedgehog winked as she fantasises the meeting I'm her head with a perverted expression, Tikal sweatdrop on seeing this.

"So..." Tikal returned the conversation "How long left?"

"Just a short of four months." She says with a warm, gentle smile. "He also lively in there, he can't wait to meet you all."
June 2, 2023