You drink a little of her juices and become horny
· original author:
Okay, so maybe you drank a little bit. You couldn't help it! Ms. Desk had your face mashed into her heated box and your hands glued to the chair legs while she worked, preventing you from breaking free. You couldn't simply close your mouth either, something in the way she smelled or the way she tasted was screwing with your mind, and as such you could do naught but kneel with your mouth hanging open. A strange and not uncomfortable warmth flared in your lower section and a strong sense of arousal began to overtake you. Slowly, reluctantly, your tongue began to move, lapping at the engorged lovelips unbidden.
Writing Desk sighed and giggled softly as she felt you begin to go to work, and stroked at your hair with her magic as if she were petting a cat. "There's a good colt. Keep going and don't stop."
Her muffled words barely registered with her surprisingly muscled legs wrapped around your head. but it didn't matter anyway. Upon getting a mere taste of her sweet gooey nectar something awakened inside of you.
However, colt? You were a man, but something was stopping you from making a rebuttal, you simply went to lap on the nether lips presented to you, she seems to be completely dominated by her heart you were more peeved that your magic wasn't working, you wanted to stop but you couldn't. Your tongue probed into lips, parting them and going savoring into her foal canal. You tasted her flesh and juice as you heard her moans, you felt your pants getting unbutton likely by her magic as she grind her hips on your face.
Writing Desk groaned and lightly squeezed your head, spurring you on to continue. "Ah, yes. That's it right there. You really know how to treat a mare, don't you?" At this point, your pants became completely loose and pulled themselves away from your body, and you could feel something gently caressing and squeezing your balls, no doubt the work of her magic. You pressed forth deep into Writing Desk's quim loosely flapping your tongue wherever it was directed and slurped up whatever fem you could find. It seemed like the more you tasted, the more you wanted, and the more you wanted, the more you tasted.
Holding onto your sanity was a struggle. At any moment it seemed like she was going to vacuum your consciousness into herself and not let go. The pussy was simply that good.
Right now, you focus on pleasing her, if that would leave you out of this situation faster although you wanted to grab her right now and now and plow her silly, your dick has been gotten hard and large as she continued to grind her hips on you, you heard her mewls and moans and a few cute neighs from her. She looked behind to see your risen rod and was pleased on seeing it.
The magic molesting your testicles moved down the length of your shaft toward the tip, lingered there for a moment, then moved back downward at an agonizing pace until it reached your ballsack once again, then started another trip all the way up to the glans. At the same time, a tiny stream of magic broke away and positioned itself at your urethra, then began worming its way inside, pulsing and undulating as it crawled down your shaft. Your eyes opened wide and your hips bucked against the intrusion, your body completely unused to what it's feeling.
"Shh... it's alright, you come to love this, I promise." She cooed gently but ended that with a lustful giggle as her spell continue to get inside of your length and worm it's way all the way into your body, stimulating your prostate while her magic stroke slowly your throbbing member as pre-come out considerably, gushing out of your swollen tip, you continue bucked in defiance and resistance, this reminds you that despite the lust and sex, you weren't in a good situation. Suddenly that bit of magic continues to venture deep until going back toward your balls directly.

A blast of air suddenly escaped your lungs in the form of a sharp gasp. The soft pulsing tendril, not content on brazenly violating your body was now set on invading the last unsullied part of your body, the mass of labyrinthine tubules where your sperm is produced.
"Oh yes," The mare said with a predatory grin "That's what I'm talking about... now... let see if this spell will work" Her horn shone with even more intensity as you felt the magic full overtake your intimate parts. It feels like she was burning your balls off! "Oh yes. They're growing nicely!" What..?
W-wait. What was she doing? You felt your penis heaving and twitching as yet more pre spurted out of you, and within your nutsack a strong pulsing warmth took hold. Essentially she was stimulating you in many ways at once in order to make you as horny as possible, to make you ready and willing to screw any hole in close proximity and blast them with your seed. That has to be what she's up to.
"You gonna be the desire of every mare in the town, colt. 'married' and single, young or old, it doesn't matter, you'll far more willing to breed them all once you catch their pheromones and she'll be more than happy to receive your hefty load and carry your foals." She lustful giggled as she continued eyeing your grown breeding tools, throbbing and needy, releasing crystalline looking pre in huge quantities from your tip.
June 2, 2023