There is a lot of things not despited in the Show.
First, you started with pony story, beginning with the tribes' formations and the stories behind them, there were several parallels Earth's Ancient Story and Civilizations. With Pegasus being similar to ancient Greeks or Romans, a set of pegasus towns unified into a mini kingdom by the iron hoof of Ponious Ceasar, they were the more warlike and expansionist minded of all the other tribes. They conquered and enslaved ground dwellers for food, riches and were the owners of the skies, they were on odds with Gryphons and Dragons for this aerial control

Earth Ponies has parallels with the Portuguese, Spaniards, Russians and Frenchs during the Renaissance era and unlike the warlike pegasus, they were farmers, miners and traders their goods to the Pegasus so they get the weather conditions needed for their farms and livelihood. It was also a way to prevent the pegasus or unicorns to enslave them by enabling necessary trade. They grew resentful of the two tribes because of their demanding nature.

The Unicorns had parallels with Medieval England, France, and Germany and were the most magical minded of the group as noted for their horns, it was also made them believe to be superior to the other tribes because of this trait. With their power combined, they could move the sun and the moon at will and were rightfully feared of this trait alone which only helped in feeding their egos.

The Tribes depended on each other despite the apparent hostility they have with each other. The Unicorns believed the Earth Ponies and Pegasus being Primitives and Brutes, Pegasis believed the two tribes to be spineless cowards and Earth Ponies disliked the arrogance or warlike nature of the two other species.

From there, you didn't find much difference to the show, they united after seeing that fighting over a land big enough for the three tribes weren't worth it and the cold conditions of their old land, Equinian, were following over thanks to the wendigos.

From there, all seems normal.

Until this.

There was a fourth tribe.

One that had a kingdom rooted in Equestria long before the other tribes arrived

The Alicorn Kingdom. It has no real-world parallel but found in Fantasy and Pop Culture, Elves. Living in spirally cities or none by having a perfect communion with the forests, like the Everfree, It is said that they have much more power than all the other tribes but how they lived or what happened to them is a total mystery, they simply disappeared once the tribes settled in Equestria alongside several races that used to call them home, Like Pixies, Fairies and... Humanity.

Humans were here too.

You hastily began searching for more info of humans in Equestria with your lexicon but it's scarce and limited but found inscriptions coming from a book called the "The Last of the Alicorn's legacy" and has a page dedicated to the "Kingdom of Men".

That was the information of your lexicon can provide, resuming the lengthy manuscript

"Enemy of Dragons, Rivals of Griffins, And Stelward Ally to the Alicorn Kingdom, Led by the Lord King Karl Gwyn, Relying on Metal, Stone, Faith and strong will" a Prose of the last known Alicorn Queen, Solaria Dawn

It taled a time before Equestrian's foundation, in how the Human Kingdom defended the Alicorns from total annihilation caused by the expansionist Dragons Warlords. In return, The Alicorns though Humans their form of magic and the two Kingdoms pushed back the Dragon Onslaught from their lands.

Anything else beyond that was a complete mystery.

There are theories such a war of mutual destruction to grand exodus but nothing really conclusive.

Even known Alicorns such as Luna and Celestia are relatively young that only appeared after ten thousand years of the civilizations' disappearance.

Fascinating, so You're not the only human in Equestria... well, they might think you hail from an ancient kingdom that used to exist BEFORE the ponies. And the Alicorns? You know that Celestia and Luna were created by the Tree of Harmony, maybe they were created based on the real alicorns that somehow went... extinct?

You might have to continue to go to the library for more books for more knowledge to the topic

June 2, 2023
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