She asks you more questions as you walk, and yo...
"So... What do you do?" The filly asks, it seems like an innocent question, You also have your own, do you think it's fair you also elaborate your own questions.

"Well.. I'm a magician." You said and proceed to make your hands glow in purple energy, making her stare at awe "So I tend to study and use spells while researching new ones." You let your magic subside and chuckled seeing the Filly's awestruck face.

"I didn't know Humans can do magic."

"We do but only those that can stand reading books and practice for days would only hope to get good in some basic spells... I'm more curious thought."

"About what?" She stares you curiously as you two walk.

"How do you know about Humans? I thought it wasn't common knowledge."

"Well, it kind of wasn't... until you appeared. That Mare, Lyra, I think, has been really been annoying lately about you being human at the initial days, most of the town wrote her off as lunatic but the more observant noted that she was right as you share a lot of characteristics of the extinct race and gave her, begrudgingly, credit and she has been writing a book about it now. As for the Town, the news of a new 'old' species coming, like that, out of the blue. Has become a growing topic of attention." Diamond Tiara explained, you noted some townfolk that looked and heard her nodded approval at her tale and even waved at you friendly, you returned the wave.

"It also explains people looking at us."

"Maybe..? Ms. Cheerilee has started to teach us at the school about the Kingdom of Man in history ever since the reveal that you're a human, ponies are now wholly curious now, you know and feel a bit sad too.." You blinked.


"You know? being the last of your kind... It must be awful being all alone!" There was some sadness and pity in that tone, she looked at you with a sadden look. She looked cute but also really sad and made you feel a bit guilty since technically, you are not hailing from this sect of humanity at all, that human race is long dead. Also, wasn't her being the mean one? The Bully?

What happen next?
June 2, 2023