Diamond Tiara
It was Diamond Tiara, the Pink filly rich bully of the Cutie Mark crusader she was smirking as she followed you. "You must be the new here, I'm Diamond Tiara, What's your name?"

"Anon." Short of Anonymous.

"Anon... Say.. what a Human is doing on Equestria?" You stopped on your track upon hearing saying that.

"How do you know that? That I'm a human and not a weird sapient ape."

"Duh! I'm the best in my class, Naturally" She said in a prideful tone but receded into a cherry one "But also, our Teacher told us the story of the Kingdom of Man and the Alicorn Kingdom just a few days after you arrived. All the school was talking about you."

You stared her down surprised, seeing her smile or rather smirk, there was something devious about it.

"About me?"

"Yup!" She nods "The town might not really care but some ponies do like...
June 2, 2023