Nico was once again thrown back into her worst nightmare. Just being told to wait out this torture like it was no big deal was soul-crushingly humiliating. Thankfully at least Nico wasn't being stepped on constantly, but she had a front row seat to Maki's wiggling toes and festering toe jam. The slime that surrounded her made her gag multiple times. It was a combination of sweat, sock lint, dirt, dust, and whatever other grime Maki had been stepping in. Occasionally Maki would tap on one of the piano's pedals, squishing Nico's face into a glob of toe jam.

Nico had to keep calm and remember that surely Maki would help her. Though Maki wasn't exactly being benevolent to her. Nico had to remember that the more she screamed and struggled, the more she shrank. If she continued to panic, she'd surely shrink small enough to get entirely consumed by the toe jam. The tiny school idol thought for a moment and calmed herself down. The only way she was getting out of her was patience. Nico took long, deep breaths, trying to ignore the only air she was breathing in was Maki's foot stink. It was gonna be okay, she was gonna get out of this.


After an hour of waiting, and constantly breathing in the toxic air supply of Maki's toes, Nico heard Maki bid farewell to her piano instructor. Hopefully the two school idols were now left alone. Nico's torture wasn't over yet, Maki walked back to her room, stomping on Nico with every dainty step. Did Maki even realize how much just a small movement had an effect on her??

"No, no, calm down Nico... It's almost over..." Nico breathed in some more foot funk, calmed down, and waited for Maki to release her.

Moments later, relief finally came. Nico saw light shining around her, and it felt like her struggles were finally over. Two giant pillars of flesh came and scraped Nico's body off the toe wrinkle she was trapped in. Nico held onto the fingernail that saved her as Maki whisked Nico up into the air and close to her nose. A loud sniffing sound nearly broke Nico's ear drums.

"God you stink. Have you showered, like, at all today? My feet didn't smell that bad, did they?"

Nico was about to blow off some steam at her redheaded captress, but when she looked at Maki's sincere smile shining down on her, she realized it was meant to be a playful jab. Maybe Maki really didn't realize the danger she was putting her through.

"They... yeah, they stunk pretty bad, haha..." Nico squeaked.

A look of surprise came over Maki's face. "Oh? I figured you'd be blowing up at me right now, thought I'd get an earful from you."

Nico was simply too tired to argue. She just wanted to get clean, rest, and potentially grow back to normal. "I don't have the energy to argue..."

In an instant, Maki's surprise turned into guilt. "H-hey, Nico... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... ya know... I think I went too far... I'll hear you out now, tell me everything."

"Sure, but first...

November 21, 2023