Trapped In Maki's Smelly Loafer
Nico landed with a sickly squelch on a warm leather-y surface. Her body was immediately splashed with a substance she didn't want to know the origin of. It covered her body and made it feel like she was doused in a sticky oil.
"Ugh, what is this nasty.... hurk! Blegh!" as soon as Nico began to complain her nostrils were assaulted with a horrid odor.
She knew she was in one of the girls' shoes, but she wasn't sure whose. She couldn't even imagine which member's feet smelled this awful to leave their scent stuck on the shoe for this long. Not to mention the pool of sweat that secreted from the insole every time she stepped on it. It was hard to believe she was trapped inside a shoe of all things, but her surroundings couldn't lie. It smelled like leather that was left to bake in the sun all day combined with a swamp composed of stinky cheese and sweat. Nico covered her nose and tried to breathe as little as possible.
It was hard not to let her anger to herself at this point, and Nico could feel herself shrinking away even more.
"Shit, fuck this whole situation, if I ever get out of here I'm killing that girl...!" she thought. The pools of sweat that once covered only her toes now coming up to her ankles. Nico's clothes were drenched by the hot, humid air. The smell of sweaty feet permeated every breath she took, and even if she covered her nose, she could still feel it tainting her lungs.
Nico ran to a wall of the shoe and grabbed onto it, hoping she could gain any traction and climb out, but her hands slipped off without fail each time. She was trapped in this dark, musty cave until Nozomi or someone else let her out.
She stared up at the giant hole in the sky that lead to the outside world of the clubroom. The pitiful girl wondered what all the other girls were doing, if they were having fun, or if they missed her. She wondered what excuse Nozomi made up for why she wasn't at practice. It all made her fuming, and thus, Nico shrank away until she was a mere milometer in size.
Every breath she took was filled with steamy sweat, and she feared the thought of being in the shoe when a girl's foot was actually inside with her. She hoped Nozomi would be sensible enough to take her out before that happened, but she doubted it.
"Phewwwww that was some workout! You really cracked that whip, Umi!" Nico's ears perked up as she heard Honoka's voice from afar.
It sounded terrifyingly loud, along with the myriad pairs of footsteps coming towards her location. Nico got up and ran underneath the opening of the shoe, hoping to be freed soon. The voices of the other μ's members were chatting away frivolously.
"Maki, you especially were working up a storm! I couldn't believe you learned those steps so fast!" Eli complimented the redhead.
"Yeah just look at all that sweat you worked up too, puhuhu~" Honoka joked, causing Maki to blush.
"W-who says that kind of thing to a girl!? I don't even sweat that much compared to you!" Maki retaliated.
The other members laughed as they entered the clubroom and started changing back into their school clothes to walk home. A giant figure appeared right above the opening to Nico's prison, and for a moment she thought she was saved. But it wasn't Nozomi there to take her out, it was the colossally beautiful figure of Maki Nishikino. Nico realized she was simply too small to notice and began backing away slowly, knowing what was coming next.
"Makiiiiiii! Nooooo! I'm down here!! Stop!! It's me, Nico!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as the girl's speck-sized body sprinted through the swamp of accumulated insole sweat.
The shadow of Maki's barefoot eclipsed any light coming into the worn out shoe.
"She's not even gonna wear socks!?" Nico gasped.
Indeed, it was a hot day, and a long practice. Maki had already spent the previous night studying their new routine, and her feet were extremely sore even before walking to school today. They were too hot and sweaty to put her black socks on now, she would simply have to wear her loafers barefoot.
Maki's reddened foot entered the school loafer, her toes wriggling, almost teasingly, at the humiliation they were about to inflict on Nico. Maki of course was unaware of the whole situation, but she wasn't one to complain about a pebble in her shoe. She loved the sensation of having something to play with between her toes, in fact.
The tired tsundere lifted the back of her shoe up slightly to allow the ball of her foot to fit in. Her foot had now fully entered the tomb that trapped her fellow idol, and Nico's screams were snuffed out by a tidal wave of toe flesh coming right for her. Soon she was buried underneath the five playful digits. Nico closed her eyes in the darkness of the shoe and just let nature take its course, she was too scared to move, and unsure of what would happen next.
As Maki and the other girls left the clubroom, Nozomi stayed behind for a moment, looking around.
"Hmm, it feels as if I've forgotten something..... Oh well~"
How does our poor shrunken girl fare?
"Ugh, what is this nasty.... hurk! Blegh!" as soon as Nico began to complain her nostrils were assaulted with a horrid odor.
She knew she was in one of the girls' shoes, but she wasn't sure whose. She couldn't even imagine which member's feet smelled this awful to leave their scent stuck on the shoe for this long. Not to mention the pool of sweat that secreted from the insole every time she stepped on it. It was hard to believe she was trapped inside a shoe of all things, but her surroundings couldn't lie. It smelled like leather that was left to bake in the sun all day combined with a swamp composed of stinky cheese and sweat. Nico covered her nose and tried to breathe as little as possible.
It was hard not to let her anger to herself at this point, and Nico could feel herself shrinking away even more.
"Shit, fuck this whole situation, if I ever get out of here I'm killing that girl...!" she thought. The pools of sweat that once covered only her toes now coming up to her ankles. Nico's clothes were drenched by the hot, humid air. The smell of sweaty feet permeated every breath she took, and even if she covered her nose, she could still feel it tainting her lungs.
Nico ran to a wall of the shoe and grabbed onto it, hoping she could gain any traction and climb out, but her hands slipped off without fail each time. She was trapped in this dark, musty cave until Nozomi or someone else let her out.
She stared up at the giant hole in the sky that lead to the outside world of the clubroom. The pitiful girl wondered what all the other girls were doing, if they were having fun, or if they missed her. She wondered what excuse Nozomi made up for why she wasn't at practice. It all made her fuming, and thus, Nico shrank away until she was a mere milometer in size.
Every breath she took was filled with steamy sweat, and she feared the thought of being in the shoe when a girl's foot was actually inside with her. She hoped Nozomi would be sensible enough to take her out before that happened, but she doubted it.
"Phewwwww that was some workout! You really cracked that whip, Umi!" Nico's ears perked up as she heard Honoka's voice from afar.
It sounded terrifyingly loud, along with the myriad pairs of footsteps coming towards her location. Nico got up and ran underneath the opening of the shoe, hoping to be freed soon. The voices of the other μ's members were chatting away frivolously.
"Maki, you especially were working up a storm! I couldn't believe you learned those steps so fast!" Eli complimented the redhead.
"Yeah just look at all that sweat you worked up too, puhuhu~" Honoka joked, causing Maki to blush.
"W-who says that kind of thing to a girl!? I don't even sweat that much compared to you!" Maki retaliated.
The other members laughed as they entered the clubroom and started changing back into their school clothes to walk home. A giant figure appeared right above the opening to Nico's prison, and for a moment she thought she was saved. But it wasn't Nozomi there to take her out, it was the colossally beautiful figure of Maki Nishikino. Nico realized she was simply too small to notice and began backing away slowly, knowing what was coming next.
"Makiiiiiii! Nooooo! I'm down here!! Stop!! It's me, Nico!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as the girl's speck-sized body sprinted through the swamp of accumulated insole sweat.
The shadow of Maki's barefoot eclipsed any light coming into the worn out shoe.
"She's not even gonna wear socks!?" Nico gasped.
Indeed, it was a hot day, and a long practice. Maki had already spent the previous night studying their new routine, and her feet were extremely sore even before walking to school today. They were too hot and sweaty to put her black socks on now, she would simply have to wear her loafers barefoot.
Maki's reddened foot entered the school loafer, her toes wriggling, almost teasingly, at the humiliation they were about to inflict on Nico. Maki of course was unaware of the whole situation, but she wasn't one to complain about a pebble in her shoe. She loved the sensation of having something to play with between her toes, in fact.
The tired tsundere lifted the back of her shoe up slightly to allow the ball of her foot to fit in. Her foot had now fully entered the tomb that trapped her fellow idol, and Nico's screams were snuffed out by a tidal wave of toe flesh coming right for her. Soon she was buried underneath the five playful digits. Nico closed her eyes in the darkness of the shoe and just let nature take its course, she was too scared to move, and unsure of what would happen next.
As Maki and the other girls left the clubroom, Nozomi stayed behind for a moment, looking around.
"Hmm, it feels as if I've forgotten something..... Oh well~"
How does our poor shrunken girl fare?
June 1, 2023
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