"Nico...? What the hell, am I seeing things...? Are you real?" Maki said in a hushed tone.

"Y-yes! It's really me... It's kind of a long story, but I... I shrunk and ended up in your shoe... Please, help me..." Nico shouted with tears in her eyes after finally being noticed.

"Uhh... y-yeah sure, hold on. You must be so tired... Here, hold on..." The giant girl slowly walked upstairs to her lavish room with her tiny friend still adhered to her finger.

Maki sat on her luxurious bed and looked at the tiny school idol stuck to her pointer finger.

"Okay, now tell me what's going on. I still can't believe what I'm looking at..."

Nico was overjoyed to finally have someone listen to her. She explained everything that had happened to her so far.

"Wow... I see... Nozomi-senpai really got you good, huh? Maki let out an unsympathetic chuckle.

"Huh!? Didn't you hear what I said!? Nozomi left me to die!"

"Oh come on now, I know they might have smelled a bit, but my feet weren't that bad. I'm sure Nozomi-senpai just meant to tease you. I mean, just look at you, it is a little funny, you have to admit." Maki couldn't help but let out a full on laugh at her tiny senpai's expense.

"Why isn't anyone taking me seriously!? Your feet were fucking nasty Maki! I ate your stinking toe jam for crying out loud! Your feet should be classified as chemical weapons and banned from warfare!" Nico spat.

The tsundere's eyebrow twitched.

"Do you ever even wash those things!? Seriously! I have some potentially life-ruining sickness and you two just think I'm a fucking joke! Even when I was big you two always made fun of me!" Nico continued to fling her pent up rage at the giant girl.

Maki's expression changed to one of complete seriousness. "Nico..."
June 1, 2023