Shrunken and abandoned on unaware idols...
"Hmm now where to put you... let's see what the cards say..." Nozomi tapped her finger not covered in spit to her chin.

Nico simply watched on as there was nothing she could do. The well-endowed girl pulled out a stack of cards from her bag and began shuffling through them expertly. A lightbulb then went off in Nozomi's head as she found a tarot card she liked.

"Got it! This will be perfect for you my Mini-Nicocchi~"

With a girlish giggle, Nozomi walked down the halls of the mostly empty school. The sun was getting lower and the shadows it cast made Nozomi's large figure look even more imposing from Nico's perspective. Nico simply clung to Nozomi's finger without a struggle. Her spit had long dried which made it hard for Nico to move, and even if she could she didn't want to accidentally fall off. Nozomi could hear Nico's occasional screams for attention and chose to ignore them, already lost in her own imagination in regards to all the fun she can have with this tiny idol.

The two third years made their way to the Idol Study clubroom, which was also devoid of people. What laid scattered about, and integral to Nozomi's plan, were the many clothing items belonging to the other seven members of μ's. Honoka and the others were still diligently practicing upstairs, unaware of what had happened to Nico.

Nozomi walked around the room with a puzzled look on her face, unsure of her next move. Nico had no clue what her intention was here, but knew it couldn't be good.

"Nozomi! The other girls are upstairs! If you just bring me to them we can fix all this! Hey! Are you listening to m--"

"Shush. I'm thinking.... Ah! This will be suitable for you. Alright, little Nicocchi, I've got to get to practice. I'll be back down later, but I want you to be a good girl and wait here for me," with those words, Nico realized she was being lowered down somewhere.

"No! Wait! Don't leave me here! Nozomi you bitch! I'm gonna tell the others on you! Don't you dare put me in there!" Nico's cries only made Nozomi's devilish smile grow.

Nozomi set Nico into place and looked down at her with a smug grin, proud of her work. She blew the shrunken girl a kiss and walked off, leaving Nico to sit and stew about her new predicament.

"Well this is just great... when I grow big again that big titted dummy is gonna get it..." Nico muttered.

She looked around her new surroundings and wondered what she should do from here....

Where did Nozomi place Nico?
June 1, 2023
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