Tracy makes things interesting, part 1
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Tracy let you work off some steam against her for a few seconds, finding it more funny than anything, before realizing a way she could easily (and hilariously) suppress your efforts. Resting her elbows on the table, she leaned forward until she the bottom edge of her breast, and your tiny body, made contact with the cool plastic. Tracy smirked as she felt your miniscule efforts becoming much more frantic as you feverishly rushed to climax before she flattened you anymore, "Oh, whoops. Were you, like, doing something naughty down there, cutie pie?" With a massive grin, she leaned forward a tiny bit more, and watched on the camera as your microscopic hips bucked and bounced between the plastic table and her boob.

You wanted to scream! You had been so close to relief, but then Tracy just had to one-up you, like the bitch she was. Your efforts grew tiresome as you had to support the weight of Tracy's gargantuan breast in order to move. You were already exhausting yourself as you continued trying to thrust, thanks to the monumental weight she was lazily resting onto you, while your cock was pathetically wobbling into her flesh even with your hardest thrusts. At this point, Tracy wasn't worried; it wasn't even remotely a challenge for her to flatten you, considering you were less than a hundredth the size or weight of her single boob. In fact, that gave her a delicious idea...

Only barely able to feel your continuing thrusts against her skin, Tracy twirled her hair as she said, "Hey Tommy, it seems like you're having some trouble down there... you're not getting tired are you? Maybe you need a little more incentive?" You sighed, not liking where Tracy was heading with this, but you didn't have any choice but to listen. Speaking slowly, as if she had all the time in the world (and she kind of did), Tracy continued, "How about a fun little game? If you can finish yourself off before your time is up, I'll let you go, and you can even cum on my tits like I know you want to. But if I can stop you... then I get to try some of your growth antidote!" You gaped, unable to believe she was even suggesting such a one-sided competition. You screamed, No fucking way Tracy! I'm not sharing my medicine! but your cries were muffled by her flesh pressing into your mouth. Tracy, meanwhile, could barely make out your scream, and assumed you had jumped at her offer to blow your load on her perfect, creamy chest (especially since she could still feel you still rubbing into her). Tracy almost sang with glee, "Alright tiny, the clock is ticking! Good luu-uuck, and don't forget; hands to yourself, haha!" Holy shit, she wasn't kidding! Knowing you had only seconds before Tracy squished you flat, you used the last of your strength to vigorously pump your aching cock against her, hoping you'd win this bet and not have to sacrifice your vitally needed growth antidote to this brat.

Tracy had gotten a huge ego-boost from watching you desperately grinding against her, and she kind of wanted to let you finish, but she was determined to "win" this little contest that she thought you had so eagerly agreed to. Tracy leaned forward slowly, inch by inch, and dropped more weight against you. She couldn't stop giggling as the camera feed showed your once energetic thrusting becoming more restrained, as her bulging flesh flattened you against the hard plastic table. Tracy found herself wishing she could have felt you a little better, since she wondered just how close you had been to cumming just then, but you were too small. Instead, once your movements ceased, she opted to tease you further by humming, "I hope you're comfy, because it looks like you won't get to enjoy unloading all over my creamy cleavage any time soon, heehee!' and rolled her chest from side to side, letting it's supple weight crush your cock left and right as she rubbed her first 'victory' in your face a little more. You groaned as this gigantic girl, who you were learning was a very sore winner, continued flattening you against the table with ease.

Tracy smirked and let her massive breasts wobble to a standstill against the table as a signal of her victory. You had lasted so long against Ally, Lacy, and even Stacy, Tracy realized, that she wondered if how much more you'd be able to take. Now feeling curious, Tracy reached up and pressed one finger against the top of her breast, squeezing some more weight down on the table. She felt your body pressing into her skin, but had no way of discerning your exact condition. Hoping you'd answer for her, she condescendingly asked, "Hey cutie, how's it going down there? Is your dick doing okay? Or do you want a hand, hah!" When there was no response, since you were completely smooshed into her skin, Tracy assumed you were being a sore loser and ignoring her, so she scoffed, "Hmph!" and pressed her palm into her boob, until she felt your entire body flattening beneath her doughy skin. Eventually realizing she might have been about to accidentally make you burst at any moment, Tracy pulled her hand away, letting her breast swell back to its usual round shape. Well, she couldn't tell what state you were in, but she could kind of feel something hard poking her, which she egotistically (and correctly) assumed was your dick. Good, Tracy thought, serves you right for being such a jerk. If she had to just wait here until she won, then that's what she'd do, even if that was super boring.
May 31, 2023