Stacy accidentally mashes you
· original author:
Your head was spinning from both mental and physical exhaustion as you landed softly on the leather couch, in a large divot next to Ally. There was some amused tittering from the girls as Lacy continued to bounce against Daisy, not yet noticing she didn't have you in her grasp anymore. You took this moment of peace to gasp for air and try to keep your head from spinning, though you could feel your battered cock still throbbing expectantly, thanks to Lacy. Speaking of, you heard the lively redhead shout, "H-hey! Where'd my little boy toy go!?" from above. There was a chorus of girlish laughter as Lacy began fondling her massive breasts, spreading them and checking beneath them for you in case you had gotten stuck somewhere again. Casey chided, "Maybe your world class tits were just too much for the poor guy to handle!"

You wondered if anyone hadn't been too busy laughing at their dumb games to see where you went, when you caught Ally staring down at you with a beaming smile on her face. She was eying your little naked body with a very eager look in her eye, as she began to lift up from her seat. Clearly, she intended capitalize on your unfortunate landing spot by scooting over and drop on top of you. Ally quietly said down to you, "How are you doing, Tommy? Are you having a hard time, down there?" Ally smirked at her own little joke, clearly enjoying how horribly stimulated she and her troupe had made you thus far, as she gave one of her enormous breasts a little squeeze. You couldn't help but stare back at her body; you were so exhausted from all the girls' teasing, that even in your precarious position you found the sight of Ally's smooth, curvy body strongly drawing your attention.

As long as one of these girls ended this soon, you didn't care; Ally might even be the best choice, since she was both their leader and, arguably, one of the nicest (if perhaps the most teasing) of them all. You blurted, "Ally, I'm going to lose my fucking mind soon, if you don't help me. I can't take it anymore, just squish me alre... dy..." You trailed off when Ally's smile grew wickedly wide and she flicked her eyes above you, just as a shadow loomed overhead.

You glanced up only to see Stacy leaning backwards, plunging her mountainous butt cheeks towards you. You hadn't seen before, but Stacy had apparently crammed herself into a colorful set of very high-riding, stretchy boy shorts. The bubbly girl's already large rear appeared even more curvaceous due to the deep wedgie she had, that caused her ass cheeks to bulge and press together around the fabric in many places. Up until now Stacy had been monitoring the laptop, carefully observing live comments and donations, or responding to comments of what the fans wanted to see. She had leaned forward to type something, and anxiously leaned back when she heard everyone laughing (when you were being smashed by Daisy and Lacy). Well, that explained the big indentation you had landed in... that was where Stacy had been sitting all this time.

You barely had time to shout out, "ALLY, HEL-" before the clueless brunette above you nonchalantly dropped down, flattening her humongous ass into the leather couch with a whumpf. You were immediately crushed face-up into Stacy's tight, soft ass crack as her weight bore down on you, while she slowly bounced to heavy stop and asked excitedly, "What did I miss!? What's so funny?"

You let out an unhappy groan as you felt Stacy's jiggling ass flesh quickly filling every tiny gap of free space, sealing you tightly against her skin. Her showy choice of clothing had ridden far up her ass, and you were completely nude, leaving your entire naked body pressed against nothing but her pale, luscious butt cheeks. But what was worst of all was Stacy's unfortunate landing spot: you had ended up mashed right into the center of her butt crack, stuffing your raging erection between her jiggling ass cheeks so that as she bounced against the couch, you were forced to feel every jiggle of her curvy body right against your most sensitive body part.

Ally held back a snicker while her ditzy friend bouncily took her seat, as she imagined how you were reacting to all of the jiggling that her completely unaware friend was surely putting you through right now. Deciding you probably weren't going to be able to get out from beneath Stacy on your own, and figuring the camera couldn't see your hilarious predicament right now anyway, Ally leaned over and said, "I think Tommy fell behind the couch. Stacy, can you check for him?"

Always happy to help, especially if it involved her favorite little man, Stacy smiled, "Sure thing, Sis!" As she twisted around and craned her neck over the couch, Stacy unwittingly dragged you across the couch with her round ass. Your entire body smeared itself into her warm buttcrack every time she wiggled clumsily to shift her body, causing you to groan loudly as your cock and balls were pressed forcefully into her skin. Having no idea that her movements were grinding you up so badly, Stacy frowned when she didn't see any sign of you, "I can't see him down there..."

Ally rolled her eyes at her friend's ignorance and playfully suggested, "Hmm, did you sit on him again?" A few cheerleaders smirked when they realized what Ally was hinting at, but they held back their laughter to let Ally's joke play out. They all wanted to see how long it would take for the air-headed Stacy to finally clue in on her own.

Stacy ground down against the couch, smooshing your poor body deeply into her butt crack as her tremendous ass pressed itself flat over you, before she rebounded upwards. Of course, after having squeezed you in every direction with her ass, you had gone with Stacy's gigantic butt as she sprang to her feet. While she turned around and kneeled over the couch backrest, intending to keep searching for you, Stacy scoffed, "Pff, yeah right, he's probably just hid under the couch so he wouldn't get squished by any of you careless girls."

You felt the clumsy giantess's mountain of a backside lift off of you as she jumped to her feet, but you didn't get a moment of rest. Whereas her huge buttocks had been forcibly flattened to the couch by her weight and spread apart when she was sitting, suddenly they were free to bounce back to their round, bubble shape as she stood. This had the very unfortunate side effect of pulling your torso and hips within her buttcrack, where you were repeatedly squished as Stacy bounced into a kneeling position on the couch. You had spread your arms and legs as far as possible, trying to brace yourself against her doughy flesh as best as possible, but there was nothing you could do about your face, torso, or crotch, as those parts of your body were left to be squished between either of Stacy's shifting butt cheeks.

Several of the other cheerleaders tittered at their friends completely undue confidence, as they watched her bend over the couch, suddenly revealing your pitiful naked body jammed between her thick buttocks. As she carelessly shook and swayed her large hips from side to side to drape herself over the couch, Stacy was practically waving your ragdolling limbs around for everyone to see. Casey, the dark skinned girl from earlier, was unable to keep quiet as she watched Stacy stick her ass up in the air, presenting her ass crack (and your helpless form wedged into it) for all to see. "Hey Stacy, when we find him, maybe you should give Tommy a lapdance, to apologize for accidentally sitting on him when we first met him. Waddya think?"

Stacy blushed, enjoying that idea, "Heehee, well, I could, but I'd have to be really careful since I don't think I'd fit in his lap." Stacy cutely wiggled her rump around as she imagined giving you a seductive little striptease, as she actually ground you squirming body between either of her planet sized butt cheeks. Some of the other girls snickered when they watched Stacy's playful little motion wobbling you from side to side, as Stacy pouted, "Hmph, of course, I have to find him first! He's not down here!"

This time Daisy took a turn at teasing her friend, "Are you suuure you didn't sit on him? Did you check your big booty?"

Stacy, getting the feeling she was being mocked, nervously glanced over her shoulder. Unable to see much at all past her hips, she reached back and lightly slid her fingertips across one butt cheek, then the other. The cheerleaders giggled as they watched Stacy fondling her own gigantic ass, as your body was pressed back and forth every time Stacy squeezed her buttocks in your direction. When Stacy didn't feel anything stuck to her butt cheeks, she sighed with relief, though not once did it occur to her that you might be pulled into her butt crack like a wedgie. Thinking she was in the clear, Stacy rolled her eyes, "Har-dee har, Daisy. I'm pretty sure I'd notice if I sat on the little guy AGAIN!" and gave herself a big spank for the cameras, causing her enormous, cushy ass cheeks to wobble like jello. All of the cheerleaders laughed as their friend's buttocks occasionally bounced together and sealed you between them, as your arms and legs wriggled around in a clear but feeble attempt to prevent that from happening. You groaned again as you felt your cock being squished with every oscillation of Stacy's backside, but somehow she still didn't feel your presence, which you couldn't believe. You had blue-balled beyond belief, plastered to this stupid girl's gigantic bubble butt, and now she was slapping her ass around as a joke? God damnit!

Feeling smugly self-assured now, Stacy continued to wiggle her ass in the air and brag, "Plus, like, don't forget who first saw Tommy in the elevator! I'm more attentive than I seem, sometimes, y'know!" You, meanwhile, were gritting your teeth as you felt your cock bouncing between each of Stacy's softly clapping ass cheeks, driving you mad as she slowly put you through another level of torture.

What happens?
May 31, 2023