"Strolling with Stacy" becomes "Crushed by Stacy"
· original author:
Figuring it was only a matter of time before you came against her friend's unstoppably shaking ass, and seeing your recent shrinking as evidence, Tracy decided to act. Luckily, she spotted one of Stacy's shoelaces flopping loosely at her feet, and thought of a way to make Stacy pause long enough to at least back off from you. Sounding innocent as ever, Tracy called, "Hey Stace? Your shoelace is untied!"

Stacy looked down and lifted one foot up in confusion, only to immediately lose her balance as the treadmill continued to pull her backwards. Stacy let out a shrill, "Eep!" as she twisted and plummeted down, before flattening you into the treadmill beneath her heavy ass with a loud THUMP. Trying to quickly get back to her feet, Stacy grabbed onto the handlebars, and hoisted herself up. As she lifted from the still moving treadmill, you found yourself miraculously peeling from her ass as the treadmill's grippy surface dragged against you. You gulped air and welcomed the sound of the motors whirring and slowly carrying you away from the gigantic, ditzy woman above you. You took an extra second to rest and appreciate how much bigger everything seemed, at this new half-inch size; Stacy seemed like a literal goddess, who could have reached the clouds. The illusion of grace was shattered, though, as she stumbled on her still untied shoelaces, and fell back down onto the treadmill with a clumsy, "Oof!" At least you had been carried away from her, this time, and were able to find some amusement (rather than pure agitation) in her bumbling since you weren't crushed.

Just as you tried to sit up, you reached the end of the treadmill's length. Thankfully, instead of being dragged around to be stepped on by Stacy, you fell to the floor. At your size the fall wasn't too painful, but it was still dizzying. You sat up and rubbed your head, only to wince as you felt a familiar throbbing in your genitals; you were so goddamn horny, thanks to these girls and their teasing. Oh well, now that you were unstuck from Stacy, maybe you could get your antidote, or at least convince Ally to just give you a quick blowjob... anything to end this nonstop parade of cockteasing. You looked over at the bunch of cheerleaders, only to see them giggling and cutely waving at you. You gave a sarcastic wave back, before the girl's eyes went wide and they gasped, as you found yourself shrouded in darkness. You looked up for the shadow's source, only to gawp as a massive shape, both round and smooth, crested over the cliff-like edge of the treadmill above you, eclipsing all light.

Moments ago, in her unwavering clumsiness, Stacy had failed to pull herself back up after falling the second time. Feeling too frustrated to try again, she opted to remain seated so she could harrumph melodramatically, while being slowly dragged backwards along the treadmill. Now, approaching the walkway's end and running out of space, Stacy's gigantic butt cheeks were spilling into view, hanging overhead like two round bombshells waiting to fall. You sadly realized that you'd have to run almost 100 feet in any direction to escape Stacy's landing zone, thanks to your tiny size and her enormous bottom. Staring up, you grimly wondered, why couldn't she have just stood up, damnit? You had no choice but to watch as the pouting girl's cargo-ship sized ass gradually rolled over the side of the treadmill, looming larger and larger with every passing second, before finally tipping over the edge.

Stacy, who had been too busy pouting to notice her impending fall, let out a high pitched squeal as she unexpectedly dropped 6 inches. Unable to stop her, you were, yet again, flattened to the floor as Stacy's gigantic bubble butt hit the ground with massive bounce. Thanks to her complete inaction, one of Stacy's mountain sized ass cheeks had landed exactly overtop of your body, crushing your whole body and your erection straight into the ground. Just your fucking luck... As you felt Stacy's butt cheek jiggling together from the shockwave, colliding repeatedly against your body and face, you mentally groaned; were you really going to be stuck beneath this bimbo, again? Still bouncing from her impact, Stacy found herself to be unhurt, and laughed at her own clumsiness, "Haha, whoops! I lost my balance for a second, there!"

Tracy, meanwhile, had watched the entire incident with a grin. She hadn't meant to trip Stacy, just to get her to slow down. She had been a bit worried when Stacy fell on you the first time, thinking that might be enough to finally tip you over the edge. But then when you peeled from Stacy's butt, she couldn't help but watch with fascination as Stacy was slowly moved closer and closer over your spot, before finally plopping down all over again over your tiny form.

Being more cautious now, Stacy took the time to tie her shoelaces, remaining heavily planted right on top of your body as she did so. You groaned and tried to lift her up, which obviously had no effect on her. She didn't even feel you; your ant sized body could barely make a dent into her jiggling butt cheek. Finally having gotten her shoe's safely tied back up, Stacy finally got to her feet, leaving you mashed on the floor. Not even considering that she could have just crushed another human being beneath her ass with her clumsiness, you were given one final view of Stacy's gorgeous, curvy body rising over you as she happily sang for the camera, "Don't worry guys, I'm okaaaay!" In one final act of negligence, Stacy stepped down on you, briefly smashing you against the floor as she bounded back up to the treadmill to complete her show. You could hear the other cheerleaders giggling at your continued (but adorable) misfortune, especially when your little erection was the first thing to unflatten from the ground and visibly stick in to the air for them all to see and admire. Meanwhile, the livestream bets were going crazy, as the first 5 minutes ended and many people lost (since Stacy hadn't found you, and you hadn't orgasmed yet). Ally, who had been watching the stream donations carefully, bit her lip in excitement as she realized you had been the best little featured guest on her show ever.

While you were busy trying to stop your head from spinning, a massive, feminine hand reached over you, and peeled you from the floor. Who's hand is it?
May 31, 2023