"Strolling with Stacy"
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Stacy twisted around to get a better look through the clear plastic chair, agonizingly smearing you beneath her lusciously soft ass cheeks as she did, "Ally! What are you even doing down there? Did you even SEE any of my dance!?" Stacy whined and crossed her arms, worried that Ally (and, most importantly, the audience) might have missed an iota of her sexy moves from such an odd angle.

Ally, focusing on the view of your body being flattened beneath her brunette friend's gigantic bouncing behind, mumbled back, "Just getting a good view of your cute butt for the fans!" Ally snorted when she saw you attempting to angrily lift Stacy off the chair, though your tiny arms only squished into each of the larger girl's plush buttocks in an amusingly cute way. Deciding to give you a helping hand for once, Ally added, "Hey, you better get a move on unless you wanna be late for your special segment!"

You heard Stacy cluelessly respond, "Huh?" as she shifted slightly, grinding against you while she tried to remember what Ally was talking about. Ally just giggled as she watched your body being flattened against the clear plastic by the mountain of soft ass above you, and snickered, "Heehee, you know, your treadmill thing!"

With a gasp, Stacy shot to her feet, "OHMYGOSH, you're right, that's today!" Ally had been expecting you to remain flattened on the chair for her to grab, but instead you had been adhered to Stacy's jiggling skin thanks to the light sweat that she had worked up from her dancing. As Stacy happily plodded towards a treadmill in the corner of the room, you realized with great irritation that you had been forgotten, again, by the larger girl in her rush to show off for her fans. The only upside was that, after her violent bouncing and dancing earlier, your torso had been wormed free from deep between her cheeks, though, you were now splayed across her ass crack like a little starfish sticker, with your hips nearly disappearing between her thick thighs. This meant you felt every single, jiggly step that she took on her way to the treadmill, as your lower body was twisted between each of Stacy's shifting butt cheeks. Ally looked up just in time to spot your body swaying along beneath her friend's curvy behind, as if you were trying to hug an ass hundreds of times your size.

Ally was about to go over and help you when Tracy, a black haired cheerleader with a well known playful streak, stopped her. "Hey Sis, how much you wanna bet that Stacy doesn't even find Tommy until her segment is over? Lacy's saying the little guy will explode all over her before the five minute mark, but I've got ten bucks that says he'll just keep getting squished without her noticing. You want in?" Ally grinned, loving her friend's little game, when suddenly she got an amazing idea.

Ally made sure that Stacy was still distracted with the treadmill (she was) and that you were still stuck to her backside (you were), before she said, "Can you quickly set up a betting pool on the stream, so people can bet on how long it will take for Stacy to find him? Winners get a week of our sexy streams for free." Tracy's cute smile broke into a massive grin, in admiration of the head cheerleaders business savvy, before she nodded and went over to the laptop and got to work.

Wasting no time with such trivial matters as double-checking if there were any tiny people stuck to her body, Stacy took a bouncy step onto the treadmill. Not walking just yet, she turned on the camera mounted to the dashboard, set capture her gorgeous face and swaying rack.

Ally was still grinning over her ingenious little money making scheme (even if it was "partially" at your expense) when she noticed that, in Stacy's haste to get her show started on time, Stacy had left her boy shorts cinched around her thighs. The stretchy blue material was lifting and squeezing her plump butt cheeks together in a way that kept your torso cutely squished between them. While Stacy was busy fiddling with the camera and the treadmill settings, Ally tried not to giggle as she set up the handheld camera behind the treadmill, focusing the camera on your position between her curvaceous friend's butt crack.

Finally starting her show, the laptop's video stream split into two views; one showing Stacy's frontside, and one showing your situation in the back. Bursting with exuberance, you could hear Stacy cheering, "Heeey everyone! Welcome to another episode of Strolling with Stacy, the weekly show where YOU get to see a lot more of the bubbliest, bounciest brunette of the cheerleading bunch, haha!" Stacy laughed and hopped up and down, clearly excited to start her show, as you were jostled between her ass cheeks. Sounding happy as ever, Stacy pressed a button, "Let's get started, shall we?" and treadmill whirred into action. Stacy's hips, which had been occasionally but bearably jiggling earlier, started rhythmically swaying as she stepped onto the belt and began her stroll.

Completely oblivious to the tiny man rocking along with her massive buttocks, Stacy smiled and began narrating her past week into the camera for her adoring fans. "So like, big news! We're all getting new outfits, yay! We even had some cute prototypes to choose from, and there are some sexy sneak-peeks up on our website, for those of you who donate, heehee! All we have to do now is decide which outfit is the sexiest, and that will be the new official uniform of Sis Boom Bah and her bodacious pep squad." While Stacy was busy blabbing, of course, you were stuck bouncing along with her colossal backside. The muscles in Stacy's legs pumped as she walked, squishing you against the opposing ass cheek as she took one stride, then squishing you back the other way as she took another. If she had remembered to look back and pull up her damn shorts she might have remembered you, but instead her stretchy, disheveled clothing was squeezing her doughy buttocks together, keeping you wedged in place like a cork. Lacy giggled quietly from behind, "Uh oh, little guy won't last long up against that!"

You hadn't thought it would be possible, but you felt the telltale tingling sensation of Touko's serum returning, causing you to groan in pure dread as Stacy's buttocks continued to bounce against either side of your body. You were barely an inch tall, wasn't this as small as you could get? Or had you been teased so goddamn much by these girls that you were going to get even smaller!? Using all of your willpower, you struggled to block out the sensation of your aching member being kneaded left and right between Stacy's warm, sweaty thighs, as she continued her sexy parade. Relief washed over you as you felt the tingling fading slightly, only thanks to your strong resolve. You wanted nothing more than to finally get some release, but with your size on the line like this, you angrily realized you'd have to wait. The last thing you wanted to do was shrink and get lost between Stacy's ass cheeks, with a case of antidote sitting in the same room as you, just out of reach.

Meanwhile, Stacy was still gabbing, "Also, I canceled my gym membership the other day. I figured I've been getting enough exercise in the ring, and during cheer practice, to keep me trim, y'know?" Stacy cupped her gigantic breasts briefly for the front facing camera, and gave an innocent smile. You grumbled; Stacy (as well as all the cheerleaders, really) definitely had a little extra softness around her unbelievably round hips. At your size, and in your position, Stacy's buttocks were like two plump, jiggly meteors compared to you, that you were being incessantly pressed against, all thanks to her inattentiveness. So her smug statement was just a little bit irksome to you. But what came next really caught your attention, as Stacy exclaimed, "But Daisy's been showing me how to do squats, so if my tushy looks extra spankable today, that's why, hahaha!" You looked up from between Stacy's butt crack, and saw her reaching back with one hand. Unable to react, you had to watch as Stacy playfully slammed a palm against her round ass cheek, causing a massive shockwave to ripple outwards, before violently compressing you between each hefty butt cheek as they wobbled together. That sudden earthquake of ass flesh was enough to destroy your concentration, and as your cock was smashed up against one of Stacy's butt cheeks, you felt the tingling returning in full force.

Stacy, unaware that she had just crushed a tiny man into her backside, laughed and spanked herself again, loving the idea of having a "thick" butt. Meanwhile, from behind, the other cheerleaders were trying to contain their laughter as the livestream bets for you blowing your lead at any minute shot up. It wasn't until they saw your body shrinking again that some of the girls gasped, though their comments sounded less than concerned; "Oh no, he's getting even smaller!" "More like cuter!" "Haha, maybe Stacy's fat ass is stealing his life force!" "Does that mean I win the bet?" By the time the tingling sensation passed, you were half an inch tall, which looked just pathetically insignificant from where all the girls were watching. Coming to terms with your diminished form, you cried out in anger; Stacy had, once again, crushed you without even noticing, and now you were no bigger than her pinky fingernail! And you were no goddamn closer to finally cumming, as she continued her casual stroll on the treadmill, grinding your aching cock and balls in her ass the entire way.

Tracy, starting to worry that she had overestimated how long it would take Stacy to get you off (accidentally or otherwise), started scheming; could she find a way to prolong your frustration so she'd win the bet?
May 31, 2023