Dolores' Damaging Dumptruck Derriere
You felt as if the entire world froze for just a couple of seconds, letting you see and suffer from the sheer enormity that was about to squash you. You were sure that this would be it, the end of the line, your life snuffed out by the largest ass you'd ever known. If your mom's had been like a pair of mountains, as Dolores herself joked, hers was definitely more along the lines of a pair of planets, and it wasn't an exaggeration. Yet, strangely enough, it wasn't the worst view in the world, you could feel that there were worse ways to go...

Maybe it was Sheila's influence that was getting to you, or maybe something else, but even though you never really showed it much, to your knowledge at least, Dolores was quite an attractive woman. She was big, yes, very, but even her massive weight was mostly well distributed, giving her a large chest that was quite a bit bigger than your mom's or Jen's, which were the biggest ones you could normally think of. She had a pretty face, eyes and hair too. And of course, her very very largest asset, her most attractive feature, just like on Sheila.

If anything, the main reason you probably didn't see her in that kind of light most of the time was that she was almost family, as she often said, she was practically a second mother to you, and from what you've heard, she helped both your mother and Sheila since they first had children, as she was the closest person they had that was knowledgeable on those kinds of things... but this also raised questions as to how Sheila could so easily get you flustered when she was just as close, being your unofficial aunt despite you having actual ones, but in Sheila's defense, she was more involved in your life than them.

You couldn't believe it though, you thought that you'd be safe with your mom and you'd be able to make it out of this weird incident, there were so many things you didn't get to do... you didn't get to tell Jen your feelings, to ask her out, and on that matter, while you clearly had a crush on her, you couldn't entirely shake off the fact that Lillian could make you doubt yourself, despite her quirkiness and everything, she was your best friend through and through, and some part of you felt that maybe spending the rest of your life with her wasn't as bad as you'd first say yourself.

Strangely enough, her older sister also came to mind... the way she always teased you, you were sort of afraid of her, thinking of her as a bully, and at one point you thought she was the worst one, but over the years you saw that it was more akin to a form of tough love, albeit very tough. She acted like she didn't really care for you, but her actions said otherwise. You still remembered when she caught Lily red-handed, literally red handed, as she was beating you quite badly, your blood was on her hands but she didn't care and kept hitting you even though you weren't able to fight back anymore. The way her massive shadow covered both of you, and when Lily realized, it was one of the few times you ever saw her go pale in terror.

The beating Jordana inflicted on her was legendary, basically leaving within an inch of her life, and she made it very clear that next time she dared lay a finger on you she'd finish the job. Ever since then, it felt like she tried too hard to appear mean to you, yet she actually went easier on you. As strange as it may have seemed, you felt like maybe she could open up and drop the tough girl façade, who knows. Maybe you could be friends... although your sister suggested that it could go even further beyond, but you dismissed those as annoying jokes and unnecessary teasing.

Any business you had on this Earth, however, was doomed to remain unfinished, as a pair of objects that looked larger than Earth itself hovered in the sky above you, like planets just seconds away from crashing down to extinguish all life in the world, except that in this particular instance, only yours would be. To be fair, everything up until now was too sudden, and you couldn't completely blame your mother for not being able to keep up with everything, if anything you felt sad that she'd have her heart destroyed when she found out.

And lastly, you couldn't even be mad at Dolores, it was an honest mistake, she had worried to put you somewhere else before she thought to sit down... though if she weren't as big, there would be a chance for you to survive. You took a deep breath but didn't close your eyes, if you were going to go, might as well try and enjoy whatever you could until the very end, and thus, you stared at the wobbling, seemingly endlessly vast expanse of caramel colored flesh, which slowly, very slowly continued its descent towards you.

Your hopes to survive such a gigantic rear end were zero, but out of instinct you spread your arms as you felt the warmth the titanic meaty orb gave off, and soon you were met with its plush touch, but it was only mildly pleasurable for a fraction of a second, as it quickly overwhelmed you and pressed down with mind-boggling weight, and then everything went dark...

Dolores nonchalantly sat down on the towel, her massive cheeks easily hogging up 2/3rds of its entire surface area, leaving Miriam the bare minim space to lay on. It was for this reason that she put you on your mom, she was sure she wouldn't leave any room on the towel. But her mind was at ease since she had made sure to keep you out of harm. Even when you were younger and she teased with her giant booty, she had more restraint than Sheila, being aware that its tremendous size and weight could make it dangerous.

"Wow, the ground shook" Miriam giggled.

"I know" Dolores chuckled
"Still don't regret having these curves" she added "Our kind of body is more popular nowadays than when we were young"

"Excuse you? I'm still young, I'm not even 40 yet" Miriam huffed, Dolores simply laughed in response.

"Keyword yet... besides, what do you even worry about? You look good even if you turn 40. I've seen 30 years old that look way worse" She said "And I can tell even college girls envy your looks" This time, Miriam laughed.

"Oh, cut the joking! I don't really think college girls would envy this..." Miriam grabbed what was a slight love handle, a mark of the 'baby weight' she never quite lost from when she was pregnant with you.

"I can tell that many wouldn't mind it if that's the only prize to pay for those" Dolores said, glancing at Miriam's chest and hips.

"Okay, you may have a point" Miriam said, since she got reminded of Lillian, who looked very similar to her, though the funny thing is that she was only 17 and already matched her fully grown curves, she couldn't help but be a bit intrigued by how she'd look by the time she's Miriam's current age. She hoped that with that kind of development she could snag her son already.
"So, what was this story you were gonna tell?" She asked then.

"Oh! Yeah... Soo, do you remember that Sheila told us the other day that the Salsa Shack was doing so well they were going to open up more restaurants?" Dolores said while wiggling a little where she sat, getting more comfortable.

"Yeah, I do, but weren't those only rumors? I know they do good business but where would they get the money to open up and staff more places?" Miriam raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it's difficult to verify, but some rumors say that they got a very rich sponsor..."

"Who? Sheila?" Miriam laughed heartily "She's crazy enough to actually do it though" Dolores shared in the hearty laughter for a couple of minutes.

"I thought that too, but nope... I mean, we know Sheila's loaded, but if she did it we'd be the first to know because she'd be bragging about it. Besides, last time I checked Sheila preferred less adventurous investments to keep her savings safe, even though she has enough to not need to work a single day in her life anymore" Dolores shrugged "They say that the sponsor might be Ms. Flatum"

"The owner of that fancy women's club? Huh... that does make some sense... and her club was Mexican themed too" Miriam said.

"Anyway, it turns out the rumors about more restaurants are true, and the first part of their expansion is an official beach stand"

"A stand? Uh, that sounds... underwhelming... I expected a full blown restaurant" Miriam sounded disappointed.

"It's only the beginning, probably a way to test the waters before they fully commit. But don't be fooled, the stand has the exact same stuff as the actual restaurant... in fact, it's basically a mini restaurant, more than a simple stand" Dolores laughed.

"How are you so sure?" Miriam asked.

"Because my girls slept in and we missed breakfast..." Dolores chuckled guiltily.

"You too?! And I thought you were more responsible than I am!" Miriam was mildly shocked, knowing that Dolores was usually strict with her daughters.

"I mean, I was gonna make us a proper breakfast but they cried and whined and cried and whined that we were gonna be late and that all the boys were gonna be taken by the time we arrived..." Dolores huffed in annoyance.

"Still with that, huh?" Miriam giggled.

"Yeah! As if I'm gonna let them have any!" Dolores giggled as well "Until they stop being so thirsty, I can't trust them with any guys"

"Come to think of it... how are you here chilling with me and not watching them to make sure that they don't do something stupid?"

"Oh, don't you worry. You know how you can give dogs toys so that they stop nagging you about food? Let's say it was something in that spirit..." Dolores laughed.

Meanwhile, elsewhere...

"Man... I'm starting to think that this was not such a good idea" A certain orange haired boy complained.

"Oh shush, Mrs. García is paying us a pretty penny for this stunt! Plus, we get to date two uber thicc girls!" A smug blond replied.

"I already have a gf tho... aw man, these girls are annoying as heck, I dunno how Blaise can stand them" Pete sighed.

"But they thicc yo!" Jim said, much to his friend's continued frustration. In the distance, Carmen and Maya were in a heated argument about whose bikini, butt and date was the better of the two...
May 12, 2023