Just Beachy - Mom Edition Pt. II: Uh oh...
You gently massaged your mom's stomach, which despite your efforts, still tickled her. It was quite warm and really squishy and soft. In no time, it was all covered by the sunblock, but when you tried to pull your hands away, your mom caught you by the wrists and stopped you, a clue that she wanted some more massaging there. Her stomach vibrated under your hands, you wondered if she was hungry so quickly again... she had quite the big appetite sometimes after all.

"Not that bad for your first home, huh?" She said, breaking the otherwise solemn silence as you were focused on your task. Her wording made you blush while she giggled at your expense.
"I mean, I carried you there for 9 months and a half" She said, fondly reminiscing of her pregnancy days.

Even though she and Raphael were quite happy with their adopted daughter Ariadne, Miriam in particular wanted a child of her own. Raphael did too, but he just as happily would've adopted. They had slightly differing views in that he thought about raising two kids but didn't mind as much their actual origin, while Miriam focused on the aspect of creating a life, someone that would be their own flesh and blood, she wanted that specifically...

None of them had any health issues that they knew of, yet, for years, it simply did not happen. Some doctors theorized that the contraceptives she had taken for years prior might have rendered her infertile but couldn't explain how. In-vitro fertilization was offered at some point but Miriam vehemently rejected it, deeming it unnatural for herself. And then, one day, 2 years after Ariadne had been adopted, a test finally turned out to be positive, much to the couple's delight.

As opposed to many first-time mothers, Miriam had been plenty instructed about pregnancy by her own mother and grandmother, she had little to fear and reasonably knew what to do in most situations, so, for her the experience was quite enjoyable, despite some of its quirks... According to her, she never suffered the infamous morning sickness with you, but she developed sudden cravings for pizza and some really spicy potato chip snacks that she couldn't really explain besides ascribing them to yourself, a thing she was quite fond of joking about.

You could tell she liked to reminisce about those days, often having your head rest on her belly as she told you how she could feel you moving around in it, and even mentioned that when your father playfully knocked on her belly (like a door), you replied by knocking back, and you always knocked back the same amount of times he did. It was a sort of game the three of you had. She also prided herself on being a true mother, as she called it, in the sense that she refused a C-section, opting to give birth to you naturally and without anesthetics. A feat that specially today is quite notable, as you've heard from some other women that they deemed it scary or even barbaric to go through so much pain. Miriam agreed on that it was incredibly painful, but to her, it only made the reward all that much better. Whenever she talked about that, you couldn't help but blush to the max, you felt like you didn't deserve that much praise, or that you weren't much of a reward for anything...

Time flew for you as you finished massaging your mom's stomach. She sat down on the towel and asked you to do her feet while she applied sunblock on her legs. Like with her hands, you could feel that the tendons in her feet were quite stiff, but in a different way, from being static for prolonged periods of time, whereas her hands suffered from doing monotonous, repetitive tasks over and over. Thankfully, you knew how to get them to loosen up and made them feel a lot better. With that done, Miriam laid on her stomach and asked you to do her back, which, again, you obeyed without question. There didn't seem to be any harm, there was only the slightest hint of chub on it, her skin was pretty smooth and her muscles were on the softer side.

You remembered that she used to be quite a bit more sporty back when you were younger, but she's had less and less time for physical activity these days, and yet, it barely showed. The amount of muscle you could feel on her suggested that if she got back to exercising she could arguably match your Aunt Betty's shape, and she was an actual model, so that was to say quite a lot. Eventually, her back was completely massaged and covered in sunblock.

"That was really nice, honey" She said "Now... how about the best part?" Miriam wiggled her hips, making you almost choke. You forgot that just like Lillian, your mom also loved to get you to massage her butt! Though at least she had a legitimate excuse, sitting for so long at work made her feel sore... but you wished she didn't have such a big, squishy booty so that it felt less embarrassing.
"You know what? We're in the shade... it can wait... I think I've made you get quite the workout already, massaging almost all of me" She said with a chuckle. You weren't sure if she felt guilty about her body being not precisely small, it was hard to tell. Then again, massages were a workout of their own, that was true.

"Don't worry, it's no problem to give you any massages" You said.

"Whoever ends up being your wife will be a really lucky lady" Miriam added, making you blush hard again.
"Here, come and rest for a bit, you sure earned it!" She said, patting her massive left cheek. You gulped, that was another thing that was initially a quirk of your mom's that Lillian later adopted and weaponized... just like her, your mom absolutely loved to have you use her butt as pillows, which wasn't so bad in itself, it was quite big, extremely soft and it radiated gentle warmth... and as opposed to Lillian, who was sure to fart on you as much as she could, your mom only did so when they legitimately slipped out for her.

"A-Alright..." Even now, you obeyed her without really questioning, laying next to her, and resting the back of your head on the enormous fleshy globe. It was bigger than your head. The spot you were on was fairly empty, so you wouldn't really get many looks from people around, and knowing how big Jen's and Lillian's appetites were, you were sure they wouldn't be back anytime soon, so you could humor your mom's supposed reward for a bit, and even enjoy it slightly. Just as Lillian claimed about her own, Miriam's big booty was a wonderful pillow indeed, and weirdly enough, it was as if you could feel her motherly love through the warmth that slowly infused your body, coming from it. You could feel a form of bliss, at this moment, your worries melted away, and it was as if you simply reached a happy, warm and soft new world...

Unfortunately, this feeling was not to last, you suddenly felt an insanely strong pain, as if your entire spine was crumpled all at once, crushed by a hydraulic piston. But you couldn't scream, whatever force attacked you, it sealed your voice somehow, and soon you felt your strength quickly drain in an unnatural, inexplicable way. Your vision turned black and felt really cold, almost deathly so, only the warmth on your back, which came from your mom, was all you had left. You lost consciousness before you could even fully process what was just happening...


You had no idea how long it had been, your head hurt, you felt dizzy and you were disoriented beyond all belief. Your only relief was that you were right next to your mom as it happened, and she must've realized. Strangely enough, your strength slowly returned, and in a couple of seconds you were able to stand up. The first thing you noticed was that you weren't standing on the beach's sandy ground anymore, it was a warm surface, an extremely soft and squishy one, in fact, it almost felt like quicksand, you struggled to maintain your footing, but you noted that you weren't truly sinking into it... more than it being like quicksand, as you first thought, it was more like a massive waterbed, or perhaps the world's biggest pudding.


2) The landscape was seemingly barren, though you could see an enormous hill, identical to the one you were atop of, in the horizon, across a steep canyon. But you'd never seen any place like this. You took a single step when suddenly, what looked like a massive multiheaded creature appearing from above snatched you right up. You panicked and believed yourself to be dead, but soon you noticed that there were no talons, in fact, there were no fingers, just two skyscraper-sized trunk-like things, lacking a better way to describe them, carefully holding you. This enormous thing was obviously more than capable of squashing you like a grape, but it only held you with the bare minimum force needed to prevent you from falling off its grasp.

Then, much to your surprise, you were met with a titanic version of your mom's face, her eyes alone were easily billboard-sized to you, and they were staring at you in shock.
"Honey?" She worriedly asked, bringing you closer to have a better look...

3) You looked around, and all you could see was a nearly unfathomably vast expanse of smooth-looking caramel. It was very surreal and alien-looking, yet, you couldn't shake off an overwhelming sense of familiarity, as if you should know what this place was. Trying to walk on this bizarre ground was very difficult, your feet easily sank up to your ankles, it was almost ridiculously soft and squishy. But you needed to get somewhere, you needed to find anything, a landmark, or some sign of civilization nearby, as there was nothing as far as your eyes could see...


4) You couldn't believe it, but it was an undeniable truth, you somehow shrunk, but thankfully you were on your mother's hand, she had seen it happen and you were relieved, she'd no doubt keep you safe from all harm, but just then, the ground began quaking, and you could see a figure or figures in the distance...

[Notes: The shrunken size for choices 2 and 4 is 1/2 inch, while for choice 3 it's 1/10 inch, or 2 milimeters. Also, choice 4 actually follows the same path as choice 2, but with a different outcome/events]
May 12, 2023