It's your first day of summer vacation!
You smile upon looking at the date. School had been so overwhelming on its last days that you barely even registered the days going by, and summer vacation almost caught you off-guard
'Summer vacation, huh? Nice!' You think. You're looking forward to spending time with Jen, and maybe ask her out one of these days. Hanging out with Lillian is also fun, though you wish you had a gas mask or an oxygen tank. A part of you still kinda looks forward to that, despite the murder inflicted on your respiratory system.

Since it's summer, it's also highly likely that Ariadne will show up sooner or later, and that is if your parents didn't actually tell you to pick her up
'Eh, that hardly matters, she minds her own business even if she's here... or so I hope' you thought. There were some people from school that also seemed to have wanted to hang out with you outside class, which you never did outside your only two friends, but you don't think it's too likely. You've got the feeling there is something you must do, however your memory is still a bit fuzzy, as you pretty much showered and crashed onto your bed before blacking out, so, you still wonder if you've got any plans today...
May 12, 2023
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