Beach time! Mom Edition ft. the girls
The drive to the beach wasn't really all that long, roughly half an hour with average traffic, but to you, the minutes seemed to slow down to a crawl as both Lillian and Jen seemed to have gotten pretty comfortable, each sitting half of their butts on your legs (in Lillian's case, probably less than a fourth of it).

You were never one for doing yoga or meditation, but at that moment you felt compelled to try and reach Nirvana, anything to be able to keep a straight face while you kept feeling your friends' soft flesh and warmth radiating into you. However, this came at a cost, due to focusing so hard on keeping yourself under control, you had no idea what Lillian and Jen were talking about, you could hear their voices, but you didn't have enough brainpower left to decipher them, every ounce of willpower you had was diverted into this one task. And unfortunately, it didn't take very long for them to catch on...

"Huh? Blaise?" Jen said "Are you alright?" Your eyes were closed, but you were tensing up and your breathing was slower than normal.

"I didn't think he'd be able to fall asleep like this" Lillian chuckled, but upon looking at you again, she realized that you weren't sleeping. She then grinned and leant closer to Jen to whisper something into her ear, which made her blush.

"O-Oh... really?" Jen softly asked and Lillian nodded in response. With a surprisingly shy look on her face, Jen slowly wiggled on her seat, shifting so that more of her butt rested on your leg, which immediately sent a surge of mad tingles up your body. Your concentration broke, and you even felt like your heart stopped beating for a moment.

"What's wrong, Blaise?" Lillian teasingly asked, doing the exact same thing on the opposite side. But your brain had been overwhelmed, your sensory inputs had overloaded it and at some point, your body apparently forgot to breathe, which caused you to begin choking on absolutely nothing.

"What's going on?" Miriam asked, which surprised and scared all 3 of you. Lillian was quick to cover your mouth with her hand, though she also covered your nose, worsening your choking.

"N-Nothing! I think Blaise breathed some dust, that's all" Jen said, thinking quickly.

"Hmm... in that case you should roll the windows up" Miriam said, accepting that explanation without taking her eyes off the road.

The girls sighed in relief and Lillian let go of your mouth, which led you to gasp as you finally acquired much-needed oxygen.
"Lillian, what the hell was that for?!" You angrily whispered, seeing that she merely gave a smug chuckle in response.

"You looked lost, we just wanted you to come back" Lillian chuckled, wrapping an arm around your neck. Seeing this, and not wanting to let her one-up her, Jen surprisingly did the same.

"J-Jen?!" You shuddered upon feeling her touch and looked at her with widened eyes. Lillian messing with you was one thing, but you expected Jen to be on your side when these things happened.

"You had us a little worried" She kindly smiled "What happened? You looked lost in thought"

"I... uh..." Your brain was still overtaxed with everything that was going on, and only forced itself to snap out of its previous shock because you didn't want things to get any more awkward. But you were coming up with nothing to make up any excuses for your attempted meditative trance.

"There's not all that much room in this car... I guess you must feel uncomfortable" Lillian suggestively whispered into your ear, giving you goosebumps on the back of your neck and getting you to shudder once more.

"Well, if you didn't take so much room we'd all be comfier" Jen chuckled, sticking her tongue out at Lillian, who did a fake, overdramatic gasp.

"Excuse you! If anything, it's Blaise who's taking up the most room here" Lillian said, shifting in her seat, trying to engulf more of your lap with her giant ass, but Jen quickly realized and did the same. Before you fully understood what was unfolding before your eyes, both girls were more blatantly sitting on one of your legs each.

[Note: Choice 2 directly continues after this part, ignoring the rest of the chapter]

Knowing arguing would be a futile effort, you simply rolled your eyes and took a deep breath, you could tell there was no winning this one, no matter what you tried.
"Well, excuuuuse me, Princess, for not being a midget" You sarcastically replied, which made Jen giggle.

"You're pardoned, my loyal servant" Lillian replied in an exaggerated posh accent. You and Jen looked at each other, then at Lillian while raising an eyebrow. If the drive was feeling awfully long, it was only going to feel even longer now. Then, with no warning whatsoever, you heard (and felt) a loud, rumbling banging noise just as you could feel an obnoxious warmth engulf you, creeping up from your lap until it covered you like a horrible blanket, and you knew what had just happened... Lillian unsurprisingly had farted...

"Lillian!" Both you and Jen shouted, and you could hear your mom quietly giggling as well, though she said nothing.

"You guys know me, it was inevitable... and I've been holding them in for a while now" She said, you then heard her stomach making really loud growling noises, which confirmed her claim.

"Ugh" Both you and Jen pinched your noses and rolled your eyes up. However, there was a silver lining to this, thanks to Lillian's fart, you were finally able to relax, as that one rebellious part of your anatomy that often seemed to conspire to embarrass you was finally put to sleep.

'I can't believe I'm thankful she farted' You thought 'But at least it's helped me stay under control...'

The rest of the drive went on uneventfully, Lillian's regular bursts of flatulence, as annoying as they were, ensured that you'd be able to keep your cool, despite the tremendously arousing yet embarrassing situation you had been put into. The talk with the girls, as far as you knew, seemed to be mostly normal, though both Lillian, and weirdly enough Jen too, seemed to be in a teasing mood, which in Lillian's case is to say something given her usual personality... but you chalked it up to them being hyped for the beach, lacking any better explanations.

You looked around and were pleasantly surprised, there wasn't all that much people at the beach, which was slightly weird, being the first day of summer vacation, but then again, it wasn't the only beach available to the city you lived in. You shrugged and went to the car's trunk, being the only guy around, you knew you were expected to do all the heavy lifting, even though, funnily enough, either of the girls was probably stronger than you.

"Hey Blaise, Jen and I have a question..." Lillian said, cutting off your current train of thought.

"Yeah? What's up?" You turned around, as her voice came from behind you, and in fact, the two of them were standing right there. Looking at each other as if they were having a quick nonverbal conversation, they nodded to each other and swiftly took off their clothes, tossing them onto the car's roof. Your eyes almost popped out, now you realized that just like your mom, the girls had been wearing their bikinis under their clothes all along, and to call them breathtaking wouldn't do them any justice...

You look at Jen's first, it's a bright red Brazilian bikini that made her enormous chest look even bigger. She really made an effort, though the bikini itself might be one size too small for her, and you can practically hear Lillian giving her that kind of advice. You look farther down, and her bikini bottom tightly hugged her large hips, cutting a bit into their delicious thickness, and you can only imagine what it looked like from behind. As if reading your mind, Jen winked at you and slowly turned around, almost giving you a heart attack, her bikini bottoms were too small for such a big ass, but that only served to make it look like a work of art, you also realized that you somehow forgot Jen had a pretty sizable behind herself, and it looked as if it had been sculpted by the gods.

However, you're snapped out of your thoughts as Lillian cleared her throat, annoyed at your lack of attention to her, and when you looked at her, you blushed harder and felt like you might have a heart attack. Lillian stood before you with an absurdly small yellow bikini, that you're not even sure if it's some kind of microkini or just a bikini that's two or three sizes too small for her. You'd wonder how her mother would let her buy or wear such a thing, but then you remembered Sheila was just as bad if not worse...

Her top seemed to struggle to cover her boobs, which you're a bit surprised by, as her clothing at school emphasized her rear instead, almost never showing off her bust, which admittedly wasn't very large on her, and was no match for Jen's. But her bikini was so tight that it definitely cut into her soft, thick flesh, she wasn't afraid to show that she had a little bit of love handles, though to be fair, they didn't diminish her beauty. You still could see her mouth somewhere above, and it slowly curved into a smirk...

"You haven't seen the best part yet though" She said as she slowly turned around. Your heart skipped a few beats as once again you were presented with the view of one of the biggest asses you knew of. It rippled and wobbled deliciously from her faintest motions, and it was so huge it looked unreal in a way, and exceedingly real in another. Her bikini bottom itself was, however, a puny excuse of a thong that was mercilessly devoured by her massive crack, which, despite being in direct sunlight, you still couldn't see the end of. You gulped hard and heard her giggle.

"Oops!" Lillian then 'dropped' her phone and promptly bent over to pick it up, which made her giant ass spread a little, as well as jiggle and wobble more as she took her sweet time to pick it up. After she did, she looked back at you with a smile, and gave you a wink.

"So, who's got the best bikini?" She asked
May 12, 2023