Extended Stay in Karen’s Ass
· original author:
Betty shook her head, both baffled at Karen’s brazen treatment of you, but also a small amount of curiosity about what it felt like. Sighing, she got up and turned around to look down at Karen, paying particular attention to her bulbous rear end which you were entombed within.
“I’m gonna go get something to drink, you want anything?”

“Hmmm… nah, I’m good,” Karen smiled up to Betty, a smile that shifted to a dopey grin as she released another several second long fart, relishing in the feeling of your body’s movements trapped between her rippling cheeks. As she felt your movements kick into high gear again she broke into another giggling fit.

“Just try not to gas him to death before I get back please,” Betty rolled her eyes and wandered off, to which Karen simply stuck her tongue out at her as she wandered off. This left Karen alone and able to continue her repeated cheek clenches, almost like she was trying to squeeze every last bit of pleasure from your shrunken form.

You were feeling intense claustrophobia as Karen’s wobbling cheeks clenched in around you. Your arms and legs were in constant motion in an attempt to keep the doughy flesh from invading the minuscule amount of open space around you, but it felt like a losing battle, as that space seemed to become smaller and smaller as time went on.
Your movements to try and keep from being completely smothered by Karen’s cheeks tickled her in exactly the ways she wanted you to, so she figured you must be happy to be in there and do what she had asked you.
Karen’s ditsy brain never even considered that being trapped deep in her crack and taking farts point blank straight from the source could possibly be in any way unpleasant for you, the thought just didn’t cross her mind.

The panic and constant motion of just trying to stay afloat inside your aunts ass was causing your breathing to accelerate as well, using up what little free air was able to reach you down in the depths of her crack. The lingering stench of her last gigantic fart tainted the air and made your lungs burn. Your brain begged for breathable air, but you had no choice but to breathe the fetid air that was available to you, air that was suddenly “supplemented” by another roaring fart that thundered through your confined space between the fatty cheeks.
Karen giggled as she felt her cheeks ripple as the gas blew through them, along with your renewed movements that it seemed to spur on. Your renewed wiggling in her crack surprised her. She propped herself up on her shoulders and looked back towards her backside curiously.
“Maybe he likes it when I fart on him?” Karen thought to herself. “He sure does move around a lot after I do it.”

To test her theory, Karen relaxed her anus once more and another billowing gust emerged from her bowels and invaded your space. When she felt your panicked squirming once again accelerate, she smiled warmly, before laying back down and rested her head on her arms, content to leave you in there.
She sighed contentedly, before closing her eyes and happily basking in the sun, as well as the pleasurable sensations that you were giving her.

Now that Karen was laying still, you got some reprieve from the constant jiggling and shaking of the flesh surrounding you, but that certainly didn’t make your experience any better. You were beginning to feel yourself getting lightheaded from breathing in nothing but the fumes from deep in Karen’s bowels, and with the sun bearing down on her backside, the space surrounding you was starting to feel like a pressure cooker.

You thought now that she had stopped moving, you might be able to find some way of getting out of here, but attempting to find any handholds to hoist yourself upwards was useless. Karen’s wobbling, fatty cheeks provided no handholds for you to grab onto. Even worse was the fact that, while they still felt like a hurricane blowing past you, her farts just didn’t seem to have enough power to rip you from your position and send you airborne like her first one.
You sighed as you came to the realisation that unless someone saved you, you’d be stuck here until Karen decided to take you out, and who knows how long that will take.

For the next while things remained as uneventful as they could be while you were trapped in between your aunts ass cheeks while she was constantly farting to spur you into motion. However this changed when you were hit by a large bead of liquid that rolled down from above you. It soaked you and some of the foul tasting substance got into your mouth. It tasted incredibly salty, and you instantly realised it was sweat.
Clearly the heat was starting to have an effect on Karen now that she was basking in the sun, and you were about to suffer for it.
The initial bead of sweat that hit you was not the last, and a steady drip quickly turned into a trickle. The stream of hot, salty sweat bearing down on you and then disappearing further into the depths of your aunt’s ass was quickly becoming unbearable, you could still get air, but it did at points feel like you were going to start drowning in it.

You needed to get Karen’s attention so she could get you out of here, so you started struggling with all your worth in an attempt to get her attention. Little did you know that Karen, fully relaxed from you pleasurable feeling you were giving her backside, had fallen asleep. However, your struggling did get her attention on at least some level.

“Mmmh, feels… nice!” Karen moaned softly to herself in her sleep.
It seemed you would be getting no help for now, and you had no idea that your struggling was futile.

Eventually you felt the sweat coated skin surrounding you begin to slide past you, which confused you until you realised that it wasn’t moving, you were. The buildup of sweat flowing past you was beginning to overcome the resistance that Karen’s cheeks offered, and you felt gravity beginning to pull you downwards, deeper into her ass.
You screamed and begged for Karen to hear you and save you, but the slumbering woman wouldn’t have been able to hear your cries even if she were awake.
Nothing stopped your descent as her ass just seemed to keep going and going, reminding you of just how small you had become that you were able to get completely swallowed up by the landscape of your aunt’s massive ass.

Eventually you impacted on the last part of Karen’s ass you would ever have wanted to see first hand, her relaxed, twitching anus.
The sticky band of muscle was absolutely massive in comparison to you, and was slick with the sweat that had been trickling down here since Karen laid down. It puckered as it sensed your intrusion, almost as if it was reaching out for you.

1 & 2) Before you fully impact on her backdoor, a shadow is cast over Karen when Betty returns. Seeing no sign of you, she assumed you were still encased in Karen’s backside and felt concern for your wellbeing, alongside a small pang of envy at the other woman’s enjoyment of you.
She decides to wake Karen and try to convince her to let you out of there.

3) Your descent quickly brought you directly to the centre of the putrid orifice. It was so relaxed between Karen’s current position and the tickling that you had been giving to her sensitive crack, that you slid through to the other side with almost no resistance, kicking and screaming the whole way. Karen smiled in her sleep, subconsciously feeling you slip inside her without actually waking her up.
Eventually Karen wakes up, having completely forgotten where you had been, and packs her things, ready to head home with you locked deep within her ass.

4) Your descent quickly brought you directly to the centre of the putrid orifice. The sudden intrusion of your body on such a sensitive area jolted Karen awake. Looking back towards her backside, she smiled.
“Wow Blaise you sure are having fun back there aren’t you!” She giggled as she shifted her hips side to side, wobbling her cheeks, which battered you into the fart stained hole they pressed you against. “Feel free to keep it up because it feels great!”

5) Karen wakes up to the sound of her phone ringing and groggily picks it up, the caller ID informing her that it was her daughter, Celeste. Remembering her earlier argument with Betty over whose daughter was a better fit for you, Karen decides to sneak off with you to “convince” you to choose Celeste over Arianna.
May 12, 2023