Aunts Meddling (in) Family Matters Pt. II
You felt like you were drowning in this fatty ocean with all the insane shaking going on around you, you desperately tried 'swimming' your way around but it was extremely difficult, everything you touched was too soft to get a grip on. It didn't help that you heard aunt Karen's muffled laughter, she was clearly enjoying this at your expense, though she obviously didn't know.

"I would've thought it'd be a mosquito... there's definitely plenty of blood in there to feed on" Betty joked, glancing at Karen's jiggly butt.

"But why go for mine? Yours is much bigger and it must have even more blood!" Karen laughed in response. Betty smiled, taking her statement as a compliment.

"Maybe the mosquito wanted a more fatty meal?" Betty laughed, making Karen pout.

"But it's not a mosquito, and it's not biting... it's just tickling me" She said, shaking her hips more in delight, she noticed that wiggling her hips and shaking her butt seemed to get her little 'guest' to tickle her the most.

"Who would've thought? A bug that likes tickling fat butts" Betty chuckled.
"You could make some serious money if you found more of them"

"Awww, it feels so good though, I wouldn't want to sell the little fella" Karen smiled and closed her eyes in delight.

You could more or less hear their conversation outside, even with all the shaking and jiggling, and it was rather disheartening. Aunt Karen clearly felt you but she simply thought you were some kind of bug that liked to tickle her huge butt for whatever reason.
'Then again, it's not like we've ever expected her to be much smarter than that...' You lamented while still trying to swim around in this colossal fleshy ocean. You needed to get out though, the air smelled as you expected it would, but even coming across sweaty stale air was difficult in your location, you could feel that if you opened your mouth you'd just get a mouthful of Karen's booty meat. This struggle went on for several minutes until suddenly, your entire world went crazy, there was a massive roaring explosion that made your surroundings shake much more madly, like a plate of jell-o in a cat 8 earthquake, and a gigantic torrent of wind, larger than a tornado, blew you upwards with incredible force, almost ripping you off your doughy surroundings.

Karen suddenly let out a huge several-seconds-long fart and giggled, it had been a result of all the tickling in her sensitive crack, but she noticed that the tiny mass lodged between her plush cheeks had been blown out with it and sent flying. She pouted, sad that her 'feeling good' time had abruptly cut short.

"Well, that bug's dead now... and if it was the last of it species, that means they just went extinct" Betty chuckled. Karen turned her head to look at her to say something but then she spotted a small silhouette land right on Betty's enormous behind.

"It might not be, it flew out of my ass but it landed on yours!" Karen laughed.

"Huh? Really...?" Betty sounded now more intrigued and then noticed something small was really resting on her plush 'pillows'. She reached behind herself and picked it up. It didn't feel like most bugs, she couldn't feel a hard shell, nor antennae. Curious, she brought the unknown presence to her face.
"Hmm? What an odd bug..." She brought her hand closer to her eyes and then those eyes widened, finding not an insect of any sorts, but a very small human being!
"Blaise?!" She asked in shock.

"What about him?" Karen asked.

"I-It's him! The 'bug' is Blaise..." Betty said in disbelief and stared at you in fascination, then she showed you to Karen, who raised an eyebrow, also looking intrigued about this, but there was no mistake that it was you. Betty even recognized the swimming trunks you wore, since she had bought them for you.
"How did this happen honey?" She sweetly asked you, in the usual kind aunt tone you knew all your life, though you were still quite disturbed by hearing their previous conversation. Was it an one-time crazy thing? Was it a recurring subject? You weren't even sure if you wanted to know...

"Uh..." You also weren't sure if you wanted to explain the whole shrinking shenanigans you had been through so far. As odd as it may seem, you weren't a snitch, and even though Jordana was quite a handful, she had at least some sense of fairness... and to be fair the rest of what happened you so far wasn't even her fault, it had been Isha who put you up to 'prank' Sadie, which ended up poorly for you, even more so with your encounter with Chahna, one of the last people you wanted to find while this vulnerable.
"Err, I think someone did it as a prank..." You said, opting to be as vague as possible, but you knew that only Jordana could reverse this and you'd need to find an excuse to be taken with her, then again, at least having Betty on your side she might not be able to keep messing with you as she had done so far anymore.

"Oh, true! I've heard from Ari that something like that seems to be a fad in the Ladies' Mt. College" Betty said.

'I'd be surprised by her lack of surprise, but I think my ability to get surprised got murdered just a couple of minutes ago' You thought.

Suddenly you were snatched up by a huge, pale hand.
"Hmm? So you were the little buggy from earlier?" Karen asked you full of curiosity.

"Huh?! Uhh... N-No... I mean, technically yes, but I'm not really a b-" Just as you were trying to give an answer that made sense while tripping over your own nerves, her hand swiftly moved, reaching behind herself.

"That felt sooo good sweetie. Please tickle me some more, I loved it!" Karen nonchalantly said as she pulled out her light blue bikini bottom, which was probably two sizes too small at least and stuffed you into her crack, then letting her bikini snap back into place.

"Did... did you just shove Blaise up your butt?" Betty asked, completely flabbergasted by what had just happened.

"Huh? No... I mean, not up my ass, but he's in it" Karen playfully giggled, apparently missing the point of the question as per her usual nature. She wiggled her hips just like when she thought she had a bug, shivering in pleasure when she felt your desperate attempts at swimming through her insanely doughy flesh. You now confirmed more or less where Celeste got her flabby ass from, although to be fair, Karen's was bigger, rounder, and its curviness actually fit in with her whole body, while Celeste looked like they grabbed a pencil-thin girl and slapped a fat butt on her, and not fat in a good way.

'Hopefully they forgot about that insane convo at least' You thought while reluctantly playing along with Karen's request, but even if she hadn't asked you to, you needed to keep on trying to swim just to create an air pocket to breathe.

"He's really doing it, and it feels great" Karen almost purred and shuddered from all the pleasant tingles your 'tickling' was giving her, she then began slowly and gently clenching her butt, finding that feeling your tiny figure engulfed by her generous derriere was also pleasurable to her.

You would've been confused by the massive 'walls' suddenly tightening and pressing more into you, molding to your shape and leaving almost no room for air if you hadn't heard her, sighing in defeat. Apparently, you were doomed to suffer in women's colossal asses until you got Jordana to grow you back, and even then you'd probably have to suffer hers, which was frickin' massive even at normal size. Time passed, though you couldn't tell how much, when suddenly and with no warning like before, what appeared to be a volcanic eruption went off upon you, a loud echoing roar made your whole body vibrate while a massive warm typhoon blew into you, though your doughy surroundings, pressing into you from both sides, kept you firmly in place, letting you take the full brunt of the gargantuan blast.

Karen relaxed so much that she didn't even notice that another big fart escaped her bubble booty right until it happened. She always found it hilarious, and even messed a little with her daughter, as she often got embarrassed by how nonchalant she was about it.

"Seriously Karen?" Betty said.

"Hmm? What?" She asked sleepily.

"You're farting on him now?" Betty said in a deadpan tone.

"Uh? Oh! Right! I almost forgot! Oops, I guess..." Karen giggled while Betty sighed and rolled her eyes.
"I mean, his tickling feels so good I just forget about stuff. It's like having a tiny masseur back there, and I mean a deluxe one" She sighed.
"Love you sweetheart! Sorry!" She playfully said to you, wiggling her hips some more and clenching her large butt as her way to 'hug' you.

'Does he really feel... that good?' Betty wondered, feeling a twinge of envy, which was also fueled by their newly created rivalry, about which she hadn't yet forgotten. She absent-mindedly caressed one of her cheeks and reached into her crack, trying to emulate what Karen was feeling, but it was nowhere near a proper comparison, in practice, she had just scratched her crack. Soon, she was snapped out of her thoughts when Karen let out an even louder, longer rumbling fart and broke into a series of giggling fits.
May 12, 2023