AM|FM Pt. IV: Beauty Contest: Celeste vs Arianna
You panicked hard, gulped and had a cold sweat while shivering where you stood, which was on Betty's hand, by the way. What the hell kind of messed up question was this?! You were shooting blanks, either choice would be your doom in one way or another.

Celeste was probably gonna keep on being her annoying, bratty self, and giving her free reign over you was a very idiotic idea, unless you felt suicidal and masochistic, not to mention that the terrible diets she constantly went on only wreaked havoc on her body, and as you already seen what often happened to you, you guessed you'd end up having to suffer her nasty farts sooner or later.

Arianna's case was by far much more baffling, however, since it literally didn't make sense. As far as you could tell, she hated your guts. Why would Betty even think she'd want to marry you? You can see yourself shivering before her massive form as she gives you a stern look from hundreds of meters above, and she either stomps on you like a cockroach or smashes you with her hand like an ant.

"He's having a hard time making a decision, huh... Looks like it wasn't as clear-cut as you said" Karen teased Betty, who frowned.

"It shouldn't be such a difficult decision" Betty sighed "Do you really think Celeste's a good idea?" She asked, and instead of taking offense, Karen simply giggled.

"I told you he's terrified of Arianna" She said. Betty shook her head.

"Alright. I think I know how to settle this..." She then grabbed her phone and texted Arianna, asking her to come ASAP. Karen promptly did the same while you stood there, baffled beyond all belief, and the fact that two of the last people you wanted to encounter like this were about to hadn't hit you yet...

A series of rhythmic quakes snapped you out of your thoughts, and your stomach sinks, recognizing that those were footsteps. You look up and shudder, feeling colder while you felt your stomach trying to shrink or crumple into itself.

"Finally!" Betty said.

"H-Huh?" Why did you call me, mo-" Celeste was about to ask, but when she saw Arianna standing before her she froze and her brain simply shut down.

"What is it, mom?" Arianna asked, ignoring Celeste.

"Well, we're here to settle a very important matter" Betty said.

"Your aunt and I have been talking..." Karen said to Celeste, giggling at her reaction to Arianna.

"And it turns out we kinda got the same idea" Betty said.

"Huh?!" Both Arianna and Celeste exclaimed, wondering what their moms were talking about.

"We're talking about your future!" Karen said "We know who you want to marry" she wiggled her eyebrows at Celeste, who began blushing more and more.

"W-What are you talking about?" Arianna said.

'Wow, I had never heard her stutter...' You thought.

"There's no need to pretend" Betty chuckled "Everyone here knows... I know that you've set your eyes on a certain cute boy"

Arianna blushed. Another unbelievable sight, if you told your friends, they wouldn't believe you without proof.

"Do you want me to spell his name?" Karen teased Celeste, who was also blushing.

"Wait... are you saying...?" Arianna had begun piecing things together, and Betty nodded.

"Yeah. You two are after the same boy" She said. Arianna blushed harder while Celeste had a look of shock.

'What?! Arianna?! Does she really... like him?!' She thought, confused and scared.

"M-Mom!" Both Arianna and Celeste embarrassedly shouted while their moms giggled.

"Anyway, we've agreed that you're the one for him... but we can't agree on which one..." Betty said.

"But we found a way to decide!" Karen chirped "A beauty contest!"

"Huh?!" Both Arianna and Celeste were greatly baffled.

"And we've got the judge right here!" Betty raised her hand so that Arianna, and to a lesser extent Celeste, could see you. When you awkwardly waved at them, they both gasped. Arianna blushed noticeably harder.

"So, girls! You need to show off your beauty so your future husband makes his choice!" Karen cheerfully said while both girls, Celeste and Arianna looked away embarrassedly and blushed more.

"I think we need to give our judge a better vantage point" Betty said and stood up. Even though they were simply laying on their towels, they had chairs and a table a short distance behind their current location, under a large parasol. All 4 women walked there and Betty set you on the table while both Arianna and Celeste bent over to get a better look at you.

"Blaise?!" Arianna whispered in surprise, slowly reaching for you with a finger.

"A-Are you real?" Celeste asked, and considering there was no point on trying to get out of this one, at least for now, you reluctantly nodded.

"He knows too" Both Karen and Betty said, making both of their daughters shudder and blush more, reaching near tomato red level.

"Come on, Ari! You got this in the bag!" Betty clapped once to get her to snap out of it.

"I know you can do it, Celeste! Just show off what I gave you" Karen giggled. After that, both of your aunts began discussing the terms of the beauty contest. Celeste shyly looked away, still embarrassed but also scared of Arianna, while the latter looked at you in blushing fascination.

"Alright. We've decided how to do this" Betty said after a few minutes.

"We'll give you girls each 10 minutes to show off your very best, after that, it'll all be up to our sweet little Blaise..." Karen added.
"And you have to choose one" She said in a slightly more serious tone, to which Betty nodded in agreement.

'God has forsaken me' Was all you could think while sighing in defeat.

They decided to let Celeste go first. She was still nervous, but apparently, it had finally sunken in how serious this was, and she somehow swallowed her fear and got over her embarrassment. This was the best chance she had to get you, if she could just win your heart over this once, you'd be hers, and defeating the fearsome Arianna would be a massive achievement in her book. She threw you a seductive look that gave you chills, and walked towards the table with a noticeable, albeit a bit forced, sway in her hips. She smiled and sensually caressed herself, tracing her mostly smooth (though with a little bit of flab, still) stomach.

The white bikini she was wearing looked pretty good, complementing her figure, and offering a decent contrast against her light bronze-colored skin. However, as Betty had said, she didn't really have much in the chest department, and you were sure the bikini was already making them look bigger than they already were. You sighed, you were still wondering if it'd be worth it putting up with her bratty shenanigans, since you at least knew what you were up against, rather than risking the unknown with Arianna. Celeste cupped her small chest, making it slightly bounce, trying to entice you.

"Shake what I gave you!" Karen instructed, briefly disrupting Celeste's flow, but she quickly recovered and with a playful smile, she turned around. Her butt was undeniably huge, hovering above you, covering you in its giant shadow, though it couldn't compare to any of the others you faced today. Compared to those mountains and planets, these were some flabby hills at most. She shook her hips, making the twin gelatinous masses jiggle and ripple quite a lot, even more so than Karen had gotten them to shake when she wiggled her hips. You couldn't help but stare, but at the same time, maintained a stone-cold face, praying for time to fly as fast as it could. Celeste twerked for you, making her big butt clap and jiggle wildly, and lowered it until it was very very close, almost sitting on you, but before those titanic jell-o boulders engulfed your form, Karen's phone alarm began ringing, indicating the 10 minutes were up. Celeste looked at you with a suggestive smile and winked at you as she walked away.

"You're up next, Ari. Go! Show him the beauty of a full-figured woman!" Betty said, making her blush. She walked towards you with a shier attitude, though her humongous hips gave her a natural sway much greater than Celeste's attempt. The bikini she wore almost gave you a heart attack on its own, it was black and way skimpy, tightly hugging her very curvaceous body, cutting a little into her abundant padding. She did what looked like bellydancing, slowly shaking her immense hips, indirectly showing off her smooth belly, although you could spot hints of love handles at her hips, but she didn't look too worried, instead, her shy embarrassed look slowly transitioned to a curious one, gauging your reaction.

You gulped and blushed hard. Even though you were trying really hard to keep your cool, Arianna was far too sexy for your poor young mind to properly handle. Her immense curves put Celeste to shame hundreds of times over, and she seemed to have a natural sensuality to her moves. You were even trembling, which both of your aunts noticed, Betty having a satisfied smile while Karen had a look of disappointment.

Without needing a prompt, Arianna winked at you before she turned around and your jaw dropped, she had a monstrous ass, it was absolutely huge, larger than the table you were on, even. Only Jordana had a bigger one, and you hadn't seen it so close without getting squashed by it. She swung her hips from side to side, making those light brown planet-sized orbs jiggle, wobble and ripple all over as they bounced into each other. Then she began lowering them towards you. You took a step back in fear, but before you took another, you were overwhelmed by their utterly massive bulk, a pair of worlds had fallen upon you. She quietly giggled while she sat on the table and you while she sensually ground her hips, trying to guide you towards her crack...
May 12, 2023