This was too much, plus, there was already a huge misunderstanding that you needed to correct.

"Sorry... mamá Lolita, uh, I was only helping my... other mom bring the food and drinks for your party" You said somewhat shyly, Dolores did indeed have a powerful effect on you, in some ways like your own mom though in others it was more like Sheila.

"I see" Dolores replied, no visible drastic shifts in her mood at first, though you saw that she frowned. She then looked in your mom's direction.
"So, your mama didn't tell you you were invited too, huh?" She said, speaking a bit louder than usual to get her attention.

'Why would be I invited to this kind of party... at all?!' You thought, but wouldn't dare voice that question. Your mom heard Dolores loud and clear and she turned around, laughing while scratching the back of her head.

"We were just bringing the food, I didn't get there yet!" She said. Both Sheila and Dolores exchanged a knowing look.

"Typical" The two of them said with a sigh.

"Well, since your mom failed to tell you, we're telling you" Sheila said, resting the side of one of her humongous cheeks against your back, making you shudder.
"All of us have missed you and we wanted you to hang out with us and share this special time" She said "Unless you've got plans of your own already"

You closed your eyes, wincing in mental pain because you knew she checkmated you right there and then. Sheila most likely knew you had no concrete plans because if you had, Lillian would've told her about it. There were no more chances for a graceful escape, and you didn't have the heart to hurt Dolores' feelings anyway.

"Yeah, even Zuleima misses you" Dolores chuckled, glancing at her shorter friend, who was currently rummaging through her purse.
"Even if she doesn't say it"

"A-Anyway, I still need to bring the rest of the stuff" You said, prompting the two big, beautiful ladies to let go of you, Dolores simply gave you a kiss on the cheek before she let go of her hug while Sheila subtly moved in a way that made your back brush against her wide cheek as she turned away, winking at you as you shuddered again.

You pretty much power walked back home, just to get some respite from the teasing, picking up an ice box with each hand and walking back to Sheila's house. This was going to be a long day... A few minutes later, you arrived and saw that all 4 of these ladies were already digging in at the burritos, they looked pretty hungry. To your father and yourself it was always a mystery why they loved that kind of food so much, and to yourself it was probably double the mystery as also your own female friends loved the stuff.

The women all seemed to notice your presence nearly at the same time and your mom was the first to cheer like a highschool girl, seeing that you were bringing the beer, the others followed suit and while in a way it was kinda cute and it made you blush, your embarrassment didn't subside. You just laughed awkwardly and wished for them to enjoy their drinks. If you were going to be stuck at this party you might as well try to get some enjoyment, so you tried to discreetly head towards the pool.

Just as you took a step back, you felt your back press against something round, squishy, warm and pretty large. Your eyes widened and looked at the table near the pool again: Your mom, Dolores, Sheila and Zuleima were all sitting there, eating those burritos with utmost delight. Plus, only Sheila and Dolores had a notably large belly. Who the hell was this then? Suddenly, two pale arms wrapped themselves around your arms from behind.

"Oh? I thought it wasn't gonna be that kind of party" Another feminine voice spoke, one that instantly made all the little hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as cold shivers ran down your spine.
"Well, whoever got this guy has pretty good taste. Really could've done without the shirt" She said, playfully tugging at one of your sleeves.

This was none other than Bertha, one of your school's two Resource Officers, simply called school cops by most students. What was she even doing here?! You gulped, remembering that since the first time she saw you, she's tried to tease you in ways reminiscent of Sheila, but coming on even more strongly, using her mammoth booty that is nearly a match for Dolores', which is the biggest you've seen on a consistent basis.

"Ha! It's not what you think, Bertha" Dolores chuckled "That's our kid... well, Miriam was the one to carry him in her belly, but you know... I helped raise the lad too"

"Ooh! Sorry, sorry! I thought one of you had finally decided to spice up the party!" Bertha laughed, though you could feel in your heart that she knew who you were from the beginning. She might be a bumbling cop most of the time, but you were sure her instincts had some sharpness from her training as a police officer. You hadn't been told, but now you realized that Bertha was most likely invited because she's friends with Dolores herself. This kept getting worse and worse!

"Well, that's even better news! My, what a handsome fella you raised. My congratulations to the chef!" She chuckled, making both Dolores and Miriam giggled, somewhat flustered at the compliment. Fortunately, she finally let go of you and side stepped from you to get to the table and grab a burrito for herself, swaying her enormous hips in a pretty obvious way to get her massive cheeks to jiggle and wobble quite a lot.

Her skimpy black bikini that was even more ill-fitting than your mom's red piece only further emphasized the sheer size of the curves that this chubby blonde packed. Her bottom piece was pretty much turned into a makeshift thong, though on a smaller ass they probably would've looked like normal panties. You suddenly looked up and found that she caught you stealing a glance, winking playfully.

"I guess now you know how we got so big back there" She teased as she slapped one of her huge cheeks, sending it into a jiggling, rippling frenzy.

"Speak for yourself, I always was this big" Dolores chuckled "No matter how much I exercised I could never burn off a single inch of this fatty" She said, wiggling her hips and making the very small and unfortunate blue thong get swallowed further in between her even bigger cheeks.

"Yeah, I remember how the four of us biked around town for hours and then played entire tennis matches, and the only ones with the shape to show for it were Zuleima and Miri!" Sheila laughed "But also, I kept telling you guys that big butts were going to catch on, we didn't need to try to slim them down so hard"

"Yeah, you were right... one generation too early!" Zuleima chimed in "You probably were a bit of a pioneer, but it's girls these days who get to enjoy to boast their big booties without repercussions"

"You just had to find the right man" Your mom said while munching on a burrito, you couldn't tell how many she'd wolfed down already "Rapha enjoys mine, specially after it got bigger from my pregnancy's baby weight that never quit" She giggled.

"I mean, we all were messing with him before you two became a thing. Hell, even Dolores nearly squashed him a few times!" Sheila said, soon bursting out in laughter again.

"H-Hey!" Dolores blushed "For the record, Rapha has always been like a little brother to me! I always knew one of you would end up together with him" She then looked at Sheila "And that only happened a few times! I was just tired, felt playful and sat on his lap... I just, uh, plopped down a bit too hard"

"I don't know how his legs didn't break, but you made them instantly numb" Zuleima said "I'm surprised, since you've broken toilets the exact same way" She added with a cheeky snicker.

"Et tu, Zuleima?" Dolores blushed more, throwing her an annoyed glance "What is this, roast Lolita day?"

"I mean, with those hams you're packing anyone would have a grand feast!" Miriam laughed, making the rest of the group laugh heartily as well. Despite the bantering, you could tell that it was all in good fun, it's just that you wished not to be present, seeing ll these curvy ladies around your mom's age or older, talking about their bodies so freely. Not that there was anything wrong with it, but you felt like you didn't belong.

"Okay, okay, enough with the big butt talk, we're gonna traumatize your poor baby" Dolores chuckled.

"So he's only mine when something bad happens, huh?" Miriam raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry. OUR poor baby" Dolores amended her statement in a comically exaggerated way. She gestured at you to come sit next to her, on an unoccupied chair between herself and Sheila.
"Don't worry, we'll stop" She said half jokingly. Sheila then handed you over a glass that was full of golden, bubbly liquid.

"I know what you're thinking. It's not that, it's just Peñafiel" She said and you noticed that it definitely lacked the foam characteristic of beer. Somewhat hesitantly you picked the glass up and brought it closer to your face. Yep, just harmless apple-flavored mineral water. Sighing in relief, you drank some, feeling like maybe that'd help you relax a bit.

"By that reaction, I feel like you've tried pulling off something funny before" Zuleima teased.

"Wha? Why, I never!" Sheila mock pouted "I'm pretty upfront when I wanna tease my little man" She added, wrapping an arm around your neck while she scooted closer to you so that your right side rested against her.

"Sheesh, Sheila! Leave something for your daughters, will ya?" Dolores said.

"Like you, Lolita?" Miriam said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh please" Dolores rolled her eyes "Those two, I swear... Poor Blaise here ended up babysitting them when it was supposed to go the opposite way" She sighed "At least I know you're a good boy, can't trust them to just anyone. But they are a handful for sure" She added, looking at you as she did.

So, you sat there while these ladies and Bertha gleefully scarfed down burrito after burrito while enjoying small talk and catching up with local gossip from their workplaces and whatnot. Listening to it in full might have drained too much of your brain power. However, knowing that Bertha was there made you nervous, keeping you on your guard...

May 15, 2023
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