It was relatively early in the morning, you assumed that you were virtually by yourself, because either your mom would remain asleep until later, enjoying to sleep in on the odd days she didn't have to work, or because she'd go to work or run errands if she woke up early. The possibility that there would be people in your house while you got ready to leave never crossed your mind even once.

Which is why you froze in your tracks when you passed by the dining room and saw that there was indeed someone. Your eyes widened in surprise as you did a double take. At least you were thankful that you were fully dressed, a habit that had been instilled into you with how nonchalant those two were. Even Lillian poked fun at the fact that you were uncomfortable to be shirtless in your own home, something that pretty much everyone said was not only perfectly normal, but acceptable specially during the summer with its very hot climate.

"Morning, sweetie!" Your mom waved at you and got up from her seat, walking towards you.

Much to your embarrassment, she was wearing nothing more than a red bikini that was definitely several sizes too small, the top struggled already to contain her large, bouncing chest, and as for the bottom, you saw how tightly it cut into her wide hips. Not noticing any of this, she hugged you tightly and kissed you on the cheek, then caressing your head.

"I thought you were gonna sleep in for longer" She chuckled.

"Looks like a valid option. Am I interrupting something?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Aww, don't be silly!" She poked you in the nose and kissed you on the cheek again, then patting your head.
"I wouldn't be a mama if I got mad at my baby being around when I'm not working" She giggled.

You knew this very well, your mom had some surprisingly strong opinions, mostly about the many mothers who'd force their kids out of their home when they had a day off under the pretense that they should play outside when in reality they simply didn't want to deal with them for the day. She really despised that kind of behavior.

"I was hoping you woke up soon to be honest, and not just because I need your help" Your mom said.

"Huh? What for?" You asked, but then you saw that your mom had apparently prepared a lot of those infamous microwavable burritos, quite a lot more than she would normally eat, and she had a pretty big appetite that could be compared to Jen's or even Lillian's. Four trays loaded with those.

"We're having a little party at Sheila's" Miriam giggled "I'm getting the food ready. Come on, help me bring these over please" She said.

"Sure" You said almost automatically.

To be fair, your mom seldom gave you orders, almost everything she asked of you was technically a favor, a point that she had specifically made since you were a kid, since she thought you were smart enough not to need to be given orders to do things, she always explained why doing certain things was useful or necessary, and in fact, she even taught you not to blindly obey anyone. Ironically, sometimes you felt like you did blindly obey her, but then again, you were doing what she said and it didn't feel wrong. This time, however, you paused.

"Wait... what's up with the bikini?"

Your mom tilted her head cutely, seemingly not understanding your question at first, she then glanced down, you weren't sure if she looked at her chest or at the strained piece of fabric attempting to contain its bouncing.

"Oh! This? Well, it's because it's a bit of a pool party! You know, Sheila has a pretty large pool" She replied "This party is technically Dolores' but Sheila offered her house for it and I'm taking care of the food and drinks"

When she said drinks, you took another glance at the dining room table, you saw two large ice boxes loaded with beer bottles. Despite your lack of interest in alcohol, for which you had been teased a bit by your parents as the legal drinking age in Mexico is 18 as opposed to 21, you knew some things and one thing you knew for certain was that these were no ordinary bottles. These weren't the kind that you could buy anywhere in the city. These were brought in from Mexico. Whatever this party was for, it was a bigger deal than your mom let on.

"Looks like more than just a small party" You said, slightly awkwardly.

"Well, it's kind of an important day for us" Miriam said "We're celebrating the day the four of us became friends: Dolores, Zuleima, Sheila and yours truly" She smiled "Plus, Dolores got some bonus from her job and she wanted to treat us. She paid for these actually" She said, glancing at the ice boxes containing the beer bottles.

"I... I see" You laughed nervously, scratching the back of your head "So... all of you are going to be dressed... like that?" You asked with increasing embarrassment.

"Huh? Does someone wanna take a naughty peek?" She teased with a smug smile, making your blush intensify.

"M-Mom!" You frowned and she burst out laughing.

"You know I'm kidding, hon. But yes, it's hot as hell out there and it's a pool party, of course we're gonna be in our bikinis" She replied as nonchalantly as ever. You sighed and rubbed your temples.

"In that case, don't you think it'd be inappropriate for me to go somewhere full of, err... scantily clad ladies?" You asked, looking away, but your mom simply giggled and cooed at your reaction.

"You're so cute!" She said "Are you worried your dashing looks will melt their hearts?" She added, giving you a cheeky smile as she poked your chest with a finger.

"N-No" You said, struggling to regain your composure "I mean, I don't think they'll want to see a dumb child coming unannounced and unwanted, even if it's just to bring the food and drinks"

"I thought teenagers hated calling themselves children" Miriam jokingly replied.

"But don't you say I'm a baby all the time?" You raised an eyebrow.

"That's different, sweetie" She said, pulling you close for another hug that she held for longer, kidding you on the cheek again and resting her face against yours.
"You'll always be my baby because I had you in my belly for the first 9 and half months of your life, but that just applies to me. I know you're becoming a fine young man, but then again, maybe in some ways you'll still always be like a kid to me, it's just how most mamas are hardwired I think. I mean, I've even seen adult cats and dogs stayed with their mamas, and they still groomed their adult offspring just like when they were little! So, if you have any complaints, take them up to Mother Nature. Oh wait, she's a mama too" She giggled.

Despite her usual goofy demeanor, she made several good points, and the cats and dogs things you'd even witnessed yourself too. Then again, this was similar to what your dad said about her. It was simply the way things were.

"Anyway! Other than myself, who is very happily worried, thank you very much... They would pay good money to get someone looking half as good as you do to bring their food and drinks" She winked at you as she also stuck her tongue out while you almost fainted from sheer embarrassment right there and then.

"Mom, please don't make this any more awkward" You sighed.

"Just telling the truth~" Your mom giggled "You know... if you really wanted to make it special for them you should take the shirt off and change those pants for some swimming trunks"

You had no words left and simply facepalmed in response. She giggled cutely at your reaction.

"Still kidding, hon! I mean, Dolores loves you as her own son. Sheila too, even though she prefers to go for the Auntie flavor. And I'm sure Zuleima just sees you as her younger daughter's cute friend. They don't bite. Besides, Dolores really wanted to see you" Miriam said as she grabbed two of the trays, one with each hand "Let's go"

Reluctantly, you picked up the remaining 2 trays and followed her into Sheila's home. Oh boy, your embarrassment levels would surely go over 9,000 if your mom's attitude was anything to go by. 'Just set the food down and leave. Just set the food down and leave' You repeated in your mind as if it were a mantra to grant you mental stability.

To your misfortune, it looked like that wouldn't be an option, as your mom led you to the area near the pool, with various chairs under the shade of large parasols as her voluptuous friends lounged around.

'God, I know I haven't been the most religious guy out there, I know... but why must you make me suffer like this? Have I really pissed you off that badly?' You thought as you looked up at the clouds in the sky, wondering if anyone up there would pick up on that thought. Then you took a deep breath and walked towards the table, resigned to suffering even more embarrassment.

You felt the 3 women's looks on you, shuddering as you got goosebumps on your arms. You made no visual contact, as if somehow that would save you 'It worked for Perseus' You thought and took a few more steps before setting the trays.

"Hello, honey" You heard Dolores say, getting up from her seat and walking up to you, giving you a big hug "I thought your mama was joking when she said she'd bring you to the party, but I'm glad you came"

"Huh?!" Your eyes widened in surprise. "H-Hello D-"

"Nuh-uh" Dolores playfully shushed you "Just for today, call me what you used to" she asked with a sweet smile, once again making your embarrassment levels max out.

"Hello, Mamá Lolita" You tried to say while keeping a straight face, but you could feel as if your heart became an empty can and it got squeezed, then tossed into the trash.

"Don't forget your dear Auntie, hun" Sheila said, standing behind you before she turned to the side and gave you a playful bump with her massive hip. For some reason, you then glanced at Zuleima, who was looking at you very intently and even reached for her purse, looking for something. You just hoped it was't a phone to snap embarrassing pics. After those greetings, you felt that your hopes for escaping had evaporated. What the hell did your mom get you into?

May 15, 2023
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