12 years later
· original author:
Groaning, you find yourself nauseous and your head ready to split apart. Waiting for it settle, you could smell something rancid and hear a soft moan. Snapping towards the source, you can see a woman covered under a white blanket completely and she laying face down. Raising what you believe is her rum, you can hear a grunt and following it immediately, an explosion of flatulence exits out of her for a few minutes. Relieved sigh is heard from her and she shifts over to her side, exposing her curves to you while facing her ass to you. Back to you, you were silently gagging on the bottom belch and as you hacking your lungs out silently, you shrink out of nowhere and land in some of her laundry. A more concentrated smell of her earlier expulsion hits you as you in her panties and they just so happen to be of a large size.

Just as your confusion heightens, another room rumbler comes out before the ruffling of sheets and the woman sleepily walks towards your position. Looking at where you're at, she stares at you for a while, allowing you get a good look of her face and you gasp in shock as you recognize her despite being older than you expected.

1) It's Jen and time has done wonders for her, her curves flaring out, especially her boobs. You wave at her in hope of her helping you.

2) Celeste, but there seems to be something off about her eyes, as if her mind wasn't set up right. It also seems her diets failed her, as her gut hung out by a couple feet out and her hips widening off to adjust to her massive, flabby ass on her.

3) Toxic Lily that aged well like Jen, but for some reason, she seems kinder than usual. Like during the 12 years, her attitude changed for the better, but you don't want to take your chances with her.

4) Orihime, but a scar claims one of her eyes and she has a grim expression across her face constantly. She was already scary as a teen, but now she was terrifying and you had no idea if she was friend or foe. However, her body thickened with age, garnering a bunch of looks, enough to offset her terror factor off by a bit, compared to her teenage years.

5) More.
May 12, 2023