Meet Massive Math Mama Pt. II
"Y-Yes ma'am... You see, I was having lunch with my friends..." You said, still feeling nervous as her clear blue eye ominously stares at you, its color is quite pretty, but it was the eye's owner who scared you.
"And... what happened..." Now that you were putting it in words, you realized how outlandish this all sounded, but... was it any more outlandish than a world where guys are the size of grains of sand?

"Go on..." She beckoned you, making you a little more nervous but you knew you had to keep going, it was the truth after all.
"By the way, you're not an actual prisoner, you can stand up" She said in a slightly soothing tone, almost motherly. Knowing better than to disobey, you did as she said before you continued.

"One of them farted when I was close to them and sent me flying..." You said.

"...and?" Alisha raised an eyebrow.

"That's it... That's how I was sent flying, I had no control on where to land... ma'am..." You said, wincing as you anticipated an angry response, but instead there was only silence as she stared at you. Things got ten times tenser for you and you wondered how you hadn't fainted from sheer stress yet. Why couldn't it have been Sheila? She probably would've teased you a bit but she wouldn't be anywhere near as mean as this lady.

Alisha then burst out laughing, completely going against all your expectations. You had no idea whether this was good or bad, so you stood right there, as still as you could be, almost fearing that if you so much as stretched a little Alisha might decide to squash you flat like a flea.

"Oh my god! You said that with such seriousness..." She struggled to say as she laughed more and more. Now you felt like an idiot... an idiot that likely just signed his own death warrant. It took her about 3 minutes to be able to calm down before she could speak again.

"Uh... Just for the record, ma'am... I wasn't joking..." You said with a shaky voice, your mom or the people that raised you didn't have any problem with "talking back" as long as one wasn't being rude, but you were aware some people definitely had a problem with that and you didn't want to shoot yourself in the foot, but you also needed to make it clear that this wasn't a joke, your life basically depended on this titanic goddess-sized lady's judgement.

"I know, I know, kid..." She said, getting the last of her laughter out and taking some deep breaths to get back to normal.
"I'm a mother, I know how to spot a liar... I suppose it comes with the territory..." She replied in a more relaxed tone, but still, something about her voice was threatening to you.
"I mean, I just proved your story right, didn't I?" She said, laughing a little more "Sorry that I'm laughing about this, I swear I'm not laughing at you... it's just... it's just so funny that someone can really be sent flying with just a fart"

Your pride was stung by her words, but you were relieved that her mood improved dramatically, she didn't seem to be angry any more, and maybe you had just managed to avoid her wrath. But you weren't quite sure on asking for her help yet.

"For that, I actually apologize..." She said, now back to a serious tone, her apology sounded fairly sincere too "Sadly I can't say I can imagine how terrible it was, none of my children are micros, but I can still understood it must've been horrendous to find yourself lost on this huge, fat ass..." She said, sticking out her hips and using her free hand to smack it, making it jiggle quite considerably.
"And right when I was getting gassy too... I know I farted like 3 or 4 times before I got you out and those were huge even for me" She added.

"D-Don't worry ma'am..." You replied.

"Huh?" Alisha was caught off-guard once again by your response, which she wasn't expecting at all.

"I mean... It-It wasn't as bad as you thought..." You nervously said "A-And you're not fat at all!" This was almost the same kind of conversation you had with your mom when she began talking about how she felt about her looks and whatnot, but you never felt in any danger in her presence... then again, there's no telling that that'd be like at this scale.

"Oh? Really?" Alisha seemed amused at your remarks, she hadn't fished for compliments, she usually said things as they were, but still, she couldn't help but feel happy that someone was still trying to minimize it.

And like she stated before, she knew enough to tell apart someone who spoke sincerely from someone who merely lied or flattered to get their way. She felt some wild tingles rush across her limbs and up her back. Wanting to savor that moment, she decided to get a little playful and to take you on your word for it. She slowly lowered you from her eye's level and brought you around her back, much to your disbelief, she held you right before her gigantic ass, and she then shook her hips, making the planetoid-sized globes bounce and jiggle to the point that they rippled like the sea, even with the tight fabric covering them.

"It wasn't that bad you said..." She chuckled "Sooo... if I asked you to make me company for the rest of the day riding back there... would you be willing to go, huh?" She asked in an odd, teasing tone that threw you off. Was she being flirty? It definitely reminded you of Lulu or Sheila.

Alisha brought you closer and closer until her fingernail, on which you stood on, hovered right above her immense crack. It was so close that you could still feel the intense warmth that it gave off, and you could see to your sides the two immense, round walls that were her titanic cheeks. All she needed to do was push you in and once more you'd get lost between those gargantuan meaty planets.

"And let me tell you that I'm far from done yet... so, if you rode back there you'd have to get used to farts like those you endured before..." She said in a sort of flirty, yet ominous tone. You gulped hard and tried to find the words to talk yourself out of this situation, but right then she laughed and brought you back to her eye's level.

"Just kidding!" She said "But... let me give you a word of warning... Get me flustered one more time and you'll end up back there for real"

"I-I'm sorry ma'am!" You were quick to apologize and bowed down since you didn't want to take any chances with her apparent threat. She only laughed, finding your response cute.

"Alright..." She said "Hmm... You look kind of familiar... What's your name, kid?" She asked.

"Blaise... Blaise Santos, ma'am" You replied.

"Oh!" Her eyes lit up "We finally meet, Mr. Santos!" She said in a surprisingly friendly tone. Your poor heart was about done with the emotional rollercoaster you'd just been through and was just one more scare from calling it quits. Recalling everything that just transpired, up to this point, Alisha blushed a little and before you knew it, she lowered you down to her lips' level.
"You flustered me a third time, young man..." She then whispered and your blood froze. She giggled at your reaction though.
"But I'm feeling generous today, so I'll let that third strike slide..."

You just fell on your back, the closest you got to actually fainting, as your brain desperately fired all sorts of signals to make sure your body didn't shut down right then.

"So, I think I have to ask..." She then said "Do you get this up close and personal with all your prospective mothers-in-law, or am I just a lucky girl?"

"HUH?!" You got so baffled that you stood back up with a jump and just stopped there, your brain was also pretty drained from handling all these wild emotions that you kept getting. But Alisha said nothing, she only wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at you.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't think I follow... ma'am"

"You can relax" She said, seeing that you were still very nervous in her presence, though she had some sympathy for you now that she knew who you were and having seen who you really were without prior knowledge of your identity.
"You don't have to worry about Big Bad Alisha" She chuckled at how silly that sounded "The only ones who have to be afraid are liars and perverts, and now I know you are none of those"

You sighed in relief, that was probably the most reassuring thing you'd heard so far.

"I've been told you were raised well..." She then said "An I'm glad to be able to confirm that for myself" She smiled.
"I don't personally know your mom, but I'd like to congratulate her and send her my regards along with my respect from one mother to another" She said and now you were the one blushing.

"Anyway, getting back on topic..." She continued "It sounds like you got lost, didn't you? You had no idea what I was talking about..."

"I... I honestly don't, sorry..." You said.

"Well, in that case I'll cut to the chase... I'm sorry if that's a little blunt for American standards" She said "You see... two of my daughters are interested in you"

"H-Huh?! Interested?!" Now you gulped really hard, you had no idea who her daughters were. Did they want to buy you like some toy?

"Blaise, sweetie, you should try learning being a bit harder to read" Alisha laughed softly, her voice was once again rather soothing and motherly somehow "It's not what you were thinking... I mean that two of my daughters have a romantic interest in you... is that clear enough?" You timidly nodded in response, unable to form any words while blushing the hardest yet.
"You don't know who my daughters are, do you?" She then asked and once again you nodded, somewhat ashamed that you had no idea of all this.
"Let's see if I can jog your memory... I believe you're one of my students" She said "Do you remember how I'm called in class?"

"Ms. Kshatriya" You replied without missing a beat, and just then, the puzzle came together in your head, finally clicking.
"Wait... so you mean...?"

"Yes" Alisha nodded "My eldest and one of my youngest are the ones interested in you, Chahna and Yamile..." She said with a smile, and at that moment your body once more had no idea how to handle all that sudden info at once. On the one hand, it flustered you massively that Yamile seemed to openly have a romantic interest in you, something must've happened with the other 'you' that you missed... but on the other hand, learning that Chahna was also interested got your blood running cold...

What happens next?
May 12, 2023