Lunch Break Pt. II
Your mind was nearly blown with that exchange alone, and you really wondered if Lillian was right, given Jen's reactions. Also, you wondered what that Friday would've been like, to be sat on by Jen's enormous and sexy booty for 3 hours. Against your better judgement you wished the weird experiment had brought you to that day instead.

"Your guardian angel might be more of a devil than you think" Lillian said to you, giving Jen a smug look while she was still internally struggling with her own reactions.
"You know, you could make her feel better if you just confirm what I said" She then said with a shrug, but also subtly winking at you. You gulped, that would be a very bold move on your part, but also, this was a chance to try and score some more points with her, and Lillian had just served that opportunity to you in pretty much a silver platter. If anything, it was her who brought it up anyway. You quietly prayed it wouldn't backfire, but decided to go through with it.

"Uh... Well... it's not exactly like Lillian said, but, uh... you know... I... I wouldn't really mind if it was you who sat on me..." You said, looking up at Jen, her blush remained as intense as it had gotten, but her hands slowly stopped shaking and she looked down at you, her pupils were much wider than before. Lillian was right, you had scored a critical hit! so to speak.

"Really?" She softly asked. The apprehensive inquisitiveness in her eyes told you she was likely wondering if you said that because Lillian set you up for it or if you really meant it.

"Y-Yeah. For real..." You said, gaining a bit more confidence "I mean, you're always there protecting me, if this is something you want, I think you deserve it" You couldn't believe that came out smoother than you thought, but you felt a little proud, you were already getting good at piecing what little pieces of context this world threw at you.

"Awww" Jen cooed and playfully pushed you into her boob, knowing you liked it "But you shouldn't let me do that just because I want"

"The horns are already popping out~ " Lillian teased in a sing-song tone.

"S-Shut up!" Jen got flustered again, and you noticed that her heart was beating both harder and faster.

"Hey, it's alright!" You said, trying to calm Jen down, and seemingly, it worked, as she lightly pressed you into her boob again.

"But what I said still stands, you shouldn't let people do things to you just because they want" She said to you.

"Well... what if it's I who wants it?" You asked, once again, going against your normal impulses, but there was something liberating in knowing this was another universe and in a way, it was a little therapeutic, helping you build up confidence and bravery for when you'd meet the real Jen again.

"Wow. Bold move" Lillian said, crossing her arms, sincerely impressed.
"Just one thing though, Blaise... look at her food tray" She then said, glancing at it herself. You raised an eyebrow and looked at it. That thing was larger than an entire city in your scale, and you saw that it was filled to the brim with tasty Mexican food, like your mom's homemade meals, various tacos, burritos, some soup and more things, plus authentic corn tortillas and spices.
"Look again" Lillian said, as if she knew you were missing the details the first time around. You wondered what she meant, but then it hit you... Every single one of these dishes was absolutely loaded with beans, and not just any beans, these were refried black beans.
"I'm curious at the bombs I'll be dropping later when we get out of school... wanna come see?" She asked you while teasingly wiggling her eyebrows.

"N-No!" You fearfully replied, you didn't even want to imagine the havoc that kind of food would wreak once eaten by Lillian, and you definitely didn't want to be anywhere near close to her when that happened.

"Alright, your loss then... but that tray you're seeing is not mine, it's hers..." Lillian then said, making you freeze for a moment.
"That's right... think about it before you dive down into that ass... it's gonna be World Wars 3, 4 and 5 back there..." Lillian giggled.

"Lillian!" Yelled a very flustered Jen, who even shuddered a little after hearing what she said.

"I might be gassy and all you want, but she's deadly..." She warned you, making her blush even harder and tried to shush her again.
"Hey, I like messing with Blaise, but he's still my best friend, I don't want him to die miserably in a toxic cloud" She said to Jen, barely suppressing her laughter.

"Unless it's your toxic cloud, I assume?" Jen decided to retaliate.

"That's where you're wrong. I've farted on Blaise since we were in kindergarten, if anything he's pretty much completely used to them... you haven't given him that kind of exposure" Lillian replied, and she even looked semi-serious about her answer. Jen could only blush harder while also mentally fumble for an answer.

"I don't have to expose him to that! Friends shouldn't abuse their friends like that" Jen said, but Lillian didn't even flinch.

"It's not abuse, if you want to keep him in your butt for any meaningful amount of time, you're gonna fart, it's inevitable... and you won't always be able to take him out" Lillian explained "So the best you can do is make sure you don't suffocate him when it happens"

Both you and Jen were absolutely dumbfounded, that was a very Lillian kind of argument, but in her own twisted logic, she had a point. Unable to retort, Jen sighed and tried to pretend the conversation never happened and got back to the previous topic.

"Just ignore that... I'm... I'm not gonna do that to you" Jen said to you in a rather soothing voice, carefully petting you with her fingertip.

Just like the first time, Jen's face, which was already getting back to normal quickly reddened in a very intense blush. Jen looked down at you, you could almost see in her eyes that she was trying really hard to process what had just happened, also wondering if it was for real and not a daydream.

"Are you sure?" She almost whispered to you, making you gulp at how intimate it sounded, you nodded, barely thinking about it. She then picked you up with a finger and brought you closer to her eyes. Even at such a massive scale, you absolutely loved that beautiful hazel of her irises.
"I really mean it... are you sure? I... I'm not exactly 'small' back there" Jen quietly chuckled.

"She does it all the time, and that's a really big butt. Yours isn't even close to being that big" You laughed a little, though you wondered if this would be considered throwing Lillian under the bus too much. And speaking of her, after you said that she laughed pretty loudly.

"Oh, that was rich. Blaise, I think spending too much time with Lulu has made you lose perspective..." Lillian said.
"We may look smaller in comparison to that. But Jen still has an absolutely huge dumptruck of an ass..." She added, making you both blush, almost in sync.

"She's not lying, you know?" Jen, still blushing pretty hard, lowered you a little so you could get a view of her hips and thighs, they were definitely beyond freaking huge, but what was more, Jen's ass spilled over the bench she was sitting on.
"I can't even fit well in these" She said, shifting her hips a little, letting you see how her thighs rippled and wobbled with her movements.
"You can imagine this also happens with classroom chairs" She added.

"I-I see..." You gulped a little, you still thought it was sexy as hell, but maybe more because it was Jen's, were it someone else you probably would be a lot more scared.

"Maybe sitting on you is a bit harsh for a first time... so... how about... you know... going in between?" Jen whispered while blushing the most yet, and her question made you feel almost the same, you felt like the blood in your head might as well boil off by now.

You gulped the hardest in your life yet. You had been already pretty up close and personal with Lulu's behind, but with the idea of being in Jen's butt of all places, you felt mad tingling shocks all over your body, it felt like a forbidden version of the Heaven that was her chest. Still, there was no way you could let such a chance pass, and nodded in response, to which she smiled, and her eyes lit up.

"I've always been curious, you know, since Lillian does it so often... but I never get to..." She smiled and slowly brought you farther down and around her waist. Her jeans looked like they were about to burst, and as she sat down, they were riding down, revealing a small portion of her crack. Your heart skipped several beats when you saw it. Seeing your reaction only made her smile widen as she brought you closer and closer to it, savoring the moment herself.

You two were so focused on yourselves that you failed to notice some booming footsteps that slightly shook the floor, but as they intensified, at least you noticed them, breaking the trance, but Jen looked like she was still entirely into it, her finger hovering above what was visible of her crack, she was just one move from dropping or shoving you in, but she was letting the anticipation build up for herself, bringing you even closer to her crack little by little.

The seemingly magical moment was then broken when you heard a loud female voice clearing her throat, which startled both you and Jen while Lillian looked like she was trying her hardest not to laugh her big ass off. But the question is, who was it that interrupted you?
May 12, 2023