Big Beautiful Brazilian/Indian Booty
Everything was dark, but moments before you managed to see that you were being smothered by a gigantic ass, one that made the poor piece of clothing it was clad in look like it was about to burst. Given its sheer size, you guessed it was likely Sheila's, in which case, you should be relatively safe once she found you, but then your whole body got goosebumps, remembering that Arianna was with the teachers as well, and if you happened to be under her and got caught you couldn't even begin to imagine how mad she'd get at you.

Now that you were under the crack, there wasn't much you could do, other than wait for a chance to escape and keep an eye out to avoid getting squashed by the humongous cheeks again. You also tried hearing the sounds from the outside to try and learn anything useful, but with millions of metric tons of blubbery flesh surrounding you, it was all heavily muffled and it took a lot of focus to be able to listen in.

"That looks really good" Sheila said with a smile, looking at Alisha's large serving of curry "Where did you get that?"

"Thank you, I made it myself actually" Alisha chuckled, appreciating the compliment "Those look tasty too. Did you make them?"

"These?" Sheila replied "Well, my best friend made them... I mean, I can make them myself, but I haven't matched her seasoning yet. Dolores teaches me when she can"

"I can smell the spices in it, it's an amazing quality work right there" Alisha said.

"Yeah, Miriam's cooking is something else..." Sheila said as she happily grabbed one of her burritos and began eating.

"Miriam?" Alisha repeated quietly, but still loud enough to be heard.

"Oh, you might've seen her around, she's come to school quite a few times since her son studies here" Sheila nonchalantly replied.

"Son? You mean her child's a micro...?" Alisha raised an eyebrow. Sheila, who still had her mouth full, nodded in response.
"Hmm... interesting..." Alisha ate some of her curry while giving a thoughtful look "What's his name?" She then asked.

"Blaise" Sheila replied, but she did a small double take herself and looked at Alisha in the eye, raising an eyebrow.
"I think you teach him Math... why though?" She then gave a smug smile "Are you interested?"

"Huh?!" Alisha was completely caught off guard by Sheila's implications, but she was quick to catch on, and the usually stern woman couldn't help but blush in embarrassment at what she felt was a huge misunderstanding.
"Wha- Of course not! That was absolutely not what I meant" She huffed.

"Good, because if things go to plan, he's gonna belong to this fat booty right here" Sheila laughed, playfully spanking herself.

"Really?" Alisha raised an eyebrow, unsure whether to laugh or how to react, since she couldn't tell for sure if she was joking.

"Yup. Both of my daughters want him..." Sheila said with a cheeky smile, but then leaned closer to her to whisper "And if they don't make any moves, I'll take him myself" she then giggled, almost like a schoolgirl, and Alisha laughed along, guessing that she was joking after all, even if she didn't fully understand the humor.

"My, my, by what you're saying, it looks like he's a little ladies' man" Alisha said.

"He kinda is" Sheila laughed some more "But he doesn't know it... his dad is quite the looker himself, but he's happily married"

"I see... you said Blaise is his name, right?" Alisha said, still looking through her memories to find a face to put to the name. She didn't have that many micro students, but they were at least enough that she couldn't pinpoint you right off the bat.

"Why the sudden interest in Miriam's kid?" Sheila asked, half-teasingly, but also kinda intrigued. Alisha looked around and then took a deep breath.

"Alright, I'll be honest..." She said "It's curious that you mentioned that your daughters are interested in the boy... 'cause it turns out... two of mine also are..."

"Oh?" Sheila had a curious look.

"Yeah... Yamile's told me of a micro friend of hers, of Mexican origin, and by the way she talks about him, it's pretty clear that she likes him... so I wanted to try and find out some more about him" Alisha explained.

"Well, let me tell you that your daughter has good taste!" Sheila laughed a little "Oh, don't you worry about a thing, he's not a bad guy at all. His mom, Dolores and I raised him very well"

"That's good to hear" Alisha smiled.

"But, I think you should find out for yourself... You're his Math teacher, right?" Sheila then leaned closer to whisper to her.
"Just ask him to stay after class and schedule a looong tutoring session in the system, should be plenty of time for you to get to know him as much as you'd like..."

"Sounds like this is something you've already done yourself..." Alisha said.

"Of course!" Sheila said "I might be a Portuguese language teacher here... but for him, I am his ASS-tronomy professor" She patted her enormous butt once more. She then glanced down, seeing that Alisha's hips were pretty massive, and pretty much a match for her own.
"You could try teaching him a thing or two" Sheila added, making the stern Indian blush again, but this time she wasn't annoyed, she found the joke funny herself. Unknown to either women, you were much closer than they thought...

You couldn't hear everything, but at least you could recognize Sheila's voice, though you weren't sure at first who was the other one, until you heard her mention Yamile. Your blood ran cold, it had to be Alisha! You didn't know her much, but she was a relatively new Math teacher in your home reality, and there, she was pretty strict and stern, and given the lack of familiarity, you figured she wouldn't treat you too kindly. She might be even more dangerous than a furious Arianna, you thought. But you still couldn't tell for sure whose giant ass you were under.

[Alisha's paths]

The two teachers kept talking about various other things as they dug at their respective lunches, making them disappear rather quickly, to the point that they still had a few minutes lunch was officially over. But then, Alisha's fondness for her own homemade curry began to come back to bite her. She never understood how being born and raised in India, she never quite developed a resistance to its numerous spices, whose taste she loved and couldn't hope to ever do without in her meals. She was used to the feeling, but still, it sometimes caught her by surprise, and this was one of those times, as her sizable booty decided to blast off on its own, firing a deep, bassy 'bomb'. Her eyes widened immediately, and she was quick to excuse herself to the bathroom, though Sheila herself simply laughed the incident off.

You had grown bored, the massive cheeks were far too heavy to squirm under, so you could only stay under the crack, breathing the increasingly stale, rancid air contained there. But then, you began hearing deep, rumbling noises, and those alerted you that things were about to get real bad. You tried bracing for the impact, but there was no way you were prepared when an enormous explosion went off almost at point blank, blasting with terrifying force since you were pinned against the rather unforgiving seat, which meant you were taking the brunt of the enormous eruption.

Its roaring winds felt like they were set ablaze, the temperature was much hotter than Jen's unexpected fart, making you worried about actually getting burned. Then, everything else happened in a blur, the gigantic cheeks that imprisoned you rose into the air, but you were caught between them, and then began to get smooshed by them as they shifted and swayed rapidly from side to side, indicating that their owner was walking, quite fast at that. God knows where this woman, whose identity you weren't even sure of yet, was going, but you were praying that it were Sheila, even if her farts were some of the worst you'd experienced.

[Sheila's paths]

Sheila could feel that her usual careless diet, which often consisted of Miriam's cooking or Salsa Shack stuff, was kicking in yet again, but, being so used to it, she gave it no further thought, and nonchalantly let an enormous fart tip right there and then, surprising Alisha, whose eyes widened, hearing the loud, indecent release.

"You could say that's the only downside to this stuff" Sheila said, still eating the burritos on her plate.
"But it's a well worth price for how tasty these are" She giggled as she devoured one in a single bite, and slightly raised her hips, letting out another huge fart.

"Sheila, can you please NOT stink up the lunchroom this time?!" Arianna asked, but she sounded more annoyed than genuinely angry, likely owing to the fact that she already knew her, and knew there was no changing the big Brazilian beauty's habits.

"Aww, come on, those weren't even my worst" Sheila playfully complained, but Arianna shot her an annoyed glare. Before Sheila could think of a comeback, however, the "bell" chimed, indicating that lunch was over.
"Well... lunch's over anyway..." She stood up and finished the last burrito, washed it down with her drink and put her tray away, heading back to her own classroom. Arianna simply shook her head, but also chuckled very quietly...

Given how close Sheila's voice sounded, you were pretty sure that you were under her, but then, as if Life decided to spite you, it decided to give you even further confirmation, as a gigantic fart exploded right above you, blasting you with hurricane winds loaded with a heavy beany smell, which, sadly, you easily recognized as it burned your nose and lungs.

'Dammit, that's Sheila for sure!' You thought, remembering that her titanic ass was a fearsome weapon, whose sheer power Sheila herself didn't fully acknowledge. Despite the gaseous burst being quite horrid, you were glad that it was someone you knew that should help you. But then, you were blasted again by a second fart, which left you slightly dizzy and wondering if this suffering was even worth it. But before you could think to escape, her gigantic cheeks clenched together as they rose into the air, taking you with them, her hips' swaying made sure you got dragged deeper and deeper into her canyon-esque crack...
May 12, 2023