Meet Massive Math Mama
Alisha practically ran to the teachers' bathroom, feeling that the pressure in her stomach was only building up more and more. Her massive butt shook quite wildly as a result, bouncing and jiggling all over, quite the spectacle if anyone were to look, but with pretty much everyone having lunch that wasn't the case. Not bothering with any further subtleties, she slammed the door open but as soon as she rushed in she slammed it shut and finally eased up the pressure in her gut, resulting in a half-minute, loud echoing fart.

For you, it was as if the world was suddenly ending, the immensely heavy yet soft jiggly surroundings engulfing you shook wildly, up and down and from side to side, the larger movements had a pattern to them, but they caused so much jiggling and bouncing that it was far more chaotic to you, plus these movements got you dragged deeper and deeper into the huge asscrack, which given by the voices you last heard presumed it was Sheila's, which was both good and bad, and the noises you kept hearing indicated that you'd be getting a lot of bad first.

All this jostling was making you feel dizzy, even if you weren't particularly prone to motion sickness, and were actually glad you didn't get to eat lunch. But just as abruptly as this chaotic jiggling began it did stop, further confusing you since you knew she was pretty relaxed and laidback, it wasn't like her to run for no reason... but then again, at least the version of her you knew sometimes got on Arianna's nerves, and that's enough to make even a fully grown adult book it with the tail tucked between their legs.

"Phew..." You sighed in relief, and at that exact moment there was another gigantic explosion, like that of a volcano's with the fiery, blazing winds included. With some difficulty you shielded your face with your arms and tried as best as you could to get into fetal position, but the seemingly never-ending jiggly blubber encasing you didn't make things easy. Its blaring roar was quite deafening as well, its massive shockwaves blasted through you, making your limbs' bones reverberate until they felt numb. The ginormous blast kept going for longer than you expected, and by the end of it you were left so disoriented you didn't even realize when it actually ended, and then the squishy walls on your sides closed upon you, thoroughly pressing you between them. You couldn't help but cough as the thick, noxious gas burned your nose and throat, it was almost like breathing a pepper spray.

"Huh?" Alisha felt something odd between her large, luscious asscheeks just as she blasted that huge fart to get some much-needed relief. She clenched her butt, wondering what it could be.
'Did some crumb fall into my ass?' She thought, clenching her cheeks some more to try and get a better feel for it, or crush it if it could be helped.

'What the hell?!' You thought while the pressure all over your body increased, though fortunately, the immense cheeks were far too soft to truly squash you, so you simply got pressed into their doughy softness with some more force. Despite knowing it'd be a futile effort, you tried pushing some of it away even if only to literally get some breathing room.

'It moved! I felt something's legs!' Alisha's heart jumped, freaking out at the possibility of it being some bug, which was also unfortunately usual back in her tropical homeland. She clenched her butt a few more times and then realized that whatever it was, it was on the outside, just swallowed into her crack together with her ill-fitting work skirt. She then thought about how best to get rid of the intruder, when a part of her conscious began nagging her about jumping the gun before knowing all the fact.
'Oh, wait a minute... micros attend to school in this country... Could it be one?' She tapped her chin in thought, but that conclusion only annoyed her further.
'Looks like some kid decided to get fresh, huh?' She smiled with a slight sadistic hint. She prided herself on being fair, but she couldn't deny that she enjoyed delivering due punishments to those who did wrong, one of the reasons she was among the most feared teachers in all of the school, ranking just below the Principal herself, whose wrath was truly legendary.
'Hmm... being stuck in my ass at this of all times might be enough punishment in itself' She then thought, wondering what to do with her unwitting prisoner. As if to answer that question, her stomach began making loud gurgling and sloshing noises, followed by a rumbling that traveled farther down her gut. She smiled and walked to the sink, looking at herself in the mirror.

'Well, I suppose I'm not that bad looking for a teacher' She thought, admiring her curves, glancing down at her large, bouncing chest, then turning around to see her admittedly massive booty. Her black skirt looked like it had a huge wedgie but also like it was about to burst at the seams.
'I guess I can understand why micros would risk their lives and safety to get up close with all this...' She thought, almost purring.
'But they must learn some damn self-restraint! It's not okay if they do that without asking!' She frowned and looked again at her big butt, shaking her hips a little, making her enormous buns bounce and wobble. She kinda enjoyed the idea that some micro was trapped there, unable to escape, and at the total and absolute mercy of her and her butt.
'Hmph, maybe I could give him my own brand of detention... but it won't feel right until I see the culprit and tell him his sentence face to face' She sighed and looked at her butt again, her stomach rumbled more, protesting against her lack of release.

"Very well, whoever you are... you see that trying to get fresh with a teacher ends up poorly?" She admonished, swinging her hips from side to side to use their hefty bouncing as some added punishment to her unfortunate prisoner. The pressure in her stomach quickly reached intolerable levels and she knew what was about to happen.
"I'll get you out... for now..." She said in her characteristic harsh tone "But it will be anything but fresh" She chuckled before backing up towards the mirror, making sure that her big butt was raised above the sink. She then let out a truly huge fart, one that slightly shook the mirror itself and the noise it made was almost like that of thunder. Her booming blast was more than powerful enough to rip you off her blubbery cheeks' grasp and sent you flying like a fired bullet until you harshly hit the mirror with your back, which hurt like hell since it was hard and cold.

Alisha had been attentively looking at her butt as her enormous fart blew and she noticed a very small dot that flew straight into the mirror, which made her chuckle as she turned around.
"Hope that taught you a lesson, but you're not off the hook yet!" She sternly said, carefully scooping you under her fingernail and bringing you closer to her eye to get a better look at you.
"Hmmm..." She brought you even closer, examining your features "Just what do we have here? Anything to say for yourself?"

Despite all the chaos that happened in such a short time, you'd managed to hear Alisha when she spoke and you were horrified, that was the absolute last thing you wanted her to believe. You knew that she was nearly as harsh as Arianna, and to be honest, you didn't know if there was even a way to get her to calm down, but for your own survival you'd have to try and be as careful as possible.

"W-W-Wait!" You desperately shouted amidst fits of coughing, her gas still burned you, even now that it was dissipating in a much larger space than her crack had been.

"Huh?!" She raised an eyebrow and you panicked even harder but tried to correct yourself.

"Sorry... please wait ma'am" You gulped nervously, your legs shaking like they'd never before, but to your relief her look softened a little.

"Explain yourself" She said in a slightly more relaxed tone, but still annoyed. You nodded and just in case got on your knees and bowed, granted, you were taking this one from anime, but you couldn't think of any other way to convey that you weren't up to anything bad, even though with your size you were already extremely non-threatening. Her look softened somewhat more, so she seemed to like your attitude at least.

"This is just a mis-" You caught yourself right there, since you realized that if you implied she were misunderstanding things she could get angry again, so you needed to change the wording and quick "-I mean... uh, this was just an accident ma'am, I swear"

"An accident you say?" Alisha chuckled, not expecting that kind of excuse, as you were far from the first micro she'd dealt with, but one of the few that at least tried to show some proper respect.

"Y-Yes!" You blurted out and then panicked again "I mean yes ma'am! I'm sorry!" You said without looking up, it felt like you were facing the judgement of a harsh goddess, which, given her size, wasn't too far from reality.

'Wow, he really is scared' Alisha thought with a slight smile. As she looked at you and at your body language, she sensed that you were being honest, but she didn't want to go easy on you yet, at least not until she got all the necessary info.
"How was this an accident?" She asked "I mean by no means I'm a small target but you still needed some pretty precise aim to land where you landed" She said, still smirking.

"Y-You're not that big either ma'am" You replied, feeling that maybe taking an approach similar to what you'd use with your mom might help your case, in any case, it felt like the right thing to say, it was something your mom indirectly taught you over the years.

"Oh?" Alisha now looked at you with some more curiosity "Well, thank you... but you still have to explain this so called 'accident' " She said, her tone was closer to neutral mood, perhaps with a hint of something else. Her look was now more intrigued than angry.

What happens next?
May 12, 2023