Deciding the bully's fate & under Romina's care(?)
[Reminder: Text in orange means the characters are speaking Spanish.]

"So, which is it?" Romina asked with a grin befitting of someone who was getting revenge on their most hated enemy, it made you wonder if Romina had some kind of personal grudge against Toxic Lily... which, with her history of subjugating people to do her dirty work for her wasn't all that surprising. Although it was a bit weird, you sort of understood that she cared to some extent about Lillian, even if only for the sake of their rivalry, at least she was a good sport about it, all you could wish is that she stopped dragging you into her antics...

"I'm thinking about those... the first one, in a way fits, I mean, Toxic Lily has been horrible to everyone, but in particular to Lillian, but, you know... I'm not so sure if she should actively punish her... she might go too far" You said.

"Huh... well, that can be solved, Lily can still get onto the Giant Booty Express, only that the owner won't know about it" Romina chuckled, imagining the hellish suffering she'd endure, suspecting that she was planning on doing something similar to you.

"Nah, besides, Jen might find out and that won't end up well" You sighed. Given how angry she was at her, you wouldn't be so surprised that Jen decided to squash her hated foe like a simple roach, which, given your own size, gave you a cold shudder.

"Hmm... yeah, the other angry gringa might actually kill her" Romina said. You found the way she described Jen rather odd, but you guessed that she was referring to how angrily she attacked her before.

"You know, Jen's not really a gringa..." You said. Romina raised an eyebrow and looked at you inquisitively. You paused, hesitating for a moment about correcting her, but Jen was your friend (and crush) so you felt compelled to try and fix the misunderstanding here.
"Uh... I mean, if you wanna go by blood she's technically Norse, but she was actually raised in Mexico, in any case she's not exactly from the US, at least not any more than either of us are" You explained, Romina's eyes widened at the revelation, as she never imagined that Jen would have any links to LatAm.

"How come she doesn't speak Spanish?" She asked, but the look in her face showed that it was a sincere question.

"Who told you she doesn't?" You chuckled, and you saw her eyes go wide for a couple of seconds. You could almost her saying 'Oh my god!' in her mind. She then shook her head and looked at Lily, who was still laying out cold on the floor by her feet.

"Okay, well... what do we do with her?" Romina asked you. You scratched your head. Pawning her off to Snickers might be easy enough, though you knew so little of her that you couldn't tell the kind of revenge she'd have, but you also vaguely knew that Lily had abused her before, so she likely held a grudge, even if she never showed it. That only left one option, the most dangerous one in theory, but at the same time, the most sensible, you hoped at least.

"Uhh, I think we're gonna have to go with the last one, let's take her to the Principal's office"

"Ooh! Nice, nice! You'll see that revenge is sweet!" Romina giggled.

"N-No! I mean... Aria-Principal Abalos will just give her the right punishment, I think..." You said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Alright then, we're gonna need some tape" Romina smiled and crouched to pick Toxic Lily up, she then stood up and began walking, which alarmed you.

"Romina! Wait!"

"Huh? What is it?" She said, clearly she hadn't noticed what was wrong in all this, but since this entire situation was so unusual you didn't hold it against her.

"I can't be seen like this! Even more so, I can't risk being seen in the Principal's office!"

"Oh... right" Romina chuckled, apparently it took her a bit to make sense of what you had just said.
"Guess that means I have to hide you..." She said while giving you a smile that you found odd. You couldn't help but shudder, but before you could do anything else, she picked you up with her other hand, dangling you before her face, which was admittedly prettier than you thought, as you usually never paid attention to that. Her eyes were sapphire blue, and while Jen's hazel or Lillian's emerald were prettier to you, they had a charm of their own, and it felt like she was gazing through your entire being.
"All you had to do was ask..." She teased and winked at you, lowering you down towards her chest, which at your current size was massive even if at normal size it was moderately sized.

"Romina!" You managed to shout while you kept getting lowered closer and closer to her cleavage.

"What? Isn't this where all boys wish to go?" She said softly, but couldn't keep the façade for long as she burst out laughing.
"Gringo boys that is..." She said, surprising you a little that she decided to say that in English.
"Can't hide you there though, even if I wanted" She giggled "Not wearing a bra today, at least not until PE"

'She can really be just as nonchalant as Lillian... also, TMI' You sighed and facepalmed.

"I've got something way way better... I'll make you an offer that you can't refuse" Romina giggled again, and you didn't like the look in her face, nor how she sounded. Seeing the look in your face, she giggled some more.
"I do know your weakness~" She said in a sing-song tone that only served to further confuse you.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You raised an eyebrow. She raised you in response, bringing you closer to her lips, which were naturally plumper than you thought, and like Jen and Lillian, she seldom wore makeup, which meant that she had a fully natural look, not needing fancy lipstick for them. Just more details that you couldn't help but notice at your current scale.

"I know the weakness of Mexican boys*" She said with a smug smile, but before you could ask her what she thought it was, she answered your question by lowering you and bringing you around her waist. You gulped and your eyes widened when you were presented with one of the last view you expected: Her big, now frickin' enormous butt, clad in dark blue short shorts that looked like they were painted on and close to bursting.
"Argentinians with big butts"* She chuckled while you blushed nearly uncontrollably, not because she was right, but because you were right in front of a girl's (currently giant) butt.

"You're joking" You said flatly after the shock set in.

"Nuh-uh" Romina said "Come on! It's not every day that you get to taste meat this high quality" She giggled.
"Jokes aside, I don't really have anywhere else to hide you while going around the school" She shrugged.
"But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it..." Romina added as she lightly rubbed you on her left cheek.
"I know Lillian's looks bigger because hers is fluffier, but mine is just as heavy" She said with a slight laugh while you found it odd that she boasted about that.


"It'll be alright, it's soft, like a pillow! You could probably take a nap in there while I take care of the rest" She said, using some of her fingers to make her huge cheek jiggle. Definitely nowhere near as much as Lillian's, but there was a considerable jiggle still.


"You saw it in the manual too! Shrunken people are very durable, it's not like you'll get squashed" Romina said, which made you gulp, with how casually she addressed that, which was a very real concern to you at your size.

But as much as you disagreed with her idea, you couldn't deny that she had a point. Then, she began pulling back her shorts' waist band with the hand she held Lily with, and the hand that held you began moving closer until you were dangling right above her crack, which looked ominously deep. It looked like, somehow, you may have just jumped out of the pan only to fall into the fire... but then again, Romina had been nice so far, so maybe she'll keep that way, even while doing weird stuff like this? What happens next?


2) You two then heard a female voice loudly clear her throat, and it was one that the two of you knew. Much to your, and Romina's surprise, Jen had woken up and was standing right there, looking pretty mad with her arms crossed. It looked like she'd been listening for a while, and to your (more like Romina's) misfortune, she understood everything. Romina gulped, seeing the fire in her eyes. But what does she decide to do?

3) "What are you doing?" You heard Lillian ask, which greatly surprised you and Romina, who in her shock dropped you right into her crack just as her other hand let go of her tight shorts, which got them to snap back into place.

"Lillian!" Romina was relieved to see that Lillian was fine, which she found surprising "Glad that you're fine! Lily didn't beat you too badly, did she?"

"I've had worse" Lillian chuckled "Now, could you explain to me why Blaise's so small and why you dropped him in your ass?"

"I was just gonna hide him while in here at school" Romina explained "But now that you're awake, I guess you should take care of him, I know he belongs to you after all" She said, making Lillian blush, but she still nodded in agreement. Romina then fished you out of her crack and handed you over to your confused best friend.

4) Suddenly, a woman's hand firmly gripped Romina by the shoulder.

"Ms. Favazzo! What is the meaning of this?" Arianna, also known as Principal Abalos, almost roared, making yours and Romina's blood freeze. You two were very, very screwed...

[*: As strange as this sounds, I actually heard Argentinian women in Mexico claim this very exact thing some time ago while passing by, so I took it and ran with it lol, no offense intended, just in case.]
May 12, 2023