No cruel and unusual punishment
Giantess/Shrinking & Farts
Chapter 13
[Actual title: Holding Back a storm, no cruel and unusual punishment]
Your brain spasms in your skull with the primal pulses of fight or flight. There is no way you could survive a literal dirty atomic bomb blast like that at point blank range! You begin to squirm violently for a moment against the soft dough mountains.
Lulu’s heart would instantly break. Looking down she would shuffle her paperwork a bit before a determined frown crossed her lips. If this other teacher was going to do things “off the record” why couldn’t she? As if a devil on her shoulder her stomach would cry out in a pained **GGgrrrrooooaaaaannnnnn** That only caused the squirming student in her care to only panic more so. A faint bubble slipping out in a tiny **squeak**. Nodding She would quickly check off the box for the ‘punishment’ phase and firmly clench her whole body. The punishment was direct, it never said just how direct it had to be.
Your brain continued to panic. Only improved more so by the loud muffled thunder head somewhere above and behind you. Something akin to a strike of lighting would wiz past your tight pocket of air. A harsh *Ziiiii* followed by a most unpleasant odor. Something akin to the time you forgot to take out the garbage during one of your times home alone. This was it. You were doomed. The tight doughy walls would tightly clamp down on your flailing form. Fighting the almost vacuum seal grip on your body you clamp a single hand to your nose and suck in a breath!
The two of you would hold this position for a solid thirty second before it came to an end with another painful **GRRROOAAANNN** as the single swirling mass beat at Lulu’s back door. Huffing softly Lulu would stand quickly to her feet and make her way towards the teachers lounges. It had only been an hour, but she was in no way prepared or willing to accept the ‘punishment’ side of this whole ridiculous charade. It was abuse plain and simple. She loved to tease her young lover boy, but this felt fully like a step beyond normal bounds.
Yet some part of her simply giggled. “Oh Lulu your being ridiculous!” it said. “You’ve seen how much he fawned over your massive back door!~ This is just something he will have to deal with… especially if you truly wanted to go through with your future plans?” For a moment she would see you and her standing on the graduation podium. Such a happy day… “NO NO. Not like this… Not NOW… I…” Panting she would round around the corner of a hallway.
Clutching her stomach with one hand she finds one of the teachers who volunteered to aid her and the principle!
Path B:
She slows down… Perhaps that part of her was right. If she didn’t ‘punish’ him one of the other teachers would… and well… what better time to work out future plans then the present.
Path C:
She is stopped in the hall by someone. Its to late and she can’t hold it anymore dropping one of her signature A bombs right Infront of them and onto poor Blaise below.
[Note from Random Anon: I split the principal and teacher encounters because Arianna isn't on board with this, so it'd probably end up quite differently than if Lulu simply ran into one of the teachers that agreed to help her. Also, if she learns who the volunteer is, Arianna would probably be furious]
May 12, 2023
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