Art with Ms. McAllen [Alt]
It was odd to start the day with Art class. Not that there was anything wrong with it, but usually, it felt better to end the school day with it since it was one of the better classes at your school, with Ms. McAllen being a pretty good teacher and passionate about her job, though for you, it also meant more teasing, and in some ways it seemed she was an older Lillian with an even bigger ass to mess with you. Though she had a little more restraint than your best friend.

When you arrived, there was nobody else but Ms. McAllen herself, who warmly greeted you, though you could feel what seemed to be flirtiness when she addressed you. Jen protectively wrapped your left arm around hers, surprising you a little.
"You're the first here. I suppose the rest need their morning coffee before coming" Ms. McAllen laughed

"Huh, I don't think you really need coffee for this class, it's one of the best out of the ones the school has" You sincerely replied, despite her laughter, you vaguely suspected she could be lamenting the lack of attendance to her class. Then again, this was what in school was dubbed as "Morning syndrome", and as everyone hated getting up early, usually the first class tended to be skipped, or students arrived late because they went to grab a coffee prior.

"Why thank you" She said in a soft, seemingly suggestive tone. Jen glared at her, but she remained unfazed, she was a full grown woman facing a child, at least in her view, and even her fairly obvious jealousy amused her. She was aware of the relationship of the trio, and suspected you to have a crush on her, but to her, that was only because she "let" it happen, if she were to really act, you'd be hers in no time.

"I agree with Blaise, if there's a class that's always worth coming to, it's yours" Lillian said, giving her a thumbs up. She also learned a glare from Jen, who felt she was just egging their overly playful teacher on.

Shortly after that, more students began to arrive so you had to sit down, and Ms. McAllen started her class. She started slow, going easy on her students, knowing caffeine was still just starting to kick in for most. She stood up and walked around, as it was most usual for her. Since you were the only guy in the classroom, as far as you knew, this was only some kind of 'eye candy' to you, though then again, maybe some of the girls are into it as well. You know that Lillian is definitely very fond of her, and that neither Jen nor Celeste seem to like her all that much.

The class went surprisingly well, and Ms. McAllen's cheerful and bubbly personality, as well as her passion for teaching (and for you, the flirting she added to 'spice things up') managed to energize the whole group, which had been for the most part groggy and unwilling to do much thinking at this time of the day. Time flew, and soon the bell rang, indicating you needed to get going to reach your next class, then...
May 12, 2023
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