Friend or Foe
· original author:
         Veronica carefully fished you out of her butt and brought you to up to her face. You stared into her massive green eye's as she looked at you with bewilderment. The two of you stared at each other for about a minute before you broke the silence. "Um... hi Veronica," you said unsure of how exactly to break the tension.

"H-hi," she said going a little flush in her cheeks.

"So I guess we're going to be spending some time together," you said as she blushed more.

"I guess so... If you don't mind me asking, what's it like being so small?"

"Well it's pretty scary, everyone looks dif-"

"OH MY GOD," a shrill voice nearly screamed interrupting you. Veronica quickly hid you by closing her hand around you. You could see some of what was happening through the gaps between her fingers. You saw Emily approach her clearly surprised by something.

"Hi Emily, what's the matter?" Veronica calmly asked her blonde friend.

"Don't pretend, I saw what was happening," Emily said calming herself down as she spoke.

"I don't know-" Veronica tried to answer but was interrupted

"I saw Blaise in your hand."

"What? How would Blaise fit in my hand?" Veronica said as she stealthily tossed you in between her breasts with a flick of her wrist. You were caught between her two small mountains, hidden from the world between her soft warm flesh.

"Don't play games with me, just show him to me," Emily said as she grabbed and opened Veronica's hand

"I don't know where he is."

"Fine, if he's not here than I guess you won't mind if we talk about him," She said with a smirk.

"Maybe some other time, we should really be heading to class," Veronica said in a panic.

"Oh what's the rush, we have another 30 minutes before we have to catch our next class. Remember how you were telling me how he had the dreamiest eye's," Emily said as Veronica looked away from her. "Or how about when we were guessing what he was into, Monique guessed farts because of his friends and you told us that you really hoped that was true." Veronica's face went red in embarrassment. "Oh, what about when we spent the night at your house and we found your secr-"

"Ok fine," Veronica interrupted her. "Two rules, don't tell anyone about this and don't tell him about that," she said sternly.

"Deal," Emily said much more happy now. Veronica reached into her chest and gently pulled you out. Emily's eye's widened upon seeing you, part of her still didn't think it was possible. "How'd you do it? Why did you do it? Did you abduct him? Does anyone know? How did you do it?" Emily asked fervently as she poked you and watched your reactions.

"What? No I didn't do this, are you crazy?" Veronica replied pulling you away from Emily.
"Zuemy did it, well Celeste did it but with Zuemy's inventions."

"Really? Who else knows?"

"Uh just us four I guess, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking the boys at this school would look a lot cuter at that height," Emily said with a grin.

"Emily that's messed up," Veronica said holding you close to her chest.

"Oh come on, were friends, you've told me plenty of messed up things about your fantasies, speaking of... did you do it?" She asked looking her friend in the eyes.

"...Yes, but I didn't know he was there," Veronica replied.

"Well now you have to do it, he's so small he could take it all. Imagine what it would be like knowing he was there."

"Do what?" You asked.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Veronica said as she placed you back down between her boobs.

"Are you going to surprise him? That's not a good idea, he might hate it even more." Emily said with a smile.

"What is it?" You asked curiously still not putting the clues together. Veronica looked down at you, her face was beat red from embarrassment, Emily was pushing her too far.

"Go on tell him, it's best to do it now, it's like ripping off a bandaid." Emily kept pushing her, you weren't sure how close these two were if this was how they normally interacted.

"Blaise... I want to fart on you," Veronica said flustered by the situation. There was a moment of silence as that sunk into your head, then seemingly frightened by the silence and your stare she continued, "I want you to breathe in my stink and tell me how much you love it." That only made things weirder, a longer silence went on and you stared into her eyes as she somehow managed to blush even more. "I mean... It's just a fantasy I understand if you don't want to do that, I mean how weird is that right? Yeah supper weird there's no way anyone would be into that, it was just a joke anyway. I don't even like passing ga-"

"Oh my god calm down," Emily interrupted again. "You've seen what Lillian does to him, he has to have some understanding of your fantasy."


1.          There was another long moment of silence as they waited for you to speak up. "Um, I'm not really into that, I hate it when Lillian farts on me," you said truthfully. Veronica looked like she wanted to run far away from you, she had just embarrassed herself all over again.

"Don't worry, we can train him," Emily said with a smirk.

"Like a dog?!" Veronica replied clearly offended by how her friend was acting.

"No like a boy, their simple, find out what makes them tick and you can get them to be into anything," she said grinning like some sort of demon.

"Are you sure?" Veronica asked timidly, you were surprised how fast she changed moods. Her stomach gave off a loud ominous gurgling noise.

"Positive, how about we ditch school and I'll help you train him," Emily said coolly. "He'll love it too, we just need to figure out what gets him going."

"Zuemy said he liked butts," Veronica said.

"You're not seriously considering this are you?" You asked.

"Well Blaise is it true? Are you an ass man?" Emily asked as she turned around and gave her big butt a smack. You couldn't help but stare, she giggled seeing that she had your attention. "See? This will be fun for all of us."


2.          You thought about it for a second, Veronica didn't ask to take care of you and she was willing to anyway, perhaps indulging her sexual fantasy would be a good if not the only way you could show your appreciation. You looked her in the eye's and truthfully responded "I can't say that I'll actually like it but I do want to show that I appreciate your help."

"You'll really do it?" Veronica asked surprised. "Can I put you back there for the rest of the day?"

"Only if you promise to take me out for breaks."

"Of course," Veronica said as she pulled back her shorts and panties with one hand. She picked you up in her other hand and dangled you over the abyss that was her butt. It was scary to look at and think about, you could smell the residue of her previous releases from where you were. You were starting to have second thoughts when she dropped you in.

"How sweet," Emily said as you fell to the stinky fate you had chosen for yourself.


         Emily stared at your tiny form between Veronica's tits as you thought about your options. "Maybe he just needs some motivation, Zuemy's in her advanced science class about now right?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, why, what are you up to?" Veronica asked in return.

"I think Blaise should decide to play nice before he finds his situation much more permanent."


3.          You looked at Emily in fear as you thought about being stuck like this. Some farts now was better than being small forever. "I'll do it," you said left with no other option.

"Of course if you want to keep me from changing my mind you'll have to make me happy too," Emily said grinning from ear to ear.

"I'll do it," you said sternly. Veronica looked conflicted over the whole situation, like she didn't agree with Emily but she also couldn't pass this opportunity.


4.          Veronica looked at her friend shocked by what she was threatening to do. "No," she said coldly.

"What?" Emily asked surprised.

"I want it, but not like that it has to be his choice," Veronica answered.

"... Okay, if that's what you want I'll leave Zuemy alone," Emily said as she took a step back. Neither of you could see it but Emily had her fingers crossed behind her back.
May 12, 2023