Down to a 1/10th of an inch with Zuemy
[Note: Taking artistic license on how school works, regarding Zuemy's advanced courses/sharing classes with seniors]

You shrank drastically smaller, before, Zuemy's fingers were about as tall as a two or three story house, but now they were like skycrapers.

"Zuemy, what the hell?!" You shouted and she giggled in response.

"I needed to shrink you some more to be able to add the invulnerability effect" She said and brought you closer to her eyes to get a better look at you, she was definitely fascinated with the result of her hard work.

"But what I'm going to do now?" You asked with a frustrated sigh, but then again, it's not like you were going to do much in your previous size...


1) "Well, you'll have to stick around with me while I gather enough fuel to regrow you" She said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Huh, that makes some sense... but I really would've preferred to stay at the size I was before" You lamented.

"Aww, it won't be all bad" Zuemy cooed "Besides, we haven't had much quality time lately... when was the last time we really hung out together?"

You raised an eyebrow, you were under the impression your company wasn't of much value to her. But she kind of hand a point, she'd been part of your friend group ever since starting Elementary. You wondered if you had been a bad friend, but then again she always seemed to be more Lillian's friend than yours.

"I'll even sweeten the deal" Zuemy giggled.

"Huh? How?" You were even more confused now.

"Well, I know for a fact that you love chocolate, don't you?" She said.

"Heh, well, chocolate milk is my personal poison. But a chocolate bar would be fine... though I don't think I can even eat a single square right now" You chuckled.

"Oh, don't worry about that, still, I've got plenty for you" She said, but then you noticed she was lowering you down before the hand you were on went around her waist. You were presented with the view of her massive booty, which despite her height, was almost as big as Lillian's. She had used her other hand to pull her jean shorts and panties down, making you gulp and shudder.
"I've got these two big, juicy chocolate buns" She laughed and before you could protest, she dropped you right into her crack. Once you fell in, she let the two pieces of clothing snap back into place, slingshotting you deeper into the abyss, only for a massive eruption to blow up in your face, and sadly, you instantly knew what it was, given the warmth and most importantly the smell.
'Of course, I had forgotten her damned stomach problem' You thought with an annoyed groan while you were engulfed by dark brown jell-o.


"You know? I'll be nice and make it up to you for making you like this" She said.

"How? I don't really think anything can make up for being this small..." You said with a lot of skepticism, given what just had happened.

"How about I take you to a very special somebody?" She said in a way that instantly made you blush.

"Huh?! What does that exactly mean?!" You got more flustered than you'd be willing to admit.

2) "Who were you thinking about?" Zuemy teased, and your blush intensified while you remained silent.
"I'm pretty sure you got the right person... your dream girl..." She said but you gave her a weirded look.
"What? It wasn't that hard to figure out! And I do care enough about my friends..." She said, and if it weren't for the many pranks she's pulled on you, she'd be offended you were this skeptical with her, but she admitted she earned a reputation of her own.
"I'm serious, there's no catch... well, the only catch is that I can't guarantee her reaction, I'll show you to her, explain everything, and the best we can hope is that she'll take you"

"Who...? Because I feel this could be just another way to trick me..." You crossed your arms. Zuemy, however, just smiled.

"I'm talking about Jen" She softly said, and your entire head became as red as a tomato while you felt the infamous butterflies in the stomach plus mad waves of tingles all over your body and all at once.
"I bet you'd love to climb those mountains of hers..." She giggled "See? Not all about your size's that bad..."

"Okay, we're even... and thank you very much, sorry I was skeptical" You timidly said.

"Apology accepted! Now let's go get your Viking beauty!" Zuemy said.

3) "A little birdy told me you were asked out" Zuemy said with a cheeky smile, but you froze.

"How... how did you know? Actually, nevermind, how do you even know that happened?" You said, getting increasingly more nervous.

"A magician doesn't reveal her secrets... and neither does a scientist..." She said cryptically.

"I'm pretty sure sharing scientific knowledge is a big part of being a scientist..." You snarkily replied.

"That's besides the point... Anyhow, I do know for a fact that a beautiful redhead asked you out on a date... a senior on top of that! I admit I'm surprised, I didn't think you'd be that popular with the ladies" She teased.

"I'm not... that... that was a mistake..." You said with a shaky voice. The fact that she even knew about an incident you didn't even tell anyone about was pretty friggin concerning on its own, but now the implications were far more frightening.

"I know what you mean... and it's not really such a big deal! Seriously Veronica's easily a 9 or 10, depending on how picky you are" Zuemy laughed "This would be your chance to fix that past screwup" She said in a more stern tone.

"Wait, it's not what you th-" You tried protesting but Zuemy then shoved you in her cleavage and started walking, she had to go find Veronica and (un)fortunately, she knew where to find her...

4) "Who else would I be talking about? Lillian, of course!" She said, and you responded with a deadpan look.
"What? Isn't your best friend someone very special in your life?"

"Y-Yeah but not in that way" You said.

"That's only because you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed" She giggled.
"I mean, I know she's a bit chunky, but she's still one of the prettiest girls at school. That huge booty still turns many heads, you know?" She then said, and you simply had an uncomfortable look.
"I'm pretty sure Lillian would absolutely adore to have you at this size" She said, and that's when your blood ran cold and began shuddering, your brain already imagining such a nefarious scenario.
"You could easily please dat ass and make it yours" She whispered with a giggle, and you could swear you felt your face turn blue from fear.
"Jokes aside... I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I feel like you don't know yourself..."

"What?" You asked almost by reflex.

"We both know she'll probably fart on you a lot" She smiled, but you could only feel your body get colder from terror.
"But you must know that for her it's a form of affection" She said in a surprisingly sincere-sounding tone, but it was too ludicrous for you to believe.

"How come she's not farting on you all the time then?" You asked after taking a deep breath and recovering some bravery.

"To be fair, she does sometimes, and I'm sure you know she also does on Jen on occassion... but she's said before that most of them are meant for you"

"Huh?!" You were far more baffled when you heard that.

"I'm not kidding. I swear it on my life and my prodigious brain that it's 100% true. She's told me that she mostly farts on you because that's her way to show you her affection... but maybe she could have some other motive, I honestly don't know, but she sounded sincere" She said, but then she smiled.
"Anyway... You could make your pretty best friend very happy if we showed you to her like this and let her give you all of her 'affection'. I'm pretty sure something real nice could happen" She said in a rather suggestive tone that gave you chills.

Before you could give any reply, she shoved you in her back pocket, pressed against the huge gelatinous mass that was one of her enormous cheeks, encased in jean shorts that looked almost painted on on her, and she went on her merry way to go find her friend and give her the 'good news'.


[Notes for choice 5]: Since this version of Zuemy is still more of a friend that she might be on other storylines, if you want to have her give Blaise to other people, it should be people even Zuemy could attest would like to have him, or in other words, none of their enemies, people like Emily and Toxic Lily are counted out.

Possible candidates could be:
- Lulu (her crush on Blaise's obvious enough, and she is a nice teacher to boot)
- Yamile (her feelings may be ambiguous, but she'd still be a good friend, and not one above teasing him with her sexy body)
- Cindy (she's an actual friend of hers, and knows her since Elementary)
- "Snickers" (it'd definitely be a surprise for him, but if we still go by my soft canon that she's an outcast that Blaise's been nice to it could work)
- Dolores: She's a nice lady, and as a friend of Blaise's mom, Zuemy might consider her.
- Sheila: As a good friend of Lillian's (I mean Zuemy), this is self-explanatory.
- Arianna: Zuemy in this scenario would know things Blaise doesn't, and he'd likely believe that this was a cruel betrayal on her part.

With other characters I haven't mentioned, you could make up your own reasons for Zuemy to choose them. It's just Emily and Lily that would be counted out in a logical sense, Zuemy does mean to get back to him to grow him, but that won't happen anytime soon.
May 12, 2023