Saved by Jen / Lillian / Cindy / Yamile / Zuemy...
A rather tall, imposing female silhouette became increasingly clearer as she walked closer, until she was in Celeste's full view, and illuminated enough to reveal her identity.

"Shit..." Celeste muttered under her breath, instinctively taking a step backwards.

"You have 5 seconds to hand Blaise back to me..." Jen said with an intense glare and crossed arms, making your heart skip several beats before going into overdrive, you never imagined she'd come to your rescue, let alone when you would've needed her the most. You can't believe it, but at the same you do, and are incredibly happy.

"And what if I don't?" Celeste angrily replied, trying to maintain a tough front, but her self-confidence was rapidly crumbling down.

"If you don't, I'm gonna do what I should have the moment I met you..." Jen said, cracking her knuckles. Celeste audibly gulped.


"W-Wait! This isn't even the real Blaise! Do you really belie-"


"Goddammit! It's not real, I was just ranting here..."


"Jen! This is insane! It's just a doll!"

"2..." Jen's voice got louder and her glare fixated on Celeste's eyes, whose legs were already trembling and wobbling like jelly.

"Fuck it!" Celeste decided to book it, she turned around and ran as fast as she could, fueled by an adrenaline rush that was hampered by her terrible shape and lack of exercise, she didn't even know how to properly run.

"1..." She heard, but she smiled to herself, that Jen was stupid enough to not give her chase right away. Only when she sensed something wrong did she stop, and realized she had reached a dead-end hallway. She shivered again.

"FUCK!" She quietly muttered and quickly turned around, only to nearly have a heart attack when she saw Jen standing right before her, blocking her only way out.

"Last chance... and to be honest, I'm only giving you that because you're his family... but you don't deserve it" Jen held her hand out towards her, but Celeste slapped it away, and she gave her a dangerous smirk.

"Fine. Have it your way" Was all Celeste heard before Jen lunged at her with seemingly unreal speed, punching her square in the face, making her feel as if her brain itself was madly spinning. While she was still reeling from the brutal impact, which to her felt as if a truck had just hit her, Jen threw an uppercut to her jaw, forcefully and painfully shutting her jaw.

Celeste couldn't believe it, she knew she was at an incredible disadvantage against Jen, but those two punches didn't feel like they came from a girl, they felt as if they came from a professional boxer. Everything was spinning and woozy for her, unable to handle two such powerful strikes to her head, but she remained conscious, and helplessly saw Jen's distorted form lift one foot before hitting her with a powerful kick, connecting right into her stomach, the force of which sent her crashing backwards, hitting some old, unused lockers in the mostly abandoned hallway, her spine and the back of her head felt those impacts as well, and her whole nervous system felt as if it shorted out, her limbs felt tingly and then numb, as she helplessly slid against the lockers and pathetically landed on the floor with her legs awkwardly spread, as if attempting a split.

Despite how savage and furious her attack would've seemed to an outside onlooker, her strikes were precise, and she made sure that the hand Celeste held Blaise in took no damage. The bratty girl had been left a pitiful wreck, barely conscious, denying her the mercy of slipping into the restful dark of the unconsciousness. Jen walked towards her and crouched, effortlessly grabbing Celeste's hand, which somehow still held you inside, but easily pried her fingers open and her eyes widened in surprise. She had seen it happen before her very own eyes, but seeing you up close and personal, it felt surreal to her, but she had seen and heard everything, and knew you were real, as absurd as it would've seemed otherwise. With a kind, warm smile, she carefully picked you up from her hand and stood up.

Not caring at all about the badly beaten up Celeste, she simply turned around and began walking, clutching you to her generous chest as she did. You were too stunned to say anything, and in fact, almost operated on autopilot, your body more or less reacted and moved on its own when you suddenly saw Jen's mountain-sized face, then her hands, with fingers as large as skyscrapers, but despite their size, you instinctively knew not to fear them. Now, you were protectively covered by her hand while your back rested on the incredibly soft mount that was one of her boobs... You can't help but wonder what'll happen next...

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Celeste panicked harder and harder, these footsteps were heavy, she could feel the subtle shaking of the floor after each of them. That only meant trouble. She wondered if Jen was even heavy enough to produce that kind of effect, and worried much more since she knew how strong and athletic she was, even after having quit the volleyball team a year ago, her physical prowess was close to unmatched. There was no way she'd stand up any chance in a fight, even if she fought dirty. But the floor shaking grew more intense as the intimidatingly large silhouette came closer.

When the female figure came into full view, Celeste's jaw dropped. Before her stood not Jen, but Lillian, and she was far from amused.
"You know, next time you should try telling things to people to their face... see how that goes..." She said, not bothering to hide her anger at the bratty girl, whose legs were already trembling. But her own anger hadn't been fully displaced by her fear, which probably wasn't for the best.

"So, you wanna hear it again? That you're a disgusting, fat whale of a bitch? I have no problem telling you the truth!" Celeste angrily said, with what venom she could infuse into her words, but Lillian seemingly remained unfazed, though she frowned harder.

"At least you have the guts" Lillian chuckled with a subtle smug smirk "I thought all that was but useless fat" She added, glancing at her stomach, being well-aware that it was one of the things she was highly self-conscious about.

"S-Shut up! Like you're one to speak! You're way fatter!" Celeste angrily pointed out.

"So? At least my fat gives me shape... Yours? You're just a bag of bones with some hopelessly flabby bits without any resemblance of a shape" Lillian said, confidently smiling while Celeste stuttered in shock and anger.

"But, you know, being a shapeless flabby bratty idiot is still not a crime... we live in a free world, after all..." Lillian shrugged, and her remark confused Celeste, who was still trying to come up with a good comeback. Then, suddenly Lillian walked really close to her and leaned towards her her, intimidatingly showing off their height and weight differences.
"I heard your whole little spiel..." She said in a quiet, but angry growling tone.

Before Celeste could react, Lillian's hand tightly gripped her neck, and slowly lifted her up, and she panicked harder when her feet were no longer touching the floor.
"I almost can't believe all the horrible ideas you had in that twisted stupid head of yours, but you know... knowing you, it actually makes perfect sense..." She said and tightened her grip on her neck.
"Give me 3 good reasons for which I shouldn't snap your fucking neck right now!"

Celeste gasped for air while desperately trying to use one hand to break free, but there was no way she could match Lillian's strength, as much as she hated to admit it. Her fingernails, despite being kept rather short, dug into her skin as Lillian's large hand squeezed her neck more tightly. Suddenly, acting more out of blind impulse than any planned thought, she kicked Lillian in the stomach, her feet sank for a brief moment into the slightly pudgy, soft belly, and while the impact surprised the larger girl enough to let go of her, it barely even hurt, though it did push some gas bubbles she had been holding in, and they loudly came out as a blaring fart that resonated around them.

"Ugh, always a disgusting slob..." Celeste said while trying to catch her breath, looking at Lillian, who simply smiled at her and crossed her arms again. It took her a moment to realize, as the warm, thick toxic wind surrounded her. Lillian was completely unaffected, but Celeste herself couldn't breathe, her nose and lungs burned and she desperately coughed.

"At least I'm honest about it" Lillian said, and without letting her reply, she swiftly kicked her in the stomach, Celeste felt as if one of those one-ton giant horses had just kicked her, the sheer force behind that impact was unreal, she felt the shockwave quickly travel all across her body, but the most important part here was that it hit her stomach and compressed her gut, forcefully squeezing out of her a considerable volume of gas that came out as a loud-enough-to-be-heard vibrating blast, much to her embarrassment, though even that mattered little as the sheer pain that ensued was overwhelming.

"I've known for a long while that it's not always me who stinks up the whole place... but it's easier to blame the girl that loudly farts all the time" She said, but despite that remark, she was smiling while Celeste's face looked purplish, reddened from embarrassment and anger, but also bluish as that one kick on its own knocked the wind out of her whole body... in more ways than one...

"That smell though... I know you achieve it with all the horrendous crap you eat... I mean, I do eat some gas-inducing food, but at least it tastes good on the way in" She laughed a little and crouched, lifting Celeste's face by the chin while she felt utterly powerless...
May 12, 2023
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