Decides to sell you to a new family in Nigeria
A Tiny Child Chapter 8
· original author:
She remembers a service her friend told her
About a while back, it’s a company that let’s
You sell tines and have them sold into Africa.
Without telling you you’re mother goes home
And finds a tiny pill box and places you inside.

For the last time you see you’re mothers face
As she stares down into the container.

“Well then, considering you can’t handle yourself you leave me with no choice, goodbye!”

Her coffee riddled breath spoke down into the container before she put the cap on and popped a hole in it for you to breath. She placed you into a cushioned box alongside a signed out forum.

For the next 40~ hours you couldn’t tell anything that was happening, until you heard people talking in an accent you didn’t understand while you shacked about. It felt like someone was caring the box.

Suddenly movement stopped and the pill box was picked up and opened.

You saw...
May 12, 2023
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