She asks Carolyn to step on her son...
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
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“Perhaps you should have the honors .” Elizabeth says. I imagine my mother and her massive foot entering the shoe I feel my crotch tighten in response to the thought. “Thank you.” Caroline says. I look up to see the massive appendage above me adorned with red nail polish. I stare with my mouth opened to the widest I've ever had it. Moms foot slowly fell into the shoe and my erection pointed towards the foot.

I've always had a foot fetish considering the fact that I was over exposed to them when I was younger. I mean you try to be a centimeter tall and not stare at feet. I mean I'm leveled to everyone's feet so that's what I spend most of my time looking at it's really not my fault. But I've never got physically aroused by them.As I had this inner battle with myself the foot made its way to me the toes picked me up and squeezed me. My erection was pushed into the toes but the clothes I had on stopped me from going all the way.

“Wow this is fun.” My mother says in a cheerful voice “I'll have to take him home with me this way.”, “Well I think we're done here so go ahead” Elizabeth says. The toes pull out of the shoe bringing me with them and dropped me in her shoe in a quick movement I pull off my pants and underwear and shirt. As Caroline’s foot is inserted into the shoe as I wait in the toe section of the shoe. The toes hit me and my dick in a warm embrace. My world is moved in a a up and down movement which must mean she's walking. I began to lick and rub her feet when I realize what I'm doing. “What the hell am I doing?” You pull yourself her toes and try to recover from that break down. The smell must be messing with my mind. Caroline suddenly stops. What is she doing?
May 12, 2023
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