Pulling me out of her shoe and she's angry
A Tiny Child Chapter 7
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After you regretfully commit your foul deed in your mothers shoe you begin to feel a torrent of shame wash over you and secretly hope that she does not notice. Suddenly your hopes dashed as she stops and pulls you out.

Her face turns a deep red as she pulls you and she screams '' HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT YOUR OWN MOTHER LIKE THAT, PERHAPS WE NEED ANOTHER VISIT TO ELIZABETH TO TEACH YOU MANNERS''. With your ears still ringing, she quickly scrunches her hands and uses you as a stress-ball as she stomps back into Elizabeth's office. As your still being squeezed repeatedly you writhe in pain, despite this fact you manage to hear the ominous voices of Elizabeth and your Mother in the background.

Your mother is able to feign concern as she says to Elizabeth '' Sorry to just barge back in again but could I ask a favour of you?''

''Anything'' Elizabeth replies,'' just name it''

''My son has been concerned with being crushed recently and as a caring mother I wonder if there is a way to stop that'' she lies,''I heard that their is a serum which shrinks someone to 1 mm permanently yet also makes the person indestructible and unable to die''

You mind begins to panic at the very thought of being reduced to such an incredibly insignificant size, but before you can think about it any longer you hear your doctors voice

'' I would be more than happy to help your son with that serum but first I need consent from your him as standard procedure'' she pauses then continues to say ''he needs to shout out for no and in order for him to give consent he needs to remain silent''

Your Mother thinks fast as she pushes against your torso with her finger causing you agonising pain as she drops you onto your doctors desk.

Your doctors then says to you '' Now is your last chance to speak up before I pour this serum on you''. You desperately try to scream out to her but you have been winded by your mother recent push, causing your mouths only able to mimic the action of screaming. ''Guess that's a yes'' she says as she's drops the serum onto body causing you to black out. 5 seconds later wake up to see that your mother is indescribably colossal and that her mucous infested nostrils have the capability to fit multiple sky scrapers.

You feel the vibrations as her city sized face closes in for a better look and she say ''Look at how absolutely itsy bitsy my little man is you , I bet your small enough to get lost in my toe nail dirt'' she says with a hint of malice. You start to gag at the stench of your mothers breath as you remember that she forgot to brush her teeth in the morning followed up by a garlic flavoured burrito. She is noticing you gagging at her breath tries breath in through her nose but fails due to her cold. Having a slight annoyance remembering she can't breath through her nose, she lashes out at you and with only edge of her gigantic finger nail pushes you into her snot covered filled knowing it would be an easy way to contain you. You scream for her to let you out but your voice is too small for humans to detect.

After leaving Elizabeth snorts you out onto her tissue and says '' Now since I still despise you after what you had done in my shoe, you have left me with the question on whether or not I should keep you?''
May 12, 2023
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