A Tiny Child Chapter 10
· original author:
Anna was sitting in her chair, she was incredibly bored because she already knew everything in this class. She started to take her mind off of things in the present and slip into a day-dreamish state. Anna was grinding her bottom into her chair and flexing her thighs, she became hyper aware of the imperfections on her seat. She started grinding her clit through the fabric of her clothes on the knob, she was becoming very lustful, and her dream she had the night before didn't help her one bit. She was lucky her shirt was long because it covered her crotch that was now showing a small wet spot.

In the latter half of her first class, English, you awoke suddenly. Before you even open your eyes you feel your throbbing erection, much powerful than you've ever experienced before. You open your eyes and you see a very dark and faint glow coming from a small area and a bunch of glistening twinkling stars. You hear movements similar to when you put your arm on your ear shake it. You feel movements, a substance that felt like dried snot covering almost your entire body, a creamy liquid that seeped and flowed all around you, and the heat of not only the fleshy wall but the air. The air smelt amazing it was making you incredibly hard and it kept distracting you, there was a mist in the air that got into your mouth leaving a creamy taste on your mouth. Where were you!?

You could feel the dried snot giving way as everything heated up and as the cream covered it. You moved your arms and legs and broke free from the hold. This must be a dream, like in the movies where the main character wakes from a horrible dream only to wake up into another one. You take your a few steps and you slip and slide around in the wet cave until you go flying into a small pool of the liquid. You felt the cave around you pulse and squirm and you heard a quiet roar. Perhaps you were stuck in a dragon's nostril!?

You were brought back into reality as you heard something familiar, 3 dings from a bell. Wait, a school bell! You remembered the events from last night, you were trapped inside the most precious cave that belonged to the girl named Anna! You felt a rapid ascension as she stood up, and then massive quakes as she walked to her next class! You tumbled around with all of her sexual fluids occasionally hitting a wall and feeling a spasms, eventually everything stopped and you remained glued to a wall. After feeling the descending feel of an elevator you squirmed and rolled onto the slippery floor.

Anna reached her next class with a sigh, it was economics, her mother was an accountant and financial supervisor, she was taught all of this in the third grade. She sat her massive rear into the chair, after a few moments she felt her groaning genitals. She was slightly embarrassed because she let out an inaudible moan, but she knew no one heard it. She lifted the bottom of her sweater that was covering the massive wet spot on her crotch. She felt the feeling again and began to rub herself some more, until the second half of class where she instead calmed herself down. Her next class was rather uneventful, but her final class was a test on her will. Her boyfriend, Luke, was in the class he would appreciate her moans and all but not everyone else.

Your slippage had caused her to become extremely aroused until later where she relaxed. Her next class you ended up dried to a wall that was facing the entrance of her pussy, the smell was too intense to relax. But, you were stuck, she had to be in music class and the loud sounds took precedent than her arousal. However, in her final class you thought you were going to drown! You felt that Anna was extremely close to orgasming at any second. You resisted the urge to squirm, the consequences would be much worse than what you were dealing with now. Throughout the intense hormones you slid into a small tunnel, her cervix and you were fearful. Luckily Anna was going home, so she calmed some, but you knew that she was about to finish what she started.

Anna entered her house and then her room shutting the door behind her and stripping nude Anna laid on her bed and began rubbing herself. The intense arousal she felt today had made herself too hormonal to wait until tomorrow.

The intense fluids seeped until only a second later she blasted, at least it was short and sweet.

What happened to you?
May 12, 2023