Soap Scum
A Tiny Child Chapter 8
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As the soap approaches the butthole, you prepare to grab on hoping to free yourself. The soap gets to the butthole when Anna starts to scrub. The force of the soap pushes you against her tight sphincter. The force also begins to indent you into the soap a bit. As Anna finishes cleaning the area, she moves the bar of soap to her other cheek. Your body is indented into the soap and you go along with it. You get pressed and rubbed against Anna's giant soft butt cheek. The bar of soap is finally pulled away from her butt and brought around to her front. You look up at the girl and wave trying to get her attention but she is completely unaware of her friend's brother. You feel the soap begin to lower until it is even with her upper thighs. You stare directly in front of you with your mouth wide open. You're staring directly at Anna's vagina.

You don't know how to feel right now, scared? horny? maybe a little of both? Your fears are made worse when you feel the bar of soap begin to accelerate forward. You gulp as you get closer and closer to her womenhood. You finally feel your body make contact. It's warm and soft. You actually enjoy the smell and how wet it is. Anna rubs the soap against herself smearing you into her pussy. You begin to come out of the indent your in. "Oh shit, I'm slipping," you say.

Anna pulls the bar of soap away and places it on a shelf. You aren't on it. You were left behind between Anna's labias. Anna turns the water off and dries herself with a towel just barely missing you. "Crap, I'm on her pussy," you say concerned, "I need to get out of here." You can feel Anna walk. She walks into her bedroom and...
May 12, 2023
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