Should have gotten a bigger suit
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
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Anna places the suit on floor. You're between her two feet gazing up and your sisters giant friend. If you weren't so terrified about what was about to happen, you might actually enjoy the view of Anna's ginormous ass from below. You struggle to get yourself free one last time and call for help but you're too small for Anna to notice you. Suddenly, Anna reaches down and grabs the sides of the suit and begins to pull it up. You scream out as you're lifted up into the air. You close your eyes as Anna's butt gets closer and closer to you as you sore upwards. It finally ends in a SMACK!

You feel a soft and warm surface under the front of your body. You open your eyes and you look around. You wonder where you are. You can't seem to move. Just then the soft surface beneath you starts to jiggle. Anna is checking herself out in the mirror and you notice where you are. You can see the mirror from where you are and you spot yourself in the center of her right butt cheek. Your lower half is trapped underneath the swimsuit which would explain why you couldn't move. You're shocked that even though you're only half an inch tall, that she can't see you.

"Damn, I got a nice ass," Anna says right before she gives her right cheek a nice slap.

The slap disoriented you for a few seconds while the surface beneath you ripples.

"Time for practice," Anna says as she leaves the bathroom.

You're a little nervous, her butt jiggles and shakes as she walks. You can feel how tight the suit is and every few steps the suit rides up Anna's butt just a little bit. You can feel yourself getting dragged closer to the center when the suit moves.

"Is that a new suit," you hear a girl say.

"Yeah, I think I got it a few sizes too small though," Anna responds.

The comment made you worry more. As Anna was talking to friends waiting for practice to start she would do some slight butt shakes and jiggles, not intentionally. Each time would cause her suit to slide just a little further up her butt. Anna didn't seem to mind the slight wedgie, She was used to it from the suits. You actually started to enjoy you position. You couldn't ever imagine being this close to such a big butt, let alone literally on it. And it was so soft and warm and squishy. The jiggles felt nice against your body. Unfortunately for you, you naive bliss would be brought to an end by an approaching shadow. You look to see what's causing the shadow and to your shock, it was Anna's other butt cheek. The suit rode up so far that it dragged you all the way to the inner side of her butt cheek.

"Holy shit," you say as you stare at the giant fleshy globe. You look and you notice that if you slid any further in you'd be between the two cheeks. You don't even get a chance to think about how to get out of this situation when Anna bends over to stretch. The suit slides all the way up and takes you with it. Lucky for you, because Anna was bent over, the massive meaty walls were parted, unlucky for you, Anna was standing back up strait. Anna stands up and the two giant ass cheeks slam together.

Horrified, you thank the fact that your small form makes you more durable, and also that Anna's butt is so squishy that it didn't really hurt. Although, you don't quite know what to do about being stuck all the way between Anna's butt cheeks. Honestly you liked the way it felt when her butt jiggled and the feeling of her cheeks sliding against each other when she walked. You start to lose the will to try to free yourself.

One of the girls says that there might be a storm coming and practice might be cancelled. What happens?
May 12, 2023
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